Hi All,
I have Hashimoto's . I have been on 100mcg Levothyroxine for about two years now. All this time my TSH levels were up and down. I am not gluten free but I eat healthy. About a month ago my Levo dose was incresed to 125mgc , three days a week. After the first dose I started feeling very unwell, fatigue, weakness, headaches, nausea, heart palpitation, getting overheated , feeling unsteady,anxious to the point were I could not function.
After two weeks I had blood tests done
25 July
TSH-3.66( 0.30-4.20)
FT3 was not tested. I wad told to go back to 100mcg of Levo. Some of the symptoms are gone but I still feel fatigued , nausea, sore muscles, very weak.
The reason I had my dose incresed is because at the end of May my TSH was a little increased
25 May
I am so sick and tired to not have enough energy to function properly.
Now I don't know what to do, I feel so hopeless
Ever since I started Levo I never felt well.
I wonder if it is worth taking it , if it does not help me
My GP does not care about how I feel, neither my endo ,so I am left to suffer