Hi I’m due my first 6wk blood test on Monday I do I take my Levo before my bloods or after It’s just a ordinary test not fasting Thankyou
First blood test: Hi I’m due my first 6wk blood... - Thyroid UK
First blood test
If you take your levo before your test, all you will be testing is the dose you just took. You will not know your ordinary circulating level of T4.
Actually, we always advise people to have a fasting blood test for TSH, because there's a possibility that TSH drops after eating. So, the earliest test possible, fast over-night and leave 24 hours between your last dose of levo and the blood draw.
My appointment is 10.15 so just take my Levo around 7 Sunday morning is that right?

Yes. But be aware that your TSH will be lower at 10.15 am, than it would at 8 am.
To be honest I don’t even know what my TSH are if I don’t hv anything to eat will they stay the same?

TSH is highest early in the morning, and decreases throughout the day. Eating may or may not make it even lower.
Do you never get a print out of your results? You really should. You need to know what they are and learn to understand them. Just leaving it to your doctor's discretion and limited understand of thyroid, is dangerous.
No what had happened with me was roughly 4months ago a went to the Gp complaining of pains in my legs and tiredness so he done full bloods so 3 days later they foned me and said my thyroid was borderline and that i had to have a blood test in 3month also my VitaminD was very low so he prescribed me with Hux 2000 at the time a was taking them twice a week then 5 weeks ago a went bk to the Gp explained I was getting worse forgetting things freezing cold so he said to me do you want to go on Thyroxin a said I don’t know so he said there is the prescription make a appoint first week in June for your bloods so I was just left in a daze when I went bk to the same Gp 2wks ago about my hair falling out a asked if he would check my vititamins in with my bloods he said we don’t do them your Hemagoblin is ok apart from your VitaminD so I asked if it’s ok for me to take boots multivitamin with minerals and he said yes so I’m just looking and trying to learn of here
Multivitamins are not a good idea. It's better we know where we are on the individuals and dose those accordingly and each one will be higher than those in multivits. Also some of them contain iron but iron must not be taken with others as it would negate them. So you could well be wasting your money.
I only suggested taking them as they have Biotin in for my hair and he said yes I’m just completely clueless I just want to know what vitamins I can take if my Gp said everything is ok apart from my VitD
The magic fourcto help your thyroid are Vit D, B12, folate and Ferritin but selenium is good for conversion and I was told to take zinc with it. Magnesium is a cofactors of Vit D as is K2 Vit C good as well but I would certainly get the 4 tested and optimal, not justvin range. SeasideSusiechas all the info if you search her posts. She states what levels they need to be and how to get it optimal.