Hi all, Short version, I've been on combo T4 & T3 now for about 7 months. Doing really well, so much happier. But, I've found tracking vitals in relation to my dosage increasingly unreliable in really telling me anything. My basal body temp (just one example) is all over the place. Not helpful in guiding me to any idea of where I need to be.
Currently I'm on 25mcg T4 & 30mcg T3 per day (T3 is split over 3 doses).
I worked up to the above gradually and feel good. But, this may sound silly, how do I know when I'm optimised? I worry, since, previously I was so sick for so long, that any improvement I see as a miracle. What if I can feel EVEN better than I do now? How do I know without pushing T3 further?
Obviously I have been, and will continue to be, super careful tweaking my dosage, but how do I know when I've reached that 'optimised' threshold?? Or do I have to go above (over) to find out at what dosage I start to feel bad, then go back down to the sweet spot? Urgh, I don't know.
Also, separate question, for furture-proofing interest more than anything, is it possible to buy T4 without a prescription? For Admin - note I'm not asking for specific sources. Just a general yes or no please.
Thoughts and advice appreciated as always. xx