Headaches related to thyroid?: Hello guys. I have... - Thyroid UK

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Headaches related to thyroid?

Oanav profile image
31 Replies

Hello guys. I have Hypothyroidism and through the day i get sometimes headaches at my temples and top of the head. Are because of the thyroid? I also have neck problems, because of my bad posture at my job.. i need to do every exercises for this.

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Oanav profile image
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31 Replies

I would see your doctor just to get this checked out. Ask if you could have CRP (C-ReactiveProtein ) blood test to check for inflammation.

How long have you had the neck problems? Are you sure it's all posture related?

Have you had any jaw problems when chewing food or occassional vision problem?

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to Mary-intussuception

Yes cuz i have made a RMN scan and i have problems at 2 vertebrae. I do not have visual problems only sometimes when i chew my jawbis pocking but my doctor said that because normally i need braces. Not something bad. Could be a side effect of the medication?

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Oanav

Do you have jaw claudication when chewing (painful, stiffness sometimes which halts your chewing) ?

If you do, ask your doctor to do that blood test - (CRP).

What could be a side effect and of what medication?

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to Mary-intussuception

I took my CRP test in autumn, and it was ok. It is not painfull, and it is not happens every time. Just time to time. I am on euthyrox for 5 days now.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Oanav

What was CRP results? Was it below 5?

Many things can cause headaches.

Dehydration can.

Also bowel problems can.

Constipation is a typical Hypothyroid symptom and this can cause headaches.

5 days isn't a long time. If may be some time before you feel the benefits of Levothyroxine. You may need an increase in dose when retested. Your future dose could be between 100mcg and 200mcg.

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to Mary-intussuception

Maybe my 12.5 mcg dose is too low.. i dont remember exactly the results of crp but was ok. Not anormal.

Sybilla14 profile image

Hi Oanav. I used to get similar headaches all the time(daily) before diagnosis. Could your dose be too low? Where are you with your hormones?

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to Sybilla14

I am on 12.5 mcg for one month. I just started 5 days ago. After one month i increase the dose.

Sybilla14 profile image
Sybilla14 in reply to Oanav

It could be the low dose. I was started on 25mcg and felt worse than before a few days into it. Your body responds to the increased level of t4 and reduces its own production of it, perhaps overcompensating and leaving you with less t4 than before. Increasing the dose is a solution. Have you been given Levo to increase yourself? If not you may need to see you gp for an increase.

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to Sybilla14

I have a treatment for 6 months. I increase my dose after one month of 12.5 mcg and then increase again slowly..

Sybilla14 profile image
Sybilla14 in reply to Oanav

I think you may need to increase sooner. The endo gave me 25mcg for 2 weeks then to increase to 50 but I had to increase after a few days (on advice here) as I was feeling worse. I just asked for a prescription from my gp when I was low, no issue with increasing earlier.

I now add t3 and when I drop the dose of that slightly the headaches come on. For me it’s a symptom of hypo.

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to Sybilla14

Yeah i think you have right.. i have a cousin from me and she had the same tsh results but she started with 50 mcg.. i have an appoitment at my doctor this wednesday and i will them him about the dose.. but if i start maybe tomorrow with 25 mcg i will do wrong? In the firt 2 days of starting taking 12.5 mcg was ok but then i started to worse again. My muscle really hurts now and joints too

Sybilla14 profile image
Sybilla14 in reply to Oanav

I would increase to 25mcg straight away, you really can’t go wrong with that as it’s still a small dose. The starting dose ought to be 50mcg for most adults so you’ve a way to go.

I felt great for a day or two on 25mcg but then started to feel very bad a few days in and raised to 50. You will probably learn quickly through reading on here that we really need to lead the doctors or take things in our own hands as they rarely understand thyroid enough to dose correctly. I went through different doctors in my practice until I discovered one was open minded and although he does not understand that much he trusts me and lets me drive everything. Think this was possible because I’ve learnt as much as I can and am able to explain things to him and demonstrate I know what I’m doing.

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to Sybilla14

Yeah exactly. FIRst 2 days on 12.5 were great no more joint pains, then i started to feeling worse... for example today i feel like i could sleep 24 hours. And also my joints are hurting again. I will start tomorrow right away with 25 mcg. Thank u a lot for listening. I am new to this and i am still learning to know my body. Yes with doctors u have right, wednesday when i go it will be another doctor..

My aunt has the same value as me on test and her dose it is 75 mcg.. was weird that i had 12.5 mcg to start with..

Sybilla14 profile image
Sybilla14 in reply to Oanav

Yes it does sound very low, it should have been 50. Perhaps you’re unfortunate to be prescribed by an exceptionally inexperienced doctor...

You could take an additional dose today, if you keep it away from food, etc. This would help you feel better quicker.

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to Sybilla14

Yeah.. probably. It is hard to find a good doctor.. i will start on 25 mcg, and on wednesday i am going to this new doctor and i hope he will give more accurate treatment.

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to Sybilla14

I increased the dose today at 25 mcg. In the morning i felt very energised and kinda hyped, cuz i did not feel the urge to drink coffee. After i started slowy to fee tired, cuz when i came home i needed to take a nap. It also increased my heart rate to 85 when i do not take any effort, but i think it s normal until the body ajust to it.

Sybilla14 profile image
Sybilla14 in reply to Oanav

Levothyroxine is not ‘expected’ to make you react like this as it’s inactive and needs to be converted to t3 by the liver. But, from personal experience, I know it’s possible to feel a change to the dose of Levo pretty quickly although my initial reactions were never as strong as yours. I’d say your body needs to adjust to the dose of Levo and this will take a while. Bloods are supposed to reflect the dose change adjustment after 6 weeks but symptom changes may happen at different pace.

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to Sybilla14

Yea probably it was like this even because of my mental reaction. I am very nervous about this problem worh tyroid and i think i overreacte myself the symptoms.

SlowDragon profile image

How much Levothyroxine have you been started on?

Standard starter dose is 50mcg

Can you add your blood test results and ranges from before starting on Levothyroxine

For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested. Also extremely important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12

Low vitamin levels are extremely common, especially if Thyroid antibodies are raised

Ask GP to test vitamins and antibodies if not been done yet

Bloods should be retested 6-8 weeks after each dose increase

Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and fasting. Last Levothyroxine dose should be 24 hours prior to test, (taking delayed dose immediately after blood draw). This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip, best not mentioned to GP or phlebotomist)

Private tests are available. Thousands on here forced to do this as NHS often refuses to test FT3 or antibodies or all vitamins


Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have special offers, Medichecks usually have offers on Thursdays, Blue Horizon its more random

If antibodies are high this is Hashimoto's, (also known by medics here in UK more commonly as autoimmune thyroid disease).

About 90% of all hypothyroidism in Uk is due to Hashimoto's.

Low vitamins are especially common with Hashimoto's. Food intolerances are very common too, especially gluten.

So it's important to get TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested at least once .

Link about thyroid blood tests


Link about antibodies and Hashimoto's



List of hypothyroid symptoms


Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to SlowDragon

I made recently the tests and are all good. Only vit D is low and i am taking already the D supplements. My TSh level is big, almost 7. The other tests, like t3, t4, atpo are all good.

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to SlowDragon

I am on 12.5 mcg now

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Oanav

How old are you?

If less than 50 years old, standard starter dose is 50mcgs Levothyroxine

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to SlowDragon

23 years old. I have next week an appoitment to my specialist and i will tell him about the dose. Normally i need to increase it after one month of 12.5 mcg

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Oanav

Your TSH is too high.

Your dose of 12.5mcg is too low.

Are you sure it's not 125mcg?

You should start on at least 50mcg.

Could you give results of ALL tests and their ranges in brackets for informed comment?

What was Vitamin D result? What dose Colecalciferol are you taking? Do you take it 4 hours after your Levothyroxine?

What Antibodies were tested?

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to Mary-intussuception

Yeah is not 125 mcg.. because i split the dose in two. And it s the dose of 25 mcg. Vitamin d is low only 15 ui. And only t3,t4 and tpo antibodies i have tested and were good. I also made an scan of my thyroid and that showed that it is not ok as well. I take calcium but after like 6-7 hours of taking my hormon. And vit d as well at my dinner time. I have wednesday an appoitment at my doctor but if i start from tomorrow to take a full dose of 25 mcg it is too bad? I the first 2 days of taking hormons was ok but then i started to feel worse

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Oanav

You won't feel better until you've had more Levothyroxine and for a longer period.

Don't understand your reply about Vitamin D result and dose of Colecalciferol you are taking. Without the actual figures and ranges of ALL your results can't be of further help.

But: - if you have severe Vitamin D deficiency your doctor or specialist should treat you with the high Loading dose of supplement over several weeks then put you on a daily maintenance dose.

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to Mary-intussuception

I am taking everyday vit D. Here in my country the minimum level for D is 20 and i have 16. I take 2000 units everyday.

I take Calcium 800 mg everyday.

Sorry my english is not my mother language.

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to Oanav

Tsh 6,7 mUI/L

Ft3 3,69 pg/ml and 5,68 pmol/L

Ft4 1,41 ng/dL and 18,16 pmol/L

Tpo <10 UI/mL

And vit D

38,4 nmol/L

This are my results.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Oanav

Why do you take calcium supplements? Have you had a calcium blood test? Do you have that result?

Oanav profile image
Oanav in reply to Mary-intussuception

Yes. I made a test, and i had 3.9 and the minimum ia 4.2 but i am taking only for a month. I am on my last days.

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