Hi, i wrote on here a week or so back i have osteoporosis im now going to take the once a week tablet aledronate but the d3 calcichew prescibed tablet only contains 400iu taken twice a day.. surely that isnt enough? plus it has sorbital in it i have been taking 3000 iu twice daily with k2 mk7 now think i should have be using a spray does anyone have any idea's how to supplement as i dont think the GPs meds prescribed is enough but it has the added calcium in it. So not sure best way to go about it. Last vit d test was July last year it was 88 without ssupplementing any advice appreciated!
Advice on taking my vit d3 k2 mk7 rather than... - Thyroid UK
Advice on taking my vit d3 k2 mk7 rather than the calcichew d3 from Gp re osteoporosis

6000iu is a high dose
You are unlikely to need that much.
Suggest you get tested especially as was good level with no supplements
ThanYou.. SlowDragon yes i was going to get Vit D tested anyway not had much outdoor activity this year plus due to Vitligo gets worse in the sun i have to cover up or use complete block now i thought recently because off poor gut function due to hashi i took more vit d3 going to get oral spray might be better
10 days ago I posted the link for you to read up on OP on Dr Myhills website. Did you manage to read it ? Calcium is part of osteoclasts - the breaking down of old bone ... osteoblasts involved in new bone cells.
Yes i did Marz but rather than take the calcichew i thought take what im already taking with the Alendronate and just add my own calcium supplement or food etc

Are you low in calcium ?
I dont know Marz last full bloods done in March this year i eat loads of fish drink the red top skimmed milk GP has never said anything

So taking it will not have any advantage as taking VitD improves the uptake of calcium from foods and the K2 directs it away from the arteries and into the bones and teeth Have you read up on the Alendronate ?
Hi reallyfedup. Im not on Facebook been reading up on so much totally confused if i can go without this Alendronate i would im already taking so many supplements plus Levo fitting it all in around food

Which supplements are you taking ? Boron ? Magnesium ?
I was taking megasorb ultra pure magnesium citrate 2x150mg now using Better You Magesium oil vit c 1000 once a day with ferrous sulphate twice a day build my ferritin up... vit d3 3000 with k2 mk7 was on twice a day i have just finished my Methyl Folate. Now going to buy b complex with methyl folate in it. Think thats it !
Boron what does that do

Dr Myhill mentions it on her page about OP 😊
I read up on so much i forget somethings just had Osteoporosis info turn up today from the Osteo Society im overwhelmed! My hubby keeps saying you read up on far too much and all those supplements its
Just taken over no wonder you get tired just eat well take your Levo everyday thats all you need Rhats hubbys advice...

Maybe show hubby the link for him to read I posted below It does mention how stomach acid lowers as we age - so absorption of nutrients is not so efficient. Tell hubby if we do not read and learn then we are not in a position to ask the right questions

This is the page about supplementation for Osteoporosis - sorry Boron is not mentioned - am sure it was a couple of years ago when I was helping a friend. Still lots of interesting things to mull over
Thank You!
Thank You ill go look it up ...
Please get tested.
The metabolic research I've read indicates that the optimal blood level is somewhere between 65 and 85. Below 30 is outright deficient.
Mine was at a severely deficient 3 when they first tested me, and I ended up on 50,000 IU three times a week to get the level back up. (They tried once a week to start, but that only got me to 13.) To maintain, I need about 15,000 IU of D2 a day, which would be excessive for most people. They check about once a year, now it's stabilised.
Your mileage may vary. For now, as you don't know you are deficient, most experts set an upper dose of 4,000 to 6,000 per day. Ill effects of higher doses seem rare, especially when one is also taking K, but still.
Nature's Bounty has gel capsules that work well for me, especially when I get them at two for the price of one. Most people don't need the pricier sprays.
Besides ludicrous amounts of D3, I also take:
* calcium pyruvate (partly to fight chronic fatigue), which I get as a bulk powder so it's cheaper and it's Justin a small scoop in a drink once a day
* magnesium malate (partly to fight chronic fatigue) also as a bulk powder
* magnesium bisglycinate (really easy to absorb and use; magnesium deficiency is really common, and just as bad for bones as calcium deficiency; also, when I am low, I get killer cramps and my migraines are worse)
* a chelated daily multimineral supplement for boron and other important trace minerals (chelated = bound to an amino acid, which makes the mineral easier for the body to absorb and use; my digestion and metabolisn need all the help they can get!)
* a good daily multivitamin (Smarty Pants gummy vitamins, as they have the fancy methylated versions of B vitamins that my husband and I both need -- plus CoQ10 and some important antioxidants in the versions we take -- at a very competitive price, and ... they are not more pills)
Boron is one of the trace minerals important to bone metabolism.
Thank you !!