Hi, I have been getting some really painful stabbing pain in my legs - has anyone else got this ? Is it thyroid related? Thanks
Thyroid related?: Hi, I have been getting some... - Thyroid UK
Thyroid related?

i have the same any help? My doctor is testing for autoummune to see if MS IS PRESent
I have only recently been diagnosed, but over the last 12 months I had been suffering from what felt like bad cramp/pulled muscles in my calves. I've been on medication now for a month and haven't had any pain in last two weeks. Wish other symptoms would disappear as quickly...
Plantar fasciitis is definitely thyroid related, and although it comes from the for primarily, it also causes pain in the calves which can be quite severe. Is that where your leg pain is?
Ho - Yes in the calves and yes severe, sometimes it wakes me up and for first time yesterday got me whilst waling.
I wasn't sure what it was at first, although I had read about the relationship between being hypo and plantar fasciitis, but was confused because I got pain in my legs and on top of my feet instead of the soles of my feet, so my GP referred me for physio and they diagnosed it. One bit of good advice from them was to put arch supports in all my shoes, which I've done and that really helps. They also gave me some calf stretching exercises to do which help also.
Yes - same problems here - feet (balls and heels) shooting pains up the legs, knotted calves. Yes - the inserts and calf stretches help. But I've had it for 2 years now and I am, shall we say, managing the condition: it is not going away.

So it does sound like PF. The implications are that thyroid medication is not working optimally for either of us! I've been investigating whether this is an uptake problem with the thyroid meds, and I'm definitely a bit better.
what have you done to improve your meds uptake, then, Lisa?
If I don't take a couple of paracetamol and a couple of ibuprofen before bed I can pretty much guarantee a restless night from the knees down.

Well I've followed a lot of advice on this site plus done more research, and it seems there are a number of possible reasons why the meds might be absorbed at cellular level, like adrenal insufficiency, vit B12 or vit D deficiency, thrush, etc. I went to see one of the private docs on the TUK list and with help, we are working through these possibilities. It's expensive and time consuming but I feel I'm making some progress. Hope this helps. Lisa
I had this and my leg muscles felt tense and hard ,the only respite was when I laid on an electric blanket. My gp tested my vitamin D, said I was deficient so gave me a high dose to take once a week for 6 weeks, I've taken 2 doses and the leg pains have faded to almost nothing. Hope that helps.
I also have plantar fasceitis which comes along with the leg pains you all describe. When my feet start hurting I know that my leg pains will follow. Ive got it at the moment. Im waiting to see an environmental Dr privately, so hope that she will be able to help, as endo was very disinterested in me at my last appt. Im just about giving up and now looking at alternate therapies. Costing me a fortune!! Lynne x
I suspect that I have a thyroid problem and am waiting until I can afford to get private blood tests done to either confirm or rule out as my GP is useless. BUT...leg pain, muscle weakness/pain, calf tightness alongside feeling utterly exhausted can also be a symptom of low vitamin B12. I have diagnosed Pernicious anaemia and have been on very regular injections for 3 years, once my levels were up I felt so much better but I now have what I believe to be PF, heels of my feet, particularly one foot and across the tops are so painful, I limp when I walk. Tight calves and cramps, weak legs and can't walk very far. I also take regular vit D as I was diagnosed as low 2 yrs ago. I have always suffered with swollen ankles but one of them now is so bad and has spread up my leg alongside puffy hands and face. I struggle to get my shoes on now.
I had leg and general muscle pain. They reduced when I took a high-dose B Complex tablet for a while. I also had a big improvement when I started supplementing with vitamin D after I discovered my levels were considered to be inadequate.
I get this and so do others in my support group
Just thought I would share this as I can empathise with pain in the legs ... well pain from the waist down.
I had pains in my legs and feet for 8 years, ( general body pain all over to be honest with lots of other symptoms ) they got so bad I couldn't walk .. definately couldn't sleep without co-codamol and was even considering buying a mobility scooter ...
With the help of people on this site and the reading I had done .. I knew there was something not right .. in desperation I changed my GP ..... from there I had six months of physio and acupucture which I must admit did help somewhat with the pain.
I was told by the physio during my treatment that I had no muscle tone in my legs, pelvis and lower back.??
Then I had to reluctantly change to Boots Almus which is Activis at the moment ( at the time I didn't want to as I had taken Eltroxin for 30 +years ) I just didn't feel I could put up with feeling any worse than I already did but had no choice.
WELL well well what a surprise, over the following month, no more pain in my legs and I could lift them up without having to help lift them , they didn't feel like I had lead boots on anymore .... over the last couple of months I can now get up from the floor without having to use a cupboard to help pull me up.
I wake up feeling like I have been to sleep, my thinking has more clarity no more like living in a fog and I am more focused ?????
Its unbelievable ....... both my T3 & T4 levels have increased. ?
Galethia had an argument with the endo I went to see because my T3 was so low and he was insisting my tests were ok .. my symptoms were not cause by my thyroid he said ..
My new GP is shocked she said if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes she would not have believed it ..
Hope you all also feel a little better soon x