Information From Dr Lowe re Thyroid Gland Removal - Thyroid UK

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Information From Dr Lowe re Thyroid Gland Removal

shaws profile image
1 Reply

I don't have a link but thought it worthwhile to post the following:

Thyroid Gland Removal [Q&As are placed in reverse chronological order. In other words, the latest Q&As come first. Earlier ones are further down the page.]

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July 23, 2002 Question: At the age of 21, my thyroid gland was removed because it was hyperthyroid. Afterward, it took six months of complaining to my doctor about weight gain and feeling awful before he prescribed Synthroid. Ive been on it now for over 20 years. After gaining a lot more weight and feeling weaker and worse, I finally wised up and got a new doctor. She believes I have fibromyalgia. Ive been reading a lot of information at, and now for the first time in 20 years, I feel like my problems are not just lack of self control. As I read down the list of hypothyroid symptoms, I was amazed at how many of them fit me to a tee. My husband has said for years "Youre always tired!" Im sick of feeling tired, fat, and useless all the time! Have I read your website correctly? Can having your thyroid gland removed cause fibromyalgia?

Dr. Lowe: Indeed, symptoms we diagnose as "fibromyalgia" commonly develop after surgical removal of the thyroid gland. The so-called "fibromyalgia" symptoms of the patient whose thyroid gland has been removed are largely hypothyroid symptoms. The patients fibromyalgia symptoms are sustained by doctors (1) denying her the use of thyroid hormone, or (2) restricting her to "T4 replacement" therapy. T4 replacement is an approach to thyroid hormone therapy thats little betterand in many cases no better!than being denied thyroid hormone therapy altogether.

I said the patients fibromyalgia symptoms are largely those of hypothyroidism. What I mean by this is that her symptoms usually gradually become compounded and intensified by other metabolism-impairing factors. For example, the patients continuing hypothyroidism makes it tough for her to exercise. As a result, she loses muscle mass, and this lowers her metabolic rate even further, worsening her symptoms.

In that youve been troubled by being "fat" for these 21 years, youll probably find interesting a recently published report.[1] In the report, conventional endocrinologists finally admit essentially that obesity following surgical removal of the thyroid gland results from T4 replacement therapy.[2] To learn about the monstrous harms caused by T4 replacement therapy, I encourage you to read our official denouncement of it. Then I strongly recommend that you persuade your new doctor to treat you with unconventional thyroid hormone therapy, as we describe it on various pages here at

References [1] Tigas, S., Idiculla, J., Beckett, G., and Toft A.: Is excessive weight gain after ablative treatment of hyperthyroidism due to inadequate thyroid hormone therapy? Thyroid, 10(12):1107-1111, 2000. [2] Toft, A.D.: T3/T4 combination therapy. Endocrine Abstracts, 3, S40, 2002. < /ea0003s40.htm>

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1 Reply

☢ no need to remove a gland that our bodies require to function .

Why won't anyone LISTEN to us when we whisper.

Gran lived till 82 without medication..

Didn't function very well but didn't suffer the side effects either.

Just smoked like a chimney ...bless her .

What a sad existance she had .

Bless the above letter and reading between the lines a clearer picture for most .

Thanks for that

❤🤯🙏Tam x

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