Hey it's been a week since taking liothyronine sodium and I feel great meaning tiredness has reduced rapidly and aches and pains have reduced so much more alert now so fingers crossed but (yes there is a but) down side I have started to get heart and stomach burning dont know if it is tablets but has started same time as started taking T3. Going to see if I can get a different brand.
Liothyronine sodium : Hey it's been a week since... - Thyroid UK
Liothyronine sodium

Hi Yazz1, good news that you feel better. T3 can be tricky to adjust. How much are you taking? Has endo asked you to keep in touch with developments? What brand do you have? How much has your Levo been reduced by?
Hi, and Thank you, i was originally on 100mg levo to 125mg levo alternative But endo said my levels were high and she wanted to reduce it to 75mg levo. She said she will trial the liothyronine for 3mnths and said to take the lio half in the morning which she assumed would be half of 25mg of lio with 50mg of levo. The pharmacist said they didnt have 25 so they give me 20mg liothyronine and said to take 10mg in morning with 50mg levo then 10mg lio in evening. The thing is I cant take it in evening especially since I've eaten as my stomach gets bad. So I just took it all in morning on empty stomach. The first day I was fine but in evening I started getting alittle heartburn I assumed it was because I've eaten something but then the rest of the week alday and night I was constantly getting heartburn after I'd taken the tablets. It's never happened with levo on it's own. The upside was straight away i started feeling more alert less tired more active with the added liothyronine as levo on it's own never felt this good, The weeks been great. Minus the heartburn. The lio brand is Teva.
It sounds as if T3 definitely helps, it’s a pity you have Teva though. I think it would be better to take it in two doses am & pm to make sure that it isn’t the big spike from the total dose that’s causing the problem. It’s said that T3 can be taken close to food with no problem and I’ve certainly had no problems doing so. I can’t take Teva though.

Previous post showed low vitamin D
Have you been improving all four vitamins

Are you taking T3 as 2 split doses?
As you have Hashimoto's are you on strictly gluten free diet?
Try taking one anti-histamine tablet one hour before your next dose to see if it alleviates your problem. If it does you will have to change to another make of T3.
What does the anti-histamine do?
Lowers any allergic reaction that you might have re fillers.
Thank you. I’m still struggling with t3, I think. It’s hard to identify the problem. I’ve been so shaky since I started taking it. Might be not enough T4 or t3 or none of the above. I’m a wreck right now. Barely able to function.
It is early days I think for you. If you have been hypo for a long time it may take your body a whole to balance. I am about to add t3 to levo and my endo has said that she reckons I need to give it a trial of 6 months to a year. That's her plan. Take it slowly and accept each day as it comes. Rest if you need to. It is difficult when you feel ill and long for better days. I am on the same journey. You are not alone.
Lalatoot, I’m sorry you are going through the same thing. It’s just a nightmare. I’ve been ill for seven, going on eight months. However, the t3/T4 combo is relatively new. Some days, I feel like I’m dying. The symptoms are overwhelming. I burst into tears when I crawl back in the bed. I just hate my bed anymore. Enough of my complaints. I appreciate you jumping in to remind me I’m not alone. Greekchick and others have been very encouraging, too. One day at a time. I read that some folks are doing well. Hopefully, that will be us soon.
Hi just want to say just like lalaloot is saying you r not alone I've been struggling for over 25years ups and down my thyriod has never been stable until now I'm trialling Lio so dont give up alot of supportive people on here better than gps no one will give up on you here everyone has been absolutely amazing on here even though I forget to update or post because of my terrible brain fog no one judges you just Amazing supportive people..
Hi ok I've only taken my levo this morning, I've been on the liothyronine a week now 20mg with 50mg levo and the effects of it has been amazing waking up feeling great energised active great alday. Down side heartburn and stomach burning. As I've got the weekend off back to work Wednesday I thought I'd not have the lio to see if it is that causing the heartburn. Will try anti -histamine tomorrow see what happens. Will update Tuesday. And Thank you for support means alot.
Adding 20mcg of liothyronine has the 'effect' of 60 to 70mcg of T4. It goes directly into the T3 receptor cells (we have millions) and usually -if we're already taking thyroid hormone replacements - our original dose of levo is reduced and then T3 increased gradually, i.e. 5mcg of lio to start and increased slowly every couple of weeks till symptom-free.
Ok so because originally I was on 100mcg of levo alternative 125mcg endo wanted to reduce it to 75 so she then said to take 12mcg of lio with 50mcg levo and the rest half of lio in evening as she assumed I'd be getting 25mcg of lio.but pharmacy said they only had 20 and to take half morning and half evening I cant take my thyroid meds in evening as a get loose bowel and stomach cramp I have to have them on empty stomach. Its 2nd day now I'm not taking lio just levo feel tired lazy stomach still abit off but not much burning as I did when was taking 50 levo and 20 lio all last week I did that as I said felt awesome generally but down side the heartburn and and stomach burning. So what would you recommend how to take my levo and lio? The T3 I was getting before I was put on the trial by endo I didnt get any issues, i was taking 50 levo and 25 T3 that was great no effects at all just felt great they were from unipharma. Alot of people are saying Teva brand isnt good and hasn't worked for me.
I've never separated doses (i.e. T4/T3 or NDT) and found it much easier to have one daily dose with one full glass of water and wait an hour before eating. I found one daily dose suited me and didn't have to be reminded that I have to take another dose or two during the day.
Maybe the following, by one of TUK's Advisers (now deceased) and who was an expert in the use of T3 and NDT (he'd never prescribe levothyroxine at all) will be helpful.
Same as I take mine in one dose early morning when I get up for work round 6ish then have breakfast around 9 when I get into work. Sorry I didnt understand the last part you wrote.
(Maybe the following, by one of TUK's Advisers (now deceased) and who was an expert in the use of T3 and NDT (he'd never prescribe levothyroxine at all) will be helpful.) Can you please explain? Sorry..
The link I gave above i.e. 'naturalthyroid solutions' is by Dr John Lowe who was an adviser to Thyroiduk before his accidental death.
His whole website was removed when he died, which is a pity as it contained lots of brilliant information. He only took one blood test for the initial diagnosis and thereafter it was all about relief 'of symptoms' and dose gradually increased until symptom-free which is explained in the above link.
Hi, which brand T3 are you taking? NHS or buying it yourself?
I'm taking Teva it has been prescribed by endocrinologist. I was getting some for a while T3 that was amazing no side effects but that came to an end as person who was getting it couldn't get extra as they were going abroad for it. This was before endo prescribed it.
Thanks for replying. Teva is not good. Can’t use that brand ... so worrying there seems to be no choice and they chose to give a brand that doesn’t suit the majority of patients. How are you feeling on Teva.
As I said in my first post it's been working wonders feeling great not tired or cold just been energised and happy for once in my life..lol but down side heartburn and stomach burning. So today I've just taken levo to see if it is liothyronine that's causing heartburn. Been advised on here to try taking anti-histamine 1hour before meds to see if side effects stop.
Sorry... you said so, good. I wonder whether it’s possible to have another brand of T3 prescribed by NHS. Many people have problems with Teva because of fillers. Good luck.
Think that the fillers that cause problems are in TEVA levothyroxine. The fillers in TEVA T3 are the same as in other T3s.
I don't know where that comes from but it is simply not true. All three UK formulations of liothyronine tablets are different one from another.
Other ingredients consist of the pharmaceutical excipients, namely microcrystalline cellulose, maize starch, pregelatinised starch, colloidal anhydrous silica and magnesium stearate.
Mercury Pharma
The other ingredients are lactose, maize starch, powdered acacia, sodium chloride, magnesium stearate, industrial methylated spirit, and purified water.
The other excipients are: lactose monohydrate, partially pregelatinized maize starch, spray dried acacia, sodium chloride and magnesium stearate
Apologies for the misinformation. I looked on the Thyroid uk website and I thought I had compared T3 brands from a list on there.
Thanks Rod for clarification. So does it mean the only T3 brands provided by the NHS have the same or very similar fillers that those contain in Tiva brand?
If that’s the case then it’s not great news for me and many others who can’t tolerate Tiva.
Do you know if the NHS can provide any other T3 brand, like the German brand whose name escapes me now - thyvon?
I think the differences are significant - for example, two contain acacia, to which quite a few are intolerant.
Thybon Henning (and others like the USA liothyronines, the French Cynomel) can be prescribed. It is up to the doctor to do their checking and prescribe appropriately for the patient.
But I am not at all clear what the problem is likely to be in Teva liothyroxine. It does not contain mannitol, the possible issue in Teva levothyroxine.
Many thanks for replying. So I could request to be prescribed Thybon Henning or Cynomel if the endo agrees to a 3 month trial of combination T4/T3?
Hi helvella your right the T3 is different as before my Trial of lio of endo I managed to get some T3 that was from unipharma and that was great no side effect was really happy with those, but unfortunately that came to an end so when endo finally agreed to trial the hospital pharmacy gave me Teva brand the effects of it was generally great no tiredness alert active better mood. But down side heartburn and stomach burning. So must be something in the Teva brand that's causing such bad heartburn and stomach burning.
I will ask the pharmacist on Tuesday when I was taken T3 before i was prescribed by endo it was great i started 12mcg in morning with 75mcg of levo not much different then I increased T3 to 25mcg with 50mcg of levo felt alot better but still alittle groggy so I then took 50mcg of T3 and 50mcg of levo felt amazing no side effects felt best ever. Unfortunately that supply finished so went to endo she said take half in morning n half evening. But I just taken 50mcg levo and 20mcg lio felt great but alot of heart burn chest and stomach today just took levo and feel low but heart burn has stopped. So definitely know it's the liothyronine.
Incidentally which brand did you use to take before Teva, you said it was amazing?
The brand before Teva I'm not sure on as the person who used to send me them sent them without the box the foil packet said T3 but I will ask them name of brand.
If you describe the tablets - all markings from both sides - it will almost certainly be easy to identify them. Post back the details.