Hi, hope you guys might have some advise. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for baby for over a year we can get pregnant very easily but so far 2 pregnancies has resulted in MC at 7 weeks. I am aware that high thyroid in women might be The reason for Miscarriage so have mine tested and all is in norm. However few days ago my husband has his test done and result come back at 9.76. I have read that this might impact quality of his sperm but so far we did not have any issues with getting pregnant. Do anyone knows if my husband highly thyroid be a reason for our losses, as we have now found out I am pregnant again so would rather be ready for the worst ?
High TSH for man and miscarriage : Hi, hope you... - Thyroid UK
High TSH for man and miscarriage
Presumably you are talking about the TSH result?
You say yours is "norm". What is the actual result? For a healthy pregnancy it needs to be below 2.5
Hi I did mine when I wasn’t pregnant don’t remember what it was but is was a norm, will check again now when I am pregnant again, it is my husband result that is very high.
Yes, I know it's your husband's result that is very high, and he should follow that up. But for a successful pregnancy the mother needs TSH to be below 2.5. Always ask for a print out of any results for any tests that are done, it's your legal right and it will help you understand what the doctor is looking for and what it means.
My daughter-in-law lost 4 babies due to undiagnosed hypothyroidism, her TSH wasn't high enough for an official diagnosis. She went private, the doctor started her on Levo, and she had no further miscarriages. Eventually her NHS GP agreed to the diagnosis because the hospital wrote on her notes "TSH acceptable for someone on levothyroxine".
Well worth getting copies of both your latest blood results to post here. There is a lot of controversy about the accepted normal range in NHS and lot of people on this forum have benefitted from treatment despite being declared normal by doctors. There might also be a need for your ferretin, vitamin D, folate and B12 to be taken and posted.
Do you have any hypothyroid symptoms such as tiredness, weight gain, constipation, low temperature, irregular periods etc.?
I imagine your partner s feeling unwell although sometimes the TSH can throw up a random high not related to thyroid function usually a virus or bump on the head.
That’s the thing even if we know his results are out of norm he doesn’t have any symptoms at all, that’s why we were quite shocked. As for me I have copy of mine Pre-pregnancy test I just have to find it, but I don’t have any symptoms , my period is very regular , etc.
It might just be a random result then. I have seen quite a few on here. sometimes with people and a tsh over 50 who are fine.
A good way to double check is to take pulse and temperature first thing in the morning. It might also be possible that the raised TSH is keeping his thyroid hormones at a good level for now but if he does have a thyroid problem his thyroid might not be able to keep up with the demands of the TSH indefinatly. So it might be worth him having his antibodies checked.
Do post your pre pregnancy results. I was allowed to go through two pregnacys with low iron, low vit d, low B12 and undiagnosed hypothyroidism and now have children with significant issues. I was silly enough to trust the NHS to look after me.