Hi, My gp insisted that I have a bone scan. I had it done last week. I had a long talk with the operator at the time. I had previously had a scan in 2009. The operator told me that the machine used back then was very old and for some reason unknown to her it was always used on the lowest possible resolution. As a result she told me that she was unable to tell me what my previous bone density had been or to use that result in any way to compare with my current bone density.
Yesterday, I had a phone call from the receptionist at my surgery. She told me that my gp needed to speak to me about my loss of bone density due to my being over medicated with thyroid meds.
She refused to tell me the actual result of my test. I am having a thyroid blood draw tomorrow so hope I will get an actual result from the nurse, failing that I have an appointment to see the gp on Monday.
I would like to know why my gp blames my "over medication" when I've actually been under medicated for four years. I have done some research and it seems that women should expect to lose up to 20% of their bone density within five years of completing the menopause - which fits me.
My question is : how do I calculate my percentage loss? I would obviously, need to have my previous result, which is not suppose to be available. I also read that my bone density should be between +1.0 and -1.0 but could be between +2.5 and -2.5. What figures do I use to work out the percentage loss?
Also, I was diagnosed with fibro myalgia and really suffered with various disabilities and pain for five years before finally ( at my suggestion! ) being tested for vitamin D deficiency. I was found to be very deficient. Supplementing with vitamin D "cured" the fibro myalgia. Surely, if my bone density has dropped more than normal my severe vitamin D deficiency is to blame rather than my over medication which I never was anyway. It's now been agreed by a different GP that I was under medicated. My meds were increased three months ago and I am a lot better.
I'd appreciate any advice on how to deal with my gp on Monday. The last thing I want is for her to reduce my thyroid meds below what they were three months ago when I was so ill.
Thanks in advance.