What does elavated anti thyroid peroxidase antibody levels (179i/ u/ lml .
Elevated anti thyroid peroxidase : What does... - Thyroid UK
Elevated anti thyroid peroxidase

Raised thyroid peroxidase antibodies suggest autoimmune thyroid disease aka Hashimoto's.
Is this the first time they've been tested?
Yes ,been on levothyroxine for maybe 10 years but endocrinologist wants me to up them but when I do I’m I’ll as in feel terrible and joints inflamed and sinuses sore
How much Levo are you taking?
What are you current test results for
and because Hashi's tends to lead to low nutrient levels, often due to gut/absorption problems that Hashi's can cause, it's also important to test:
Vit D
General Hashi's information:
Hashi's is where the thyroid is attacked by the immune system and gradually destroyed. Fluctuations in symptoms and test results are common with Hashi's.
Most doctors dismiss antibodies as being of no importance and know little or nothing about Hashi's and how it affects the patient, test results and symptoms. You need to read, learn, understand and help yourself where Hashi's is concerned.
Some members have found that adopting a strict gluten free diet can help, although there is no guarantee.
Gluten contains gliadin (a protein) which is thought to trigger autoimmune attacks so eliminating gluten can help reduce these attacks.
You don't need to be gluten sensitive or have Coeliac disease for a gluten free diet to help.
Gluten/thyroid connection: chriskresser.com/the-gluten...
Supplementing with selenium l-selenomethionine 200mcg daily can also help reduce the antibodies, as can keeping TSH suppressed.
TSH in June first thing in morning was 4.81 ,T3 3.6 , T4 20.1 but when endocrinologist did them this month in afternoon they were TSH 3.43 , free T3 4.0 and waiting on TSH receptor antibody still waiting on that result
To interpret your results we need reference ranges please - usually at the side of the result, possibly in brackets.
TSH receptor antibodies test for Graves disease - overactive thyroid - was this mentioned, is Graves being considered then?
Have you seen the results for vitamins? Fine just means somewhere in range but doesn't necessarily mean they are at optimal levels.
All vitamins were tested and fine
Don't rely on the word, fine. Get the results and post here for advice. Fine can mean at bottom of range and that won't make you feel well.
TSH levels was 4.81 ,range is 0.27 -4.21 .T4 was 20.1 range was 12-22 .T3 3.61 range is 3.1-6.8
Oh, I was referring to vitamin levels.
TSH levels was 4.81 ,range is 0.27 -4.21
T4 was 20.1 range was 10.6 -23.2
T3 3.61 range is 3.1-6.8
Well, your results are unusual in that your FT4 is in the upper part of the range at 75% of the way through and your TSH is also high. One would expect a much lower TSH with your FT4 level. However, your raised TPO antibodies suggest Hashi's and this can bring strange results.
So what's the reason to test TSH receptor antibodies? As mentioned this tests for Graves disease (overactive thyroid) and with an over range TSH there's no way that suggests Graves.
It’s because when I try to increase levothyroxine I feel worse ,I can only increase by a tiny bit once a week as I just feel inflamed in hands and joints and brain fog etc .I use to be on 75 but can’t tolerate that amount anymore .Maybe it’s the sea air as some believe you absorb more iodine from sea air !!!
Maybe it’s the sea air as some believe you absorb more iodine from sea air !!!
I think you'd need to be living in a coastal seaweed hotspot for iodine intake through respiration to make a significant difference. I have lived at the seaside for 25 years, opposite the beach, and walk my dog on the beach most days, my iodine level was half way through the reference range when tested 3 years ago.
What are your levels of Ferritin, Folate, B12 and Vit D.
What brand of Levo do you take? Has this been changed at all?
I use wockhard brand .hope I’ve spelt it correctly.i use a different brand years ago Avis I think but it started to disagree with me