Seem to take a dip out of no where. ?? Magnes... - Thyroid UK

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Seem to take a dip out of no where. ?? Magnesium spray stinging??

Spotydave profile image
51 Replies

Can you advise guys.....

I seem that take a dip at around 5pm .out of no where i come over ill and tired sometime.fall a kip Then i get over it after after about 10mins to 30mins and im fine again...

Example .today i was in odeon at 4pm having a laugh .i was eating popcorn with salt and sugar with my family.. out of nowhere i come over ill and fell kip for about 15 mims then i come through it and was fine again... ?? Levo 75mcg actavis

Magnesium... Everytime i use the spray it stings?? Any ideas..

Cheers everyone..

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Spotydave profile image
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51 Replies
humanbean profile image

Regarding the magnesium, I read somewhere (sorry, I don't have a link) that magnesium spray stings and tingles when people are deficient. As your level improves the stinging should reduce.

I must admit I got tired of the stinging though and switched to alternative ways of taking magnesium.

The falling asleep very suddenly might be related to blood-sugar issues (too low or too high), insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, untreated diabetes, or possibly could be cortisol-related. But I'm not a doctor so take this with a pinch of salt.

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to humanbean

Hi hoping to try the foot bath easier ..a few on here have recommended doing it that the mrs dont like the spray very much

I did have sugars checked with the gp a month ago .. all was ok. Its doesnt seem as bad as it was use to last a lot longer.. i thought it might be the meds..

Ginny52 profile image
Ginny52 in reply to humanbean

I read that on the product leaflet!

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Ginny52

I used magnesium spray several years ago, so my memory for the details was poor. ;)

Ginny52 profile image
Ginny52 in reply to humanbean

I can’t remember the brand, but I was very dissapointed when I didn’t sting. I thought the main problem was that it didn’t really spray, very runny. Pills did awful explosive things to my gut x

Spotydave profile image

Hi there ... But would popcorn actually make me dip like that for about ten mins ??

Kipsy profile image
Kipsy in reply to Spotydave

I’m not sure but before I was diagnosed I could always fall asleep for a weekend nap immediately after a sugary snack .

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to Kipsy

Thats intresting ... I need to start keeping a diary . Before i starting having meds i could sleep almost anytime...

Marymary7 profile image

Need to see the doctor. Could be lots of things that he can check. In addition to the other excellent suggestions suddenly falling asleep could be Narcolepsy....or you could be waking in the night with Sleep Apnea causing extreme tiredness.

Good luck.

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to Marymary7

Sorry mary i dont suddenly fall a kip .. i come over rough mostly andfeel tired so i allow my self to nod off..but before meds i often would crash at around the same time...

Spotydave profile image

Hi all . Just to update..i dont fall instantly asleep... I come over rough and get tired..and sometimes i can fall into a nap.. but i know im doing it.. ... Its like ive ran out of meds and then took another tab and im off and running again....

Marymary7 profile image
Marymary7 in reply to Spotydave

Sleep apnea where you keep waking in the night due to a problem breathing still needs a think about. NHS can check for this. Just as likely to be one of the other problems mentioned by humanbean

Good luck.

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to Marymary7

Hi Mary its Definitely an angle to be awate of . I will start making notes in it

Kipsy profile image
Kipsy in reply to Spotydave

Your comment about feeling rough immediately makes me think you’re reacting to the food you’ve just eaten. Some people do find corn doesn’t suit them- I’ve seen it mentioned on here as a possible allergen along with the other usual suspects such as gluten, soy, dairy. Maybe the corn & sugar combo of popcorn’s creating that rough & sleepy feeling...I used to get that after any gluten before I went gf.

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Kipsy

I second this.

I used to feel really tired and achy after eating rice and corn

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to Kipsy

This is definitely something im looking at.. ive seem to of noticed that having bread is making me get real feeling of tightness in the throat.. this seem to of just started sinse going on meds... Im starting to wonder if im now getting food intolerances

Spotydave profile image

You no gps. Probably the most cheapest and basic way.. i don't norm eat popcorn but i will check to see if theres a pattern with it. Before i was on meds i often use to completely fall into a deep sleep around the same time.. i will have to write down and see if there's a pattern

Kitten44 profile image

Hi Dave,

Have you had your cortisol checked? It could be that it rises and falls at odd times, so a saliva check over 24 hrs would be useful to rule that out.

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to Kitten44

Hi kitten. I havnt no.. im going ti mention it to the gp and see how he reacts..last time we met i prived him rong about antibodies..after he saidi didnt need them checked and i went to medicheck and i was right he was wrong... He puffed out hes chest and sending me to an endo.. so im yet to see what hes like when i next see him. Lol

Kitten44 profile image
Kitten44 in reply to Spotydave

Don't hold your hopes high. Few GPs, even endos seem to know much about the adrenal and thyroid connection. If you are lucky, you may be sent for an 8:00 a.m. cortisol test, but a 24 hr saliva test is what will show you the fluctuations throughout the day, which would explain your energy spikes and dips. I got mine with medichecks.

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to Kitten44

That sounds interesting.. kitten and yr right i wont hold my breath ..

HLAB35 profile image

There is definitely a link between adrenals and insulin resistance.. people are only just noticing the similarities and that they may have a common cause. Magnesium will reduce insulin resistance and will support adrenals. The tingling from sprays tends to stop once Magnesium levels get closer to what the body requires. There is a sensitive spray that may suit you better, or a gel or cream. (I think if you read the Magnesium Miracle or check out Dr Carolyn Dean's website you'll find out some more.)

Adrenals eat up Vitamin C.

Craving salty food is a sign you have adrenal issues.

Blood test will show if your sodium levels are low.. taking a pinch of sea salt in water in the morning with some lemon juice is quite helpful (I do it).

Vitamin B5 is particularly helpful to anyone with adrenal fatigue. (If you have a B complex the B5 in it may not be enough as it competes with the Biotin in the same complex.) A slow release B5 tablet may be helpful.

Adaptogenic herbs can help regulate the cortisol you have, but they don't come without some side effects. Liquorice tea / capsule taken in the morning is what my husband reckons keeps him going, but he's lucky not to have high bp or heart issues (which can be exacerbated by liquorice). In adrenal fatigue (if that's what it is) your bp can be quite low, so this would definitely be worth your while checking - especially as you are feeling so faint.

Best thing is to find out if you do indeed have adrenal issues .. as they are possible to 'fix' if the symptoms are fairly mild - a once a day dip, such as yours, is not severe adrenal crashing so a few simple things could help you.

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to HLAB35

Brilliant thank you hlab ive had a quick reqd and will have to print that all off..

magsyh profile image

Hi I can relate to this. I can suddenly feel quite ill and exhausted and need to sleep. Now im on levo its not nearly as bad. Ive had the glucose tests etc and all ok. The best explanation i found is when you are hypothyroid and eat carbs you produce insulin as normal but your body cant clear it as fast as it should and you end up with too much insulin hanging about and get a bout of hypoglycemia. I have to be careful of eating high glycemic foods. Rice and roasted sweet potatoes make me wake up during the night with a horrible adrenaline rush that can be very scary and it can make my heart beat faster most of the following day till it clears. Im now 2 months on levo and the adrenaline rush doesnt happen nearly as bad but im also avoiding those trigger foods. Also be careful of popcorn. Landed me in hospital with acute diverticulitis. That horrible hard husk bit got caught and caused a nasty infection. I was told people over 40 shouldn't eat popcorn. Avoid high carbs or foods that cause a reaction. Once your thyroid meds are stable you may feel better.

HLAB35 profile image
HLAB35 in reply to magsyh

If you have a bit of a dip (I occasionally do when I've been through stress) try having some guacamole or nutty spread in the afternoon with some crispbread (no added sugar). Avocados (if you don't mind the flavour) won't cause the insulin issues that carbs do and also help support adrenals with B5, Magnesium and Vitamin C. It makes sense that Levo has improved your thyroid hormone levels enough that your adrenals are not having to compensate that much any more :-)

magsyh profile image
magsyh in reply to HLAB35

Thanks for that i do love crunchy almond butter on gluten free toast with a mashed banana. Yes i also use natural progesterone which has helped the adrenals alot. I was living on adrenaline rush for a while and i didnt like it one bit. Glad to say its calmed down and its all positive but i had to go private no nhs help at all on one a&e visit they told me it was anxiety caused by indigestion! I ve been hypo for years but no help thanks to what they call a normal tsh!

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to HLAB35

Thats really interesting 😀😀

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to magsyh

Mags thats really interesting... I will say before meds your right this wqs much worse.. it use to stop me in my tracks at anytime ..i could be fine walking along the road and bang.. felt like someone had pulled the plug from me and i would feel terrible .and it would pass but it could take a while ..your right now it doesnt happen nowhere near as bad or for as long .

Saya85 profile image

Magensium oil is a salt sonic your skin is very dry it will sting for longer.

Try moisturising skin more regularly to begin with as us hypos tend to have drier skin.

A lot of people.use calm.magnesium powder dissolved in water and drink it like that.

I don't like the sticky feeling of the oil.spray afterwards but the stinging only occurs on my dry skin areas.

Soaking in a bath or foot bath might be enough for now

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to Saya85

I do suffer with dry ecxema aswell. Im going to try the foot bath way i think thank u saya

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Spotydave

Yep that'll do it@eczema.

Are you on selenium and vit E btw ?

Both very important for thyroid function and work together

Vit E will also help with hair skin and nails so may work for your eczema too

Definitely try the mag powder dissolved in water and drink it if the oil sprays aren't helping

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to Saya85

Im only on vit d at present... Im trying to get gp to do pernicious anemia so i cant take b12 yet... Im now slowly backing down from eating crsp food and going towards gf food.and starting on fut repair etc.. but theres so much to learn

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Spotydave

Oh yes.... It's a long and overwhelming path but it really is worth sticking to as the results can be immense

Do gradually increase supplementation and try one at a time to make sure your body has time to adjust and you can see if you're having any side effects

Do make sure you're taking vit k2mk7 with your vit D and magensium

I just use the 'better you Dlux' spray (red bottle) as it had both together as do many others on this forum.

As it's an oral spray it should aid better absorption too

Good luck on your journey

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to Saya85

Yep thats the one im on. I was using magnesium spray but im going to do the foot bath thing..cheers saya thats brilliant

tinkerbell22 profile image

Hi Spotydave are you on T3 at all? I wonder if a tiny bit of T3 in the afternoon would help with these dips as it's a regular occurrence. I have a dose of T3 around 5pm which lasts me through until the next morning.

Also some say that you can have hypothyroid ups and downs until you get your thyroid medication right.

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to tinkerbell22

Hi Tinkerbell ive only been on meds 6 weeks .. and on 75mcg levo so i did wonder if im prob not on enough meds yet... Im not in t3 at present

tinkerbell22 profile image
tinkerbell22 in reply to Spotydave

Ohhh that makes sense then! I'd say the dips are likely part of the process then of adjusting to the new meds in your system and finding your right dosage. Did your Dr start you on 75mcg or have you had an increase since starting?

I'm in the process of increasing my T4. I definitely notice ups and downs until it settles! And people say this is normal.

I think you can test your thyroid hormones every 6-8 weeks and adjust T4 accordingly

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to tinkerbell22

I started on 50mcg then went to 75.. gp did offer me 100mcg but i said no id rather try 75 1st ...but mabe 100 will be ideal.. i do feel much better then i did and i even went on a 5mile walk yesterday with the family ..that would never of happened before meds.. but then i had a dip about 2hours after in the odeon.. so i think you def might have a point

tinkerbell22 profile image
tinkerbell22 in reply to Spotydave

I think it's a bit swings and roundabouts until you find the right dosage. I'm still trying to find mine but others say you know when you've got it right! Well done trusting your instincts with your dosage as some people find a 50mcg leap too much all at once. Whereas others are totally fine with it. Well done on your walk too, it feels amazing to see the progress doesn't it

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to tinkerbell22

Yes i think yr right.. im asuming i will try 100mcg after the next bloods as gp did offer it to me try 100mcg. then we will see how that is....

Yer theres no way i could.of done the walk i live beside the sea ao its great getting back walking along the sea front again. Lets hope for both of us its true.when we hit it we will know it.. 😁😁😁😁

Spotydave profile image

I always do now... I did have a print out if my sugar test

MiniMum97 profile image

I get this when hypo/undermedicated. A real dip mid afternoon. I don’t generally fall asleep as I am usually at work and can’t sleep in the day anyway. But I can have a slump when I feel ill and exhausted and can literally do nothing. It usually lifts but after a hour or two.

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to MiniMum97

Very interesting minimum it might be I'm under due bloods again in about three weeks so mabe i need to go from 75 to 100 mcg the dips is far far better than it was before meds...

tinkerbell22 profile image
tinkerbell22 in reply to MiniMum97

Me too! And I go cold as well. I've started to recognise it as my "thyroid coma" feelings, as I call it

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to tinkerbell22

Thats very interesting coz ive suffered veey cold hands and feet for years.. now my hands are often much warmer than my partners..but sometimes all of a sudden they can go cold and then warm up.. my partner use to. Go nuts if i put my feet on her in bed and i use to have to wear socks ( sexy i know lol )or they would be really bad. But now i often have to hang my feet out the bed to cool off.

tinkerbell22 profile image
tinkerbell22 in reply to Spotydave

Oh awesome you've had this improve too :D I know the feeling! Bed socks are a godsend lol. And yes sudden bouts of cold and fatigue sound like sudden thyroid hormone dips

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to tinkerbell22

Ive had lots of improvements. My partner says im getting more and more like my old self. Plus i think getting away from all that crap food from xmas and back on decent food will also get things in the right direction..

MiniMum97 profile image

My DH can’t use mag spray because of this. His skin is too sensitive. He uses Epsom salts in the bath instead.

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to MiniMum97

I will definitely try the epson salts in a food bath situ 😀

HLAB35 profile image

Just found a really good link on Magnesium for you Spotydave. Definitely worth a read ... this guy has found that Magnesium has solved a lot of issues (other than just his acne) and it's quite a comprehensive article.. mentioning sleep, mid afternoon slumps etc... and different kinds of Magnesium.

Spotydave profile image
Spotydave in reply to HLAB35

Thats really nice of you hlab ...i will check it out 😀😀😀

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