Throyid and miscarriage : Hello, right now I am... - Thyroid UK

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Throyid and miscarriage

16 Replies

Hello, right now I am having a miscarriage and I want to know how can I find out if my throyid or it's antibodys is to blame as it started playing up two weeks ago and my baby stopped growing then, I had thyroid disease and quite a few problems with my previous pregnancy tho baby was born alive he has problems, I'm so upset over this miscarriage and the fact it wasn't took care of, the meds did not agree with me and I stopped them along time ago and my throyid went back to normal at the start of 2018 and blood tests showed last week that it was at 7.22 and I was only checked because I was so cold my doctor ordered tests.

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16 Replies
Nanaedake profile image

I'm sorry for your situation. You need to look after yourself right now and give yourself time to recover and grieve if that's what you need. I was told a miscarriage can be caused by a lot of different factors. It can be a healthy response to something that's gone wrong in development of the baby but there's no telling what caused it. It's not anything you've done wrong.

When you're feeling better, talk to your GP about monitoring when you concieve and ask how best this can be achieved. Read up as much as you can about thyroid disease and how to manage it in the meantime, Thyroid UK's website has good information.

When you get blood tests done, ask for thyroid antibodies to be checked. Ask the GP for a print out on how thyroid conditions should be managed in pregnancy.

Aurealis profile image

I am so sad and sorry to hear about your miscarriage. We often don’t get to know what the causes of events are, and this may be one of those times- and you could torture yourself on that particular journey. Miscarriage is natures way sometimes, but it’s none the less painful for that. However it does make sense to do some serious finding out looking forward. Perhaps you could get a referral to an endocrinologist before getting pregnant again.

For now, take care of yourself and your little boy.

Hugs to you xxx

marram profile image

Hi, I am so, so sorry about your miscarriage. I hope you can have some time to grieve for your lost baby.

You say the meds did not agree with you, and you stopped taking them. Are you talking about Levothyroxine? Did you tell the doctor you had done so, and was any effort made to find out what was the reason?

Before you risk trying for another baby it would be advisable to try to sort out your health, for your own wellbeing too.

Hi everyone and thank you for your reply, my mother and father have both passed, my dad 21years ago and my mother 10years ago so I'm unsure of illnesses unfortunately, I have been told by my auntie (my dad's sister) that the throyid problems come from their side..I have had problems with my iron from birth so been anemic quite a few times in my life, and yes it's the levothyroxine, it made me very angry from the word go, I was on it 6weeks and felt like I was getting worse by the day I could not control my anger and my poor husband ended up getting the most of it unfortunately, it wasn't a nice experience for any of us, and yes I made a appointment with my doctor before I stopped it to talk to him and see what could be done and there was nothing eles for me so I left and stopped the meds and felt like myself after a few days, and before I got pregnant I had my bloods done and they came back at 4.4 that was very good I thought and I felt good, also my throyid was overactive when pregnant with my son and I had no idea we thought it was crazy pregnancy hormones it was only after baby was born we found out as I was so unhappy, angry, tired and brain fog to name but a few. I must add we have 5 children and this little one was not planned at all so very much a shock and surprise but as we should be 9weeks now and we found out in October we have had time to get excited about it and look forward to our new little baby so to be told baby was only coming up 5.4weeks and being told it was a missed miscarriage now I know what a shock is, I know there is some poor people out their that have this happen all the time and I feel so sorry for them because I know how I'm feeling and this is a first it really dose hit home when these things come knocking on your door, I know it was early but it was our baby none the less and I loved it so much already, I really do believe I'm done with pregnancy it's going to take some time to get over this and I have these little ones that need me and I'm lost just at this moment I don't think I could put us here again from Monday my life turned upside down.. xOOO..

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Early miscarriage or not, this is your baby, yours and your husband's and you need time to process everything and grieve. It takes time.

For now look after yourself and as others have said, get thyroid advice before you consider another pregnancy.

Just a thought, if your last child has developmental problems have his/her thyroid levels been checked ?

My thoughts are with you today, it's an awful time for you. Take care of yourselves.

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Thank you for your kind words... yes my son has a lot of people round him he has the rapid response team, the autism team and the paediatric doctor, this doctor did all his bloods a year ago and keeps telling me that it's nothing to do with my throyid because it's not showing in bloods nore was it at his first born check up or his heel prick test, so where do I go from their and also were do i stand when Levo is far from my friend how do I take something that didn't help me and made me worst and if my throyid went back to normal a year ago and stayed that way surely their has to be something that would suit my needs better...??? I don't have big age gaps so I don't understand how I lost this little one especially when I was just cold no mood swings or any of that stuff that I clearly had with my son...I just don't understand any of this it makes no sense I have 4 other kids with no problems.

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I'm no expert on thyroid in adults. Everything I know I've learnt here, there's a lot of knowledge and support.

Unfortunately, autism can happen to any child and while some causes are known, many parents never get a specific answer. Any problems to do with his thyroid would have been noticed by the midwifery team after his birth and shown in blood tests.

When you are rested and ready contact the Autism Society There are often local support groups and what we used to call years ago Opportunity Groups. These were playgroups for children with additional needs. High staff ratio, specialist advisors and parents were a great support to each other.

With support, therapy and education your son can have a good life.

Don't beat yourself up, we can all only do the best we can with the information we have at the time.

Maybe the levo you were prescribed was too high or too low a dose. Insist on an an appointment with an Endocrinologist and see if you can get some answers there.

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No one knew or checked my throyid till my son was a month old so it was completely missed..😞 I will and thank you...

MaisieGray profile image

Pregnancy is a big drain on the thyroid, and if you were hypothyroid and not taking your medication, the thyroid hormone deficit to you may have been considerable. Equally, in the first trimester, the baby is unable to generate thyroid hormones of its own, and draws on its mother's reserves to aid in its own brain and other development. Before you consider another pregnancy it is very important for you both, that you first optimise your own thyroid health, in readiness for supporting your new baby.

That's just it tho my throyid was normal again at the start of the year and had stayed that way and my doctor said it was great it went back to normal and that sometimes this happens and we go on a rollercoaster for a while and then it all works out so after them tests and feeling good I'd no reason to worry about it and the only thing I went to the doctors with was because I was so cold and because of my iron I believed it was it again and doctor ordered blood tests for iron and throyid and unfortunately last week we got the results but it was already too late..

When I rang for my results I didn't even get talking to a doctor or told I needed scan or appointment all the lady on the phone said is doctor said your levels are slightly raised and to have bloods done again in 4weeks, why if it was so dangerous was I made to feel it was fine and keeping a eye on it was the answer..?

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"I had my bloods done and they came back at 4.4 that was very good I thought and I felt good"

Doctors are told to go by the TSH reference ranges, but you can have symptoms of hypothyroidism when officially the levels are OK. 4.4 is actually quite high. One nurse thought I must be OK when my TSH got below 3, but I was definitely still not OK. Also, if you have Hashimoto's (autoimmune hypothyroidism) TSH can vary a lot anyway and sometimes cause hyperthyroid symptoms due to thyroid cells disintegrating and dumping their hormones into the blood stream all at once.

Allow yourself to grieve and try to rest and concentrate on getting well. Even a successful pregnancy, and for several months afterwards, are likely to affect other systems as well as sex hormones. Some women become diabetic or hypothyroid only when pregnant.

It can be a long and often complicated journey with the thyroid, but don't give up. You will need to be patient. For example, perhaps you are one of those who needs to take thyroxine in tiny increases. Was your starting dose 50mcg Levothyroxine? That is usual for a younger person, but some of us have to start on 25. Or perhaps the brand of Levo you were given didn't suit you. Tevo brand seems to upset many people.

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Thank you Jnetti, yes I was giving 50mg to start, doctor told me I should maybe increase but I was afraid to after the weeks we had already had being so bad and I found lots of people saying the same as me but they had increased and where hooked on them and felt terrible and the weight gain just makes everything worst, my doctor said he couldn't offer me anything eles...?😔

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"I found lots of people saying the same as me but they had increased and where hooked on them"

Hooked on them??? That is like saying a diabetic is hooked on insulin or someone drowning is hooked on oxygen! Thyroxine is not a drug, it's an essential hormone that we need in order to live. If our bodies can't make enough we have to have it supplied somehow.

The weight gain and a lot of other symptoms are because we don't have enough thyroid hormones. But getting the right level we need takes time and sometimes we feel worse before we feel better.

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Sorry I did not mean any offence, my son's teacher takes them and told me she forgot one day and was in school before she rememberd and ended up crashing her car on her way home for them so that made me feel really scared and with the way I was already feeling I guess I just couldn't cope feeling like I was and maybe ending up with no way out if you can understand what I mean..

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Bless you, I wasn't offended, just concerned because it seemed that you thought taking Levothyroxine is like taking drugs! It isn't a drug, it is something essential to life that us hypos are short of xx

And the accident your son's teacher had was likely because she was short of the thyroxine she needed. I had to retire a couple of years ago because (though I didn't know it then) I was already hypo and it affected my concentration. And as the work involved quite a lot of driving - and sometimes taking people on outings - I didn't feel safe any more.

I still have the car but there are still days I know I'm not fit to drive and have to go by bus because my thyroid levels are low. That's the worst thing for me, not being able to concentrate or think straight!

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