Hi anyone can help me out here please . Would be much appreciated .
I am on liothyronine only . I am auto immune thyroiditis or ords. ( high antibodies and USS shows scarring and shrinkage .presented with high tsh low t4 )
After finding I didnt convert thyroxine tablets to t3( through blood tests) . I eventually ended up on liothyronine only . I take no thyroxine now .
So for years ( on t3 only )my blood results are characterised by a very low tsh ( about 0.1 to 1) , a t4 of about 1 and a t3 in range or a little high . I am under a consultant for all these years .
So imagine my surprise when my blood results came back this time with a tsh just above range ! It was 5.95( range in my lab 0.3 to 5.0)
The t4 was 1.3 . The usual .
The t3 was 4.7 . In normal range.
I thought I had heard somewhere u can get a high tsh if you have an infection or inflammation hence differential diagnosis when first presenting with high tsh .instead of straight off diagnosing hypothyroid disease .
And at the time I had a UTI not yet treated . And developed a few days after the bloods shingles . So could this be the reason. Or is it a sign my thyroid could have less antibodies attacking . As I have been experimenting with auto immune protocols .
I think I know the answer to the last one . If I had less antibodies attacking anx hence a healthier thyroid . My t4 would be higher not my tsh ??
Anyway thankyou for reading. if you got this far you are a Saint. Thank you .