Good Morning Folks. I am after some advice before attending an endo appointment at Charing Cross on 11 July.
I am on 75 mcg T3 daily and 10 mcg T3. ( T3 5mcg was originally prescribed by private endo a few years back, my GP then agreed to provide T3 on NHS for me and upped to 10mcg Aug 2018)
Back in Feb my GP advised the CCG want to review his patients taking T3 due to cost.
He himself is happy to continue but is bound by CCG restrictions. He said a referral would come through where I would be sent to see a specialist at Charing Cross. I expect this to be an exercise in finding an excuse to take T3 away.
I have also been taking Adrenavive II one morning and evening since Oct last year as advised by Dr P. (the aim was to move me to metavive but that is on hold as he has retired now so need to continue this bit of the puzzle with someone else)
Roll on to May this year, I had been having daily migraines. Suspect due to stress at home ( my 18 year old son having anxiety problems and also the HRT tablets I take being out stock (Elleste) since Feb and the replacements not suiting me so I stopped, and use progresterone cream only for now.
The GP I saw to get some sumatripan said she wanted to do some thyroid bloods as she saw my previous levels were showing TSH below range. She is a new GP so super enthusiastic. She also sent me to have an MRI scan for which I am waiting the results.
My blood results have come back as below.
I would appreciate any advice that I can use to argue my case to keep T3.
I felt dreadful on T4 only with horrendous aches and pains getting to the point where a walk in the park left me in agony. I had really bad issues with my gums and had to be sent to see a specialist. My life has become bearable since having T3. My migraines had improved till the last few months co inciding with stopping HRT and stress at home.
I do think menopause hasn't helped ( I am 51 ) I am worrying about the appointment next week . I have to go back and see my GP when two weeks after Charing X apt and I know they will try to stop my T3 and probably say its causing my migraines !
If this happens can I go back to the private endo who should have more leverage than the GP . If they want to change my medication they can take the levo away and up the t3 which would be my preference.
Otherwise I will have to go private but it is just so expensive and splitting 10mcg tablets is not easy.
Thank you for reading.
21 June 2019 Term Units Range
Serum FT3 5.5 pmol/L 3.10 - 6.80 pmol/L
Serum TSH 0.03 mlU/L 0.27- 4.20mlU/L
05 Oct 2018
Serum FT3 4.4 pmol/L 3.10-6.80 pmol/L
Serum TSH 0.16 mlU/L 0.27-4.20mlU/L
18 April 2018
Serum FT3 4.0 pmol/L 3.10-6.80 pmol/L
Serum TSH 0.29 mlU/L 0.27-4.20 mlU/L
11 Mar 2017
Serum FT3 4.4 pmol/L 3.10-6.80 pmol/L
Serum TSH 0.21 mlU/L 0.27 - 4.20mlU/L