It’s been just over 4 weeks since I reduce my NDT from 2 & 1/2 grains to 2 grains.
The reason for the reduction was due to me feeling anxious, jittery and a high heart rate.
Internal vibrations (like the bed was shaking) especially in the morning, and my blood results being over range.
TSH 0.01 (0.27-4.20)
T4 17.60 (12.00-22.00)
T3 8.29 (3.1-6.8)
I’m been making notes everyday and I started to feel better since the reduction. However, my neck stiffness and very sore shoulder muscles have come back.
This was one of my major symptoms before, my muscles feel so tender to touch, and I’m restricted with my neck movement.
I have also started feeling shaky again in the morning, and cold.
I haven’t done anything different to cause my neck stiffness and painful muscles, and recognise the pain from before I was originally diagnosed and when I was on Levothyroxine via the NHS.
I’m 100% certain it is connected to my thyroid levels.
Would you suggest maybe doing a finger prick test for my TSH, T3 & T4 to see what’s going on?
I then thought after the results, maybe try and increase my NDT back to another 1/4 grain to 2 & 1/4 grains, or maybe add some T4 in the mix by cutting a 25mcg in half = 12.5mcg.
Obviously, I need to make the changes one by one and slowly but I’ll discovering one size doesn’t fit all.
Has any one experienced muscle and neck stiffness with a reduction of thyroid medication.
Best wishes