Hi Folks Id like some recommendations on good selenium supplements that can help raise T3 levels. I tried Brazil nuts but can’t seem to tolerate them at all - with my IBS flaring up whenever I take any. Thanks in advance!
Selenium supplement recommendations please? - Thyroid UK
Selenium supplement recommendations please?

Selenium l-selenomethionine or a yeast bound selenium for best absorption, don't buy selenite or selenate forms as they have poor absorption.
I like Cytoplan selenium as it is a very small tablet with no odour, a lot of selenium supplements have an unpleasant odour
It's frequently on 3 for 2.
Although it's a yeast bound selenium it's suitable for people with Candida and yeast sensitivities.

Hi Camomile 1, I followed Seaside Susie’s advice re Selenium l-selenomethionine. I was wary of Brazil nuts, as you can’t be certain how much selenium they contain. I take 200mg supplement to help with Hashi and TED symptoms. Hope they work for you!👍
If you can get KAL products in the UK, their selemethionine 100 mcg (I take two) is a high quality product with cellulose, steric acid and silica as its only fillers. And it’s not smelly. I have also used Pure Encapsulations - a prescription grade supplement - but they smell.
I find the best selenium supplement to take is the BioCare Nutrisorb Liquid Selenium. The dose is one drop (not dropperful) twice a day, or as it take it 2 drops once a day in a little water.
Forgot to put - can be taken sub-lingually, which is probably better.
l-selenomethionine in capsules for me, but I would test it before and after, I talked to a Prof who specialises I selenium, even though us, Hashis, are low in it, our bloods might show elevated levels, that doesn't mean we have too much, but you do need a benchmark. He also said that selenium, even once discontinued, gives you effects up to 6 months
Thanks to all for your recommendations!