Hi folks,
I am new to this board since yesterday so being doing a lot od reading on posts on here and its just so so helpful.
I am still awaiting my bloods, hopefully tomorrow and ultrasound this week on my enlarged goitre on the right hand side of my neck.
Im just wondering with subacute thyroiditis is it possible to have an enlargement on one side? or would it enlarge the whole thyroid?
I ask this because mt face on the side of the goitre and been swollen, my eye keeps watering, my ear is sore too, I also felt my neck was warmer on the side of the goitre. However yesterday I started taking nurofen and the swelling in my face has really come down.
I also today feel like my throat on either side is sore and a heaviness in my chest like a chest infection, hard to explain. I had a rasher in a fry earlier and it stung going down? TMI haha but Im just wondering if I have a infection of some sort?
sorry for the long winded post. Im just all confused. My doctor told me I had a nodule on my thyroid, Then he said he was a goitre.
Someone here on a post said a goitre is an enlarged goitre not something on it. so would that rule out a nodule?
This swelling seem to come up over night aswell. sorry again for the ramle.
Any advice would be great , thanks so much. x