Thiroyd - Greater Pharma - Batch strength question - Thyroid UK

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Thiroyd - Greater Pharma - Batch strength question

TeaEarlGreyHot profile image
9 Replies


I've been on a consistent dose of 2.5 grains + 25mcg Levo (to give me a little more T4) for the last year or so and felt fine (as well as you can with Hashi's anyway).

I started a new tub of Thiroyd (Batch 1500057) a couple of weeks ago, and this last week I've been feeling a bit jittery and edgy. This has caused me to start checking my resting pulse a few times over the last couple of days and it is consistently around 100-110bpm, normally I'd expect it to be around 70-75. I've heard that this is a symptom of too much T3.

I take 1 tab at 07:00, another at 15:00 and then a final 0.5 tab at 23:00.

Just wondering if anyone has purchased this recently and noticed any changes to how they feel?

Thank-you, Paul

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TeaEarlGreyHot profile image
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9 Replies

I don't know much about T3, but it does sound as if you are overmedicated. Maybe you could try cutting down the T3 just a very tiny bit and see if that helps.

Do you have Hashimotos? In that case, another reason might be that you are having a "Hyper swing", where dying thyroid cells dump their hormone store into the bloodstream. It doesn't make you hyper, but gives temporary hyper symptoms. In that case a temporary reduction in T3 would probably help, but you would then feel hypo again and could increase back to previous level. But change the T3 very gradually, by very small amounts if you do decide to decrease

Warning: I'm not medically trained and most of what I know about thyroid is from this forum!

All the best :-)

TeaEarlGreyHot profile image
TeaEarlGreyHot in reply to

Thanks Jnetti.

I think you're right about the temporary reduction. I'll drop the 0.5 tablet of NDT for a couple of weeks and see if I feel better, then increase again if feeling hypo. It is probably the best course of action.

Yes I have Hashimotos - was diagnosed in 2003, most of my dad's side of family have Hashis.

I'd not heard about the "dumping" thing before, but thinking back it would make sense as I have felt like this a few times in the past for a few days when I seemed to feel over-medicated again. This happened when I was on just T4 Levo as well, so it could well have been my thyroid dumping a load of T4 which resulted in temporarily higher T3 after conversion.

I've started wearing my Samsung Gear Fit2 again, so can monitor my pulse over time more effectively. During my sleep I was below 70, which is a good sign :-)

in reply to TeaEarlGreyHot

Being female I get hot flushes, (had them for nearly 25 years!) which makes things rather more complicated. Except that they somehow don't feel quite the same as what seems to be the thyroid :-D

1dolly profile image

Hi, I'm on Thiroyd too and noticed the same edginess and felt my heart was beating a bit wildly at times as well. I have cut back my dose to one at 7.00 and a half at 15:00 and a quarter at bedtime. I think you should also cut down a bit when the weather warms up. I don't take extra Levo. The jitters and heart flutters have gone away so looks like it's worked .…for now!

Last year after my third order of thyroid s after taking the new batch for only a few days and feeling rather weird, still taking my usual 2.5 grains per day. I had a complete black out whilst shopping and land straight onto my head, off to A &E. Until this batch I had never fainted in my life let alone a black out.

I wrote on the site asking for a different supplier and ordered another batch, this one is fine and 8 months later I am back to normal. I binned the others.

Pinkpeony profile image
Pinkpeony in reply to

Bunnyjean , sorry this is three days old . I was about to post about this very thing . After taking Thyroyd for a good while I decided to try Thyroid s as it seems to get good reports . As soon as I started it i had a constant dull headache , nausea and light headed . It's two weeks now and I had a fall on Saturday thankfully at home . Any advice PLEASE . I feel wretched .Pp

in reply to Pinkpeony

The thing is, have you had any falls before this, I never had.

PM me with how much you are taking and where you bought it from too.

Do you have a thyroid? The only way I have become well is to have a private Medicheck thyroid ultra vit blood test this gives you most of the answers yours could be something else. Also I have no other health issues at all.

kathy1029 profile image

yup, i have the same batch, 1500057, i started taking it about a month ago, im getting my old thyroid symptoms back, i still have some left in my old bottle which is batch 1500053, as soon as i started taking them i feel better, i don't know what ill do when they run out, this is maddening, i wonder if they changed the formula, im going to look up the pharmacy site to see if there are any complaints, not that it will help much, id hate to buy another bottle and be crushed if they also, dont work, but, im not jittery on mine, i get the opposite, the chronic crippling fatigue and nausea

1dolly profile image

Yes I've just checked my batch number and surprise it's 1500057 - we should really be able to get a refund or a new batch sent? I'm just hoping that they haven't changed it and they are all like this!

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