Hi folks,
Here are my latest results. I'm currently on T4 125mcg and T3 20mcg per day. My medication level is reasonably high for my profile - I'm 40yrs old and 73kg - yet I'm nowhere near optimal range despite near full replacement dose.
I also have persistent symptoms of fatigue, head throbbing and ears ringing. TSH is slightly suppressed and T4 and T3 still well below range despite high dose.
My main concern is persistent head throb as it suggests an underlying problem that could lead to long term neurological damage.
Latest results: 21 March 2019
125mcg T4, 10mcg T3 x 2 daily
TSH 0.19 (0.27 - 4.2) -2.04% through range
FT4 15.7 (12 - 22) 37.00% through range
Total T3 2.0 (1.3 - 3.1) 38.89% through range
Previous results: 11 Feb 2019
100mcg T4, 10mcg T3 x 2 daily
TSH 2.69 (0.27 - 4.2) 61.58% through range
FT4 11.4 (12 - 22) -6% through range
FT3 4.4 (3.1 - 6.8) 35.14% through range
Any thoughts on why my results may be like this will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you