Just back from 2nd u/s on thyroid. Advised still very inflamed and enlarged. On 75 Levothyroxine. Test results below. Is this Hashimoto?
Can anyone confirm if this is Hashimoto? - Thyroid UK
Can anyone confirm if this is Hashimoto?
I don't know what the Bioplex antibodies are but your raised TPO antibodies suggest Hashimoto's. However, it won't make any difference to your treatment, Hashi's isn't treated, it's the hypothyroidism that it causes that is treated and your TSH/FT4 don't look too bad. How do you feel?
I have all the hypo symptoms also being investigated for sle. Had pleurisy, blood in urine for a year(non visible) pneumonia and bronchitis. Had the pneumonia jab. Always tired. I suffer in the sun and after a uv gel manicure lost most of the skin on my palms! My mum and daughter both have celiac disease and oldest daughter psoriasis, so I guess it’s a gene. I think my issue is I just get on with things as tho I am fine until it catches up with me, as we all do.
Thanks for your reply. Much appreciated.
If you are on Levo and still have hypo symptoms, that suggests you are undermedicated. 75mcg is little more than a starter dose.
What are your current test results (with the reference ranges) for
Vit D
Unfortunately I gave just started getting copies of results. I started on 50 Levo in 2016 was upped after an u/s to 75 , 3 months ago. I have enlarged and inflamed thyroid both sides together with nodes. Had another u/s today and he said it’s still very inflamed. Have another Goiter , so I’ve each side now . I think it’s lupus and Hashimoto. See my Rhuemy in July. I will update then. Thanks again for your help.
You have had some bloodwork to see if you have Lupus and everything looks good. Did you get your ANA tested and was it positive and if it was what was the titer and was it speckled or something else
Hi, the ANA was 1:320 then most recent went down to 1:80. The pattern was something beginning with H. I forget the name!
So usually when the titer is that low is indicative of Hashimotos is what I was told. The titers have 3 low, 3 high 1 in the middle I was told the 2 highest they point to you most likely having another autoimmune disease.
Thank you. I also have ds dna antibodies. Previous ANA was 1:640 when I was really ill. At the time my thyroid was fine. My scan in 2015 was fine, this has all happened over the last 2 and a bit years. Prior I lost 2and a half stone. Suffer GERD, joint issues, swelling and pain. Falling to bits really!