Hello has anyone ever tried selenium supplement? If so any results ? Thank you to any advice in advance xx
Selenium supplement?: Hello has anyone ever tried... - Thyroid UK
Selenium supplement?
Having typed Selenium into the SEARCH box above your post - almost 1500 other posts appeared - am sure there will be some answers there for you. If not then come back to the Forum and ask ...
Thank you for your info . I'm not sure where this search box is ? But I will look for it not sure if it's coz I'm using the app but i will have a look around for it thank you I didn realise we could just put things in a search box but thank you 😊

Above your heading - SELENIUM SUPPLEMENT - there are 6 headings - one of them is SEARCH - click and then type in your request. You could of course be right - it could be different on an App I have posted the link in my first reply - so you can click onto that for Selenium information ...
Have just clicked onto your Profile and realised this is your first post on Thyroid UK - - I did not say Welcome ! - apologies
Have you had your thyroid condition diagnosed ? Selenium is often suggested to help with reducing Thyroid anti-bodies with Hashimotos. It is also known to bind with mercury in the body and helps with de-toxing.
I see you have been diagnosed with fibro too. A difficult condition to manage and I really hope you have had low thyroid or Hashimotos ruled out. Also Low levels of nutrients can be the cause of pain - like Low B12 - Folate - Ferritin and VitD. All need to be OPTIMAL rather than bumping along the bottom of the range. Everyone will be more than happy to help you with understanding your test results if you are happy to share them ...
No worries Marz , apparently thyroid is normal not sure about the hashmitos I guess this would be in with the thyroid test, anyway upon lots of research including links from the thyroid group thyroid has been known to be dismissed in fibromyalgia and tests coming back as normal and specialist online have suggested treating thyroid can ease fibromyalgia symptoms so obviously I won't be treated from the gp for this so I'm going to try herbal supplement and see if it helps I have tried ashwagandha and find it helps in many ways but it puts weight on me so I've stopped after reading a post on fibromyalgia treatment coming from a thyroid treatment so this is why I'm going to try selenium I got it from an article I have tried and tested many many vitamins and supplement a and currently I do take bit d and just started b12 but not the others you mentioned xx

Sadly when the GP says 'normal' - it can mean many things - but it is only an opinion and not a result You need the actual results from your surgery - the ones you are legally entitled to have. Please request them - you need the actual copies - and then post the results of the Thyroid Tests in a new post - so more people see them. Sadly the NHS only test the TSH and declare you normal - this is only part of the story - and you need the other tests mentioned by SlowDragon - TSH - FT4 - FT3 and Anti-bodies TPO & Tg.
Sadly not all these tests are available on the NHS and so many people do not have a thyroid diagnosis and therefore do not find wellness. It really is worth saving up for the Private Testing - done in the comfort of your own home with finger prick tests. These companies are used by 1000's on this forum - to receive a diagnosis not available in the NHS and also to ensure the treatment is correct.
I am also a member of the fibro forum and am so sad when I read of so many members suffering when the correct thyroid testing is absent and they are told fine. Thyroid hormones - especially T3 - are needed in every cell of the body - so when LOW in range there is not enough to go around. Rather like trying to spread a teaspoon of butter on a whole loaf ! T3 is very rarely tested - ooops !
Click onto my username and you can take a couple of minutes to read my Profile .... I was once diagnosed with Fibro back in 2000 ...
It might be more useful, rather than simply asking if others have taken selenium, to say what your own problems/issues are, and why you're thinking of supplementing with selenium. Folks can then make suggestions accordingly. Do you have a diagnosed thyroid disorder for instance, are you optimally medicated, do you have blood test results you would like members to comment on?
Thank you for your reply you can read above for the answer to this question. Thank you xx

I see you state that your thyroid test results were 'normal' but unfortunately to Drs that means only that they are somewhere within the reference range, which may not be normal, never mind optimal, for you. It is probably not the case that you were tested for thyroid antibodies, but I'm guessing from you saying that "I guess that this would probably be in with the thyroid tests" that you haven't yourself, seen those results. In order to manage our health, we absolutely do need to have copies of the results of any tests carried out, and we are legally entitled to them. If you've not therefore already got them, a good start point would be to ask the receptionist (you don't need to see the Dr) to print off a copy of the latest thyroid and any other blood tests you've had carried out recently, and then post them here if you'd like help with them. It may be that like many of us, you need to have a more comprehensive set of tests carried out privately, including vitamins and minerals for instance, to identify any deficits that may be creating or exacerbating your health issues, from which you can make informed decisions about supplementation.

If you suspect a thyroid problem you need FULL testing, not just TSH
For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested. Also extremely important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12
Low vitamin levels are extremely common, especially if Thyroid antibodies are raised
Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and fasting. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip, best not mentioned to GP or phlebotomist)
Private tests are available. Thousands on here forced to do this as NHS often refuses to test FT3 or antibodies or the relevant vitamins
Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have special offers, Medichecks usually have offers on Thursdays, Blue Horizon its more random
If you addd any results you have already had, members can comment
Or come back with new post once you have results and ranges
Rather than reply to you all individually i will reply here . Firstly thank you alk for all yr advice. I have not got my results but i will ring and ask for them altho the last time i rang and asked for access to my medical records she said i have to go fikk a form in and hand it in to them. I guess i will have to do ot this way. So maybe a waiting game. But one that sounds worthwhile from all your replies. So this will now be on my to do list. Also i guess i need to do alot of private tests aswell im guessing thats going to be costly perhaps this is why NHS wont do them i just assumed the nhs did all mine as i had lots of blood tests done. Thyroid was testing in an afternoon appointment tho separately and was told no fasting was needed hmm i wonder if this made a difference then..i will research these tests in all yr replies and i will go about getting my results too and post up here.. thank you all so much i really appreciate all yr help xx

The tests are not expensive - if I was a conspiracy theorist - I would say it is so patients do not have the full story and find wellness. So much money to be made from an undiagnosed thyroid - PPI's - Statins - endless pain killers - blood pressure pills - Anti-depressants and so on. Thyroid Meds are not expensive to make so not billions of dollars to be made and yet it is one of the most prescribed meds in the UK. Sorry - I am thinking outside the box ...
You need to take some ID with to you register for online access to your medical record
Fibromyalgia is often linked to low FT3. NHS refuses to test FT3 unless TSH is significantly outside normal range
NHS rarely test TPO Thyroid antibodies, and almost never test TG thyroid antibodies unless TPO test positive. Nether tend to be tested unless TSH is out of range.
It's more unusual to have high TG antibodies and low TPO antibodies, but it's not rare
Literally thousands on here forced to test privately
Full Thyroid and vitamin testing is usually £99 plus £25 if want to pay for private blood draw, rather than free DIY finger prick option
Often on offer at £79 on Thursdays from Medichecks
Rang doctors receptionist said i got go an fill a form in to gain access to these and said will take around 3 weeks so i will update with results when i receive them. Thank you everyone xx

I think the Form filling is to enable you to have on-line access. You will need Enhanced Access to see results on-line - and remember to take ID with you ! They can easily print off your results for you - I think they are being difficult. This often happens from reading this forum for the last seven years Tell them you will be in to collect copies of results from the last few years - in the next few days. I live in Crete - we have to keep all our own records - very grown up !!
I do have online ascces via patient access this is where i make appointments and order repeat prescriptions she said she can addnom the medical records and results from tests but it is a seperate form for this. Yes she said bring my id again as i did with the first form for using patient access i just dnt have access to the medical notes on it which is strange. But yes sounds like there being difficult doesnt it. I hope in the 3 week wait it doesnt turn out to be what i dnt want i will double check with questions when i go to fill the form later today. I would like my notes too that are on file aswell as results of all tests i wonder if i can have results of my xrays thats have been done too 🗨 would be good to have these i think xx

You are entitled to have actual copies of results with ranges - surely they do not want to break the law. Gently remind Receptionist. 😊 You do not have to wait three weeks for results to be posted on-line. Yes you can have your medical records including any reports of x-rays too. It's all on NHS website ... sorry cannot do links on my phone - sigh ! Hope all goes well with the Doc ...
Hi I started taking selenium and my thyroid antibodies have gone from 378 to 300 in 2 years not fantastic but at least it’s down - my levothyroxine dose is not right and I’m trying to get that changed. Good luck - I also take vit d supplement and I am trying others soon