Hi there...Please could I have some help interpreting these results? I'm currently self medicating with 25ug of T3 and some vitamin supplements. I don't have any support from GP for my thyroid although I have been symptomatic for many years (hypothyroid).
Medichecks results - interpretation please - Thyroid UK
Medichecks results - interpretation please

How do you feel on this dose? Your results suggest you may need to add some Levothyroxine into the mix
Do you have raised Thyroid antibodies?
Have you had vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 tested?
Thanks for the reply SlowDragon. I feel a lot better taking some medication than none at all but I don't feel it's balanced..
I also received the advice below from the Doc who interpreted the results on Medichecks. I don't have any levels from this test in regards to the Vit d etc except to say that my B12 is always really high. I'm taking the results of this test to my GP to see if I can get any help.
....I understand that you are taking this test as you are currently taking t3 medication for your hypothyroidism.
Your thyroid stimulating hormone is low and you have a slightly low free thyroxine which suggests that your T3 dose is too high. You should discuss this further with your doctor who can advise you whether to reduce your dose.
Having very low levels of thyroid stimulating hormone for several years has been associated with the development of osteoporosis. If your thyroid stimulating hormone always tends to be substantially below the normal range then it may be worth discussing with your GP whether a bone density scan is advised to monitor for the development of osteoporosis. You do not need to worry about the occasional low reading, only if you get repeated very low levels.
Overall I would advise discussing your visual problems further with your GP.
I hope that you have found this information useful and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.
Well, I wouldn't discuss it with my GP, because he wouldn't have any more idea what he was looking at than the Medichecks doctor does. What a load of rubbish! How can a low FT4 suggest that you're taking too much T3? It's the FT3 that tells you that. Even the TSH doesn't tell you that because taking T3 suppresses the TSH, anyway.
As for a suppressed TSH causing osteoporosis, being 'associated with' does not mean the same thing as 'causes'. Suppressed TSH doesn't cause osteoporosis.
So, your FT3 is just under mid-range. For some people that might be fine. For others, it would be too low. Same for the FT4. I'm perfectly fine with zero T4, but some people need it a lot higher in the range. It's all trial and error to find what suits you.
I'm taking the results of this test to my GP to see if I can get any help.
I'm not sure how you think this is going to help your case with the GP. If he wouldn't help you before, I don't see how these results are going to convince him. The TSH is suppressed, and that's usually all they look at. He's more likely to pronounce you hyper than hypo. He'll certainly with you're over-medicated. GPs just know so little about thyroid, I'm afraid. What were your results like before you started taking T3?
Hello Greygoose.. Thanks for your response!..I have to say I'm a beginner with self medicating. I've been unwell 20+ years but always within 'limits' with GP tests. I began seeing a functional medicine practitioner a year ago and the result then were as follows..
Free T4= 1.4 (0.7-2.5 )
Free T3= 2.6 (2.4 - 4.2)
TSH 1.2. ( 0.5 - 3.0)
TPOab 11 ( 0 - 150)
So T3 improved but I'm still very much in a grey area. I struggle with aching muscles joints everyday and take magnesium and wear a HRT patch (oestrogen/progesterone) ..Always always cold..I also have a lot of sore throat type symptoms - currently I'm producing a lot of mucus in the mornings. Also struggle with daily eyesight problems - very blurry then generally gets better throughout the day.
Keto/paleo diet for the past year. I've also started taking 2 x metavive 1V a day. I can't function without some intervention for thyroid but I feel completely in the dark as to what/how much to take. I don't think I'm taking enough but some days I can feel a bit hyper albeit wired.
As with everyone else - no joy from the GP - but from what you're saying the response from the medichecks doc seems rather uniformed also?
Any advice greatly received.
Many thanks
The response from the Medichecks' doctor is totally uninformed! He doesn't have a clue! lol
I would say that your original results - the one's you've put in your response - are indicative of Central Hypo - low TSH and low Frees. Central Hypo is when the problem comes from the pituitary (Secondary Hypo) or the hypothalamus (Tertiary Hypo) rather than the thyroid itself (Primary Hypo). For some reason, not enough TSH is produced to stimulate the thyroid to make more hormone. With that low FT3, your TSH should have been much higher.
Central Hypo is believed to be very, very rare. It isn't. But, most GPs have never seen a case, and never heard of it even, so they don't look for it, or recognise it when it's staring them in the face.
Did you ever see an endo? You might have had a better chance with one if he was a bit clued up.
Was it your functional medicine practitioner that put you on T3 only? He doesn't seem very clued up, either. Not the best way to start thyroid hormone replacement. Besides, the thing is, the pituitary doesn't just make TSH, it makes a lot of other hormones like ACTH and HGH, and they too could be low and causing symptoms. They should be tested for. If you do have Secondary Hypo, it's possible that just treating the hypo isn't going to make you well. The other low hormones could need supplementing too.
So, those results really aren't going to cut any ice with your GP. I doubt your functional medicine practitioner really understands them, either.
Oh dear - this isn't sounding too good in relation to getting some help. Does HealthUnlocked have any links to private endo's by any chance? I'm not really sure what to do next ...
I know. The situation is dire. People just don't understand how ignorant most doctors are.
But, just because an endo is private, doesn't mean he's any better informed than an NHS endo - they had the same education. So, unless he takes a special interest in thyroid, he's not going to be much help.
Far better to do as cazmania7 says and get the list of recommended doctors - not necessarily endos - from Dionne. They are recommended by people on the forum - not by TUK - so, when you've found one that is nearest to you, write another post to get feedback from those that have seen him (or her, of course) to see if he's what you need.
Hi again Greygoose - I've been trying to find info re private endo's - is this something I could ask for in a post?
Many thanks
Hey if you contact Dionne at thyroid uk they have a list of endos. You can also write a post asking for recommendations in a certain area. I’ll see if I can find the details for dionne
Many thanks cazmania7 - I've looked on their site this afternoon but they state they don't send out info for endo's?
If you email Dionne just ask for the list of Drs who have an interest in thyroid conditions. You will be emailed the info. I just went on to thyroid uk website and the instructions to do this are on there 😀
tukadmin@thyroiduk.org. Email Dionne and ask for the list 😀