Carbimazole brands: Hoping my fellow 5mg... - Thyroid UK

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Carbimazole brands

28 Replies

Hoping my fellow 5mg Carbimazole users can help me.

My first prescription was made up of white pills. My second prescription was pink pills, which after a few days I realised made me feel rough, but by then the packaging from the first lot was on the way to the council tip.

I've been back to the pharmacy but they now only have the pink ones so were unable (or unwilling) to help.

So, if you have white pills, I would be really grateful if you could let me know what brand they are.

Thanks in anticipation

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28 Replies
Rmichelle profile image

Lyna pharmarcies

Hi there , im on carbi and im on the pink ones they are produced by Andipharm, when first put on carbi 18th months ago i had the pink brand but the following time i was given white pills by Lyna pharmacy...these did not agree with me , i took them back to chemist but they said they could not get Andipharm ones back, what i had to do was to ring around several pharmacies and ask if they could get me the pink andipharm carbi, i did find a chemist willing to order me my brand in, ring around and ask if they stock Lyna.or if they can order and it will be a regular prescription. its best if you keep to the one you are used too. Good luck

in reply to Rmichelle

Thanks very much. I've established that the brand I was ok with is Accord, and after phoning round I've found a pharmacy that stocks them (most had the pink ones, though).

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to

Aaw thats ok then its always bezt to keep to the same as different ones could have different fillers. Glad you are sorted. Merry christmas.🎄

Samy3 profile image
Samy3 in reply to Rmichelle

Hi Rmichelle sorry I'm jumping into someone else s post ...rMichelle it's me samy again how u feeling now? R u still getting pain in ur thyroid and ear and jaw.....I'm still the same had a useless appointment with a new endo was a waste of time even I have one 1cm nodule now she thinks my pain has nothing to do with that I don't know where to go she said she will repeat my bloods in 6 months time have u had any luck with the endo?

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Samy3

Hi there yes i do still get pain now and then and im sure its when i get a hashi flare...endo refused to do another scan yet, i am still waiting for my ENT appt as he wants me to see his colleague who works alongside him in his clinic, i have been feeling good some days and not so good on other days, i saw my endo on tuesday as i am now coming off carbi as my frees are dropping on 2.5 carb every other day, i think carbi is actually hindering my well being now so yep im ready to be carbi free soon, im starting it boxing day as i know its gonna be a rough ride, dose changes have always made me bad.

Endos are really not interested and they always like to use their fave saying "its not your thyroid " lol idiots😆 im sure its all connected to graves and hashis-have you seen ent? My endo also said that if im still symptomatic next year or hyper returns etc then they will take thyroid out....good😊

Hey do you take any paracetamol for you pain? I do when its bad, i do think nodules cause sure of it, i have several at 4mm and my endo said exactly the same as yours, if they were on the end of your nose are they telling us we would not feel them!! Rubbish.😕

Samy3 profile image
Samy3 in reply to Rmichelle

Thanks for ur reply I do take paracetamol some days are really bad with pain I don't understand I have seen by ent few times again same answer that ur ear s are clear nothing wrong with them .my GI specialist has found a small hiatus hernia this time when she did endoscopy two months ago my reflux is bad even I'm eating healthy cooked by myself no preserved do u get pain inside ur ear or outside and do u get any indigestion I never had any stomach issue before thyroid problem now I'm getting one after the other

Samy3 profile image
Samy3 in reply to Samy3

R u still getting usual thyroid symptoms with the pain in thyroid or the other symptoms are in control?

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Samy3

I too have a hiatul hernia diagnosed 7 years ago so well before my thyroid and auto immune diseases,,, my digeztion issues have worsened, saw my gi 2 weeks ago for my celiac problem-thyroid issues affect your digestion and so does carbi, my hernia has always been a pain in the neck and i do have to be careful especially with diet and also bending over and stretching in the wrong place as it can loosen it and cause pain, acid etc-i have been referred to Ent due to swallowing and choking issues due to my thyroid even endo agrees with this. I still get issues with my thyroid-pain or discomfort in the thyroid and it gets swollen and tight throat which lasts around 4-5 days and also feels short of breath but that comes and goes- i swear it still happens because my ft3 is still hovering around the lower range and so it my ft4 and this is why he has now discontinued my carbi so i can hopefully rise them naturally and feel better but im better than i were a year ago. I am also very iron deficient and battling this for a whole year and still palpy and breathy and trembly with that but finally referred to Haematology and also through my celiac consultant i am now getting iv iron infusions on 3rd Jan...yipee!!😊

Auto immune diseases cause lots of discomfort and pain and i know that my thyroid is chronically inflamned and damaged and nodules are bothersome so i know the pain in thyroid and ear/ jaw has to be connected, your thyroid is the master gland and controls everything...i do think that some things are not visible to the eye and thats why so called experts dismiss things- you know you are right and its connected to our thyroids- i 1st had the pain going back a good 20 months ago before i was diagnosed and it used to be a sharp pain alongside the left ear(inside ) and down the jaw (but not in the teeth) this went away with carbi for a good 9 months but slowly returned on lower titration doses- i still get it but not as bad to take a painkiller, i usually put a heat pad on mine and when my thyroid swells-many days hubby will see me with a long sock like pad around my neck area....umm atteactive hey😅 endo says he will give me another ultrasound in march to check for changes. I do think nodules play a big part on where they are touching but you can go on till you are blue in the face and endos will still boo hoo it.😊x

Samy3 profile image
Samy3 in reply to Rmichelle

Omg RMichelle yours and my story is exactly the same my pain did went away when I took carbimazole. ..but I was on it for only short time thank GOD bcs I was becoming hypo yes painkiller helps with the pain but mine is inside ear / right side thyroid and jaw plus now teeth aswell ...your 100% right that bcs it's not visible to the eye that's y doctors don't believe it such a shame whenever I get hope that this new endo will do something it all goes in the bin they just don't do anything my nodule is 1cm like you my hubby can even feel when my neck is tender and swollen I'm very careful with diet have my fruits and veg smoothies everyday with little carbs respiratory doctor is doing further testing for breathless I will let you know see what she says bcs she is doing full lung studies and sleep apnoea

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Samy3

I get breathless too but i put this down to ft3 not being where it should and also nodules irritating the windpipe, also aneamia does this too-hows your iron?? It should be around 70 or above?

Samy3 profile image
Samy3 in reply to Rmichelle

I supplemented last year and brought my ferritin level to 62 then I was taking ferrous sulphate on and off but this year again it dropped to 32 so I'm supplementing again

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Samy3

Hey samy just thinking did you have your eyes tested for graves eye disease? Just scanned through some of your old posts where you had blurred vision.just a thought.

Samy3 profile image
Samy3 in reply to Rmichelle

Yes Rmichelle I'm under the care of opthomologis he did scan of my eyes this time bcs my field vision test did not come up right so will see me again in few months time but yes my eyes looks ok but my vision had messed up

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Samy3

Good as i was just concerned as you mentioned about your vision.😊

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Samy3

Yes i too get alot of digestion issues, bloating, pain, acid reflux, food feels like its stuck in your chest area, gassy pain...its not great, i used to take ppi's omprazole nexum etc prior to my thyroid diagnosis but these make thyroid problems worse and are highly addictive and i went through hell coming off them for a month. I always take gaviscon and zantac if needs be and deflatine by rennie is good if you get trapped gassy pains in your tummy or back , my other friend who has graves had alot of digestion issues but since coming off carbi has been alot better, samy how long have you been off carb now?

Samy3 profile image
Samy3 in reply to Rmichelle

I can tell my indigestion started happening after having graves disease I was diagnosed in may 2016 and at the end of July I was taken off carbimazole bcs I was becoming hypo but my pain never went away my first ultrasound that year in October showed thyroditis and this year again in June showed thyroditis with one nodule now and my both lobes are mildly enlarged right side was 19x51x51 and left was 18x51x51 I think in mm not 100% sure abt mm or when I was off carbimazole I still had symptoms of over and under thyroid but after adding vitamins those symptoms did calm down but it took alot time I still get them wit inflammation and pain but they are not bad..comparing pain which is really bad with bad indigestion

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Samy3

Yes bad indigestion is truly painful as i have it like that, be careful with your fruits as they contain alot of acid..i cannot eat fruit it leaves me with acid reflux, i only eat bananas but im a big fan of veg. Lol i have so many gp appts and hospital appts don't think i have time for anything else.

Samy i would like to wish you and your family a great christmas day and i hope we feel half decent eh, have a peaceful day with no feel free to pm me anytime!!

Samy3 profile image
Samy3 in reply to Rmichelle

Aww thank u so much ...have a wonderful day enjoy it with family and friends

Valarian profile image
Valarian in reply to Rmichelle

Good luck with coming off the carbi, Rmichelle!

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Valarian

Thanks V, merry christmas i hope you are still in range.😊

Valarian profile image
Valarian in reply to Rmichelle

Yup, although TSH still dragging its feet and antibodies still there, although much reduced.

Have a great Christmas Rmichelle!

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Valarian

Yep my tsh is lowering again but frees are lower end of range and not rising due to carbi keeping them stagment-still symptomatic in some things but im sure carb is hindering improvement. Valarian have a great day tomorrow and stay

Valarian profile image
Valarian in reply to

I only get Accord from the hospital pharmacy, where they give me pots of 100. My local pharmacy usually gives me blister packs of one month’s worth, and they are always salmon-coloured.

Huff78 profile image
Huff78 in reply to Rmichelle

I’ve been given these white accord ones just three weeks ago and ever since I’ve taken them I’ve felt unwell- mostly gastric issues. I’m now I’m wondering if i should attempt to go back to the pink ones🤔🤔

Rmichelle profile image
Rmichelle in reply to Huff78

Hi there, personally i find it best to try and keep to the same brand, carbi does upset the stomach anyway as with thyroid and digestive issues go hand in hand, however i found that taking the white pills ( lyna pharmacy i think) i felt low mood, but much much better on the pink tablets by andipharm. Good luck.x

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

I see you have your answer! But if you need to know in future, two sites are very helpful:

The first one is very useful but it is impossible to know if there are other makes not included there.

The second one is difficult to interpret because it lists suppliers rather than manufacturers/brands.

in reply to helvella

Thanks, I've bookmarked them both.

yerhol53 profile image


I was only on them for 2 1/2 months, they were a very pale pink (200 in bottle) called Neo-Mercazole (carbimszole 5mg) made by Amdipharm. I never had any side effects with them. regards Vicki

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