Hi all , just letting you know have just done and sent off my first blood test to medichecks 😢, just kidding , wasn't that bad , 😨 fingers and toes crossed I done it right ☺ , thanks everyone for all your advice ☺
First blood test: Hi all , just letting you know... - Thyroid UK
First blood test

Well done! I'm sure you've done it correctly. Did you manage to fill both vials?
I've done one this morning, will take it to the post office this afternoon and send it Special Delivery to get there by 1pm tomorrow.
Hi SeasideSusie thankyou for that, manage to fill one vile successfully but had slight problem with second one , only managed to fill it to just under line , pricked finger 3 times but blood refused to flow , even changed fingers , but hopefully it will be enough . Hope your blood test comes back ok , fingers crossed for both of us ☺
Hi seasidesusie, i am at present taking 250mg of H + B magnesium , am taking for inflammation from the knees down and to help me sleep , i normally take 1 cap at night . After mentioning this to slowdragon , slowdragon said I would be better talking to you about the magnesium as you are more informative on it . What would be your suggestion on this , as what I'm taking doesn't seem to be having much of an effect .
Thankyou in advance for your help in this matter ☺
Check out the different forms of magnesium here, there may be one more suitable for you.
Dosage is generally whatever is suggested on the pack, but if you choose magnesium citrate be aware that it can have laxative properties so build up gradually (I use mag citrate powder).
I'm not sure of one that specifically targets inflammation, it might be worth having a google for any supplements that help inflammation.
Thanks for that seasidesusie, will look into that . What are you presently taking magnesium citrate powder for , ( if you don't mind me asking ) and is it helping , i only started getting the inflammation, when this present thyroid flare up started , and it's generally always at night , so am unsure what would be better .
Thanks again seasidesusie ☺
I take magnesium citrate for help with bowels, I've had a lifetime of constipation.
I also take magnesium taurate as I've had heart problems.
Sorry to hear that seasidesusie, i do hope it is helping you , hope you didn't mind me asking .
I googled which magnesium would be best for me and it came back that magnesium glycerate would be best for me , but it didn't give me dose , am a little confused though , because when I asked the best time to take it , it said preferred morning , not at night as it can cause insomnia 😕 , that doesn't make sense to me , how can a sleep aid give you insomnia ??
Thanks again ☺
A quick google shows magnesium glycinate to help with sleep. Here's just one
Magnesium glycinate for insomnia.
Many people use magnesium as a sleep aid, and while the mechanisms aren't entirely clear, its ability to induce muscle relaxation and ease anxiety are two of the ways it's thought to help improve sleep. In a study on the elderly, magnesium glycinate supplementation subjectively improved insomnia.
A general rule of thumb for dosage is around 350mg for females and a bit more for males. However, the bottle will show the suggested dose.