So sorry
It's probably a block here
So tsh needs to come down from 3.9
BUT t4 result is healthy near top of range
And T3 being at bottom of range
It's all.about the t3 after all to feel well, yes? therefore upping the t4 will bring down my tsh to a reasonable number, I get this And appreciate now that the t4 may go over range in doing so....
But will the t3 go up because I'm adding more and more t4t4? Is this to be expected in most cases!
It doesn't seem logical to increase an already good level of t4 to over the range?
Has my conversion been not happening because the tsh is too high, that is, strain on the system .
Sorry, I know I'm a pain, but I cannot grasp this
I don't convert well this is a given, can this be just because tsh is high?
( not got the gene as have had the test )
Thanks in advance for patience -
Has anyone else had this please?
......HIGH t4 LOW t3 and HIGH TSH and who have gone on to obtain good t3 levels by adding levo over range ? And mainly felt well again......