It has been such a scary week and half for me and I have literally felt like am going insane several times! Hope someone can help me out with this one. Let me start from the beginning - I had a fever for over a week (around 37.8-38.4) and I thought that it must be some sort of a viral infection because I didnt have any other symptoms. Then, about 4 days later, I started to feel severe chest pain, backpain, throat pain, throat swelling, joint aches, eyelids got bit swollen, anxiety, panic attacks, nervousness, you name it. Went to the GP and resting heart rate was over 100 and blood pressure was over 140/90 (btw, I am 31yrs female). He told me to do blood tests and thyroid ultrasound. Here are my results:
TSH 2.53 (ref.range 0.50-4.00)
T4 16.8 (ref.range 10.0-23.0)
T3 5.1(ref.range 3.5-6.5)
Anti-thyroid peroxidase 194 (ref. range below 60)
Anti-thyroglobulin 318 (ref. range below 60)
All my other bloodtests came back normal, iron etc. So no problems in other areas.
My thyroid ultrasound said the following that my "gland was not englarged. The texture was somewhat heterogeneous. Mild increase of vascularity was seen. No solid or cystic nodules was detected. Chronic thyroiditis is quite likely."
I have booked an appointment with a specialist to discuss about my condition. I was also prescribed some propranolol as my heart rate has been high and I have suffered from anxiety attacks because it feels like I cant breathe properly and my throat has swelled or feels tight. Has anyone had the same? I was almost sure that this was subacute thyroiditis as it started to suddenly. Thoughts?