Not taking any medication for nothing like my Thyroid. But I went today for blood work so that my Specialist can find out where my TSH level is at, my TSH level last month was 4.91 which is a little hypo, but just yesterday been noticing my pulse rate has been going up like 103 and then goes normal. My blood pressure is fine, as I did check it just to make sure that that’s not why my pulse goes up, today it has been the same, and noticed that when my pulse goes up I start to feel anxious and feel like a surge of energy, but doesn’t feel normal, I noticed also if I get out the house my pulse starts to go normal, my specialist has told me that whenever my pulse goes up to take a quarter of the beta blocker I have been saving from when I needed it when I had Graves symptoms and when I was mistaken for high blood pressure, which caused me bad allergies, and headaches also had a bad ear infection because Doctor misdiagnosed me as having high blood pressure. I know I will find out tomorrow on my TSH results or perhaps next Monday, but does anyone know if from last months reading on my TSH level could it be possible to go down to graves so quickly? Thanks so much. I really love this forum.
Someone know how fast you could slip back to Gr... - Thyroid UK
Someone know how fast you could slip back to Graves?

Hi Sara,
Can you post all your thyroid (TSH, T3 and T4)results including your TraB antibodies with ranges?
It is difficult to answer you without seeing all the bloodwork. Also, what do you mean by “not taking any medication for nothing like my Thyroid? Are you taking Tapazole? I want to make sure I understand what you are saying.
I understand about your pulse and other symptoms but need more information.
Hi Greekchick
I haven’t been on any medication for my thyroid in over a year, I have both Graves and hashimoto, but been more on the Hypo levels, and a few normal TSH levels only because my Specialist checks my TSH levels every month. I don’t have my antibodies results on hand as I have moved and put them away in folders, but the only bloodwork done on me last month for my TSH level was 4.91 which is high normal, but yesterday and today my pulse has been going up and then goes back normal for awhile then back up. I was thinking perhaps Graves is back, oh, and today I had went for another blood work for my TSH level, so hopefully tomorrow the specialist will tell me where I’m at. Thank you for any comments as I appreciate it.
Hi Sara,
I understand completely that you don’t have your bloodwork. I would ask your endocrinologist when you see her to run a full thyroid panel with the tests above (including for Hashis) because we can’t tell just from your symptoms whether or not you are going hyper or not. It may be that you are “swinging” and the elevated pulse is a sign of that, but it would be sheer guesswork from me to tell you anything specific. That won’t help you at all.
I looked at some of your old posts and some of our more expert forum members have also mentioned that you need more bloodwork to confirm your symptoms. TSH alone does not tell you anything about your autoimmune disease.
So sorry I couldn’t do more for you tonight - I can tell how worried you are. Maybe another member of the forum will have more experience than me (I also have Graves).
I wish you all the best and hope you are feeling better soon.
Thanks so much, means so much to me. I hope you be healed by the hand of God, as I know how it is to live with this illness if I may call it that, it robs so much important needed health and time which of course is valuable. I will look for my paperwork if not I’ll request the whole panel if I can tomorrow, I just spoke with my Specialist and she told me to take a bystolic pill to help lower my pulse, and that if she gets the results from today’s blood work she will call me to let me know where my TSH level is at. My Specialist is supposed to be the best in town and other towns close by, and not to mention even out of towners come to her. Thank you for your time.
I’ve got Graves and I’ve been in remission for about six years now so I have no idea how fast it could come back but I know it took a while for my body to settle down and realise what the new normal was. If you are swinging from hypo to hyper it must be difficult.
If my TSH was 4.91 I would think I was hypo rather than it be my Graves back again. I was treated with block and replace and when I was needing more levothyroxine ( the replace part) I used to get hyper symptoms.
Hopefully all will be revealed and your doctor will advise you what to do next when you get your blood test results.
In the meantime it might be worth cutting out any caffeine containing foods or drinks and if your pulse is better/lower when you leave the house, go for a gentle stroll a couple of times a day. I had an increased pulse a couple of years ago - no reason was found after extensive tests and my doctor just figured it must have been some sort of infection - but it feels very unpleasant for your body when your pulse is up for no reason, I found it totally different to when I raise my pulse through exercise. Hopefully you will have your results back today and can go from there.
I missed her call but she left a voicemail that my TSH level was 2.98 which is normal, she said that I will have to go for another blood work next month. I just pray I don’t go low on the number to where it’s Graves. Thanks so much for the comment I will most certainly take it into account as I know you have a lot of experience with Graves.
Hopefully you will be fine. That’s not low. I was <0.03 when I had Graves. Ideally I’d love to be 1.00 or even slightly below that because that was where I felt best.
Mine is gradually creeping up - I’m wondering if my thyroid will burn itself out and I’ll end up becoming hypo which I don't want but our NHS doesn’t do ‘fine tuning’ so I’ll need to wait until it gets a good bit higher before anyone will do anything about it.
Good luck with it all anyway, it’s all a real voyage of discovery.
When I was discovered to have Graves because of how in bad condition I was I was 0.01 it was a nightmare, and this was in 2016, yes it’s been a long journey and would be nice I don’t turn hypo nor Graves just a normal TSH level would be just fine. Oh your doing Great ! And I pray you never go Graves nor burn and turn hypo. You most certainly came a long way also. Just a lot of encouraging for you to keep on doing what your doing, your doing something right😊 thanks so much.
Sending you prayers for your health 🙏🏻 and thank you for all your kind wishes.