Hi, I am currently taking 1 grain of Thiroyd (1/2 grain taken twice a day) and I am thinking of changing to Metavive II as I've been having a lot of problems since starting Thiroyd in September, including digestive issues. When I start on Metavive should I take 30mg twice a day? Thank you.
Metavive II : Hi, I am currently taking 1 grain... - Thyroid UK
Metavive II

Yes you have the dose right.
You can split the dose but it would work out at half the cost if you just had one 60 mg tablet. I’d probably try it all in one dose, for me it it less complicated if you take other meds.
Alternatively you could split the capsule. As yours is a small dose a straight swap should be ok.
It’s still worth taking your temps with a basal thermometer as per
This will take you to the home page and in the top right hand corner in the search bar type orchestra.
It will take you to a great article on good health and how to monitor your temps.
You need to aim for 36.5. degrees. (an average with 4 readings daily or 8 if you are increasing/ swapping meds.) Any lower means you are undermedicated any wobbles of 0.3 or more means you have adrenal issues.
Good luck and ask if you need any help.
Thank you for your reply. I would prefer to buy a porcine NDT and they don't sell that in 60 mg unfortunately. I was going to try the bovine ones if I don't get on well with the others.
I'm not on my optimal dose of Thiroyd, but I have been unable to increase over 1 1/4 grains, due to adrenal issues. I then started to get ill on 1 1/4 grains, so I have recently reduced to 1 grain and I feel a lot better but I still have a lot of hypo symptoms.
I think I need to check my basal temp more. I usually do it first thing when I wake up, as well as pulse, but I tend to not do it during the day.
Apologies my specialist can get 60 mgs so that’s why I suggested it.
Yes i tend to only do my first temps at say 9 am once I’ve had my ndt at 6.15 / 6.30 as it tends to be lower and for some people could mess up their averages. If your adrenals ( or diet has a high gi load) you can have issues increasing doses.
That said my dose of ndt is far lower than it was on t3 and t4 and once my adrenals were better ( I have v v high cortisol and 0 dhea and I am coeliac so I swapped to a gluten ketogenic diet as per the reference I gave you) my temps increased by 3 degrees and I am so much warmer. That has taken some getting used to after 20 years of being freezing.
Good luck. I know my specialist has had very good results with this and adrenavive.
Thank you. What sort of specialist do you see? I would like to see a Functional doctor but it's so expensive.
I have quite high cortisol in the morning and late morning. It's only just over range but it seems to affect me a lot. My dhea is also low. I have been taking Holy Basil but it makes me feel really hypo. So I'm just taking zinc and L'theanine at the moment to try and lower cortisol. Sometimes I wonder if it's adrenal issues that's causing my problems with NDT or if it's the NDT itself, so I want to try a different one.
Well you’ll be able to tell immediately with your temps x 4 a day if it is the adrenals that are out. It’s not easy when one is low and one high as it can make a false ok reading.
I much prefer ashwaganda and my cortisol is circa 79( range 10-20) I take zinc re conversion.
Depending on how low your dhea is pregnenolone is v good.
I tried adrenavive but it raised my cortisol too much( even more)
My specialist ( sadly is full) was an Endo for 17 years within the nhs then set up her own practice privately. However she coverseverything from thyroid diet, vitamins, adrenals and has written 15 books on diabetics diet vitamins, ME. If natural works great if not you can choose western meds.
She had initially 30 % of her patients working now circa 88%.
I think she puts herself under the ecological category but her cpd and training is amazing.
I’ll send you a link.
I'm hoping to try pregnenolone. I'm just waiting for my results to come back for my oestrogen and progesterone levels, as I think it's advised not to take pregnenolone if one of them is high.
I wish I could take ashwagandha but it made me feel awful. I don't think I can tolerate adaptogen herbs very well, as I had problems with rhodiola too.
Your specialist sounds very good. What was the link you were going to send, I didn't receive it. Thanks.