I have been told I must make a decision between surgery and radio therapy due to an over active thyroid. I cannot find any reports for either that appear to have been successful but the consultant is pushing me for a decision. Anyone can help out there with any advice ? My bloods seem to be ok according to the phone clinic.
Decision Time: I have been told I must make a... - Thyroid UK
Decision Time

You absolutely do not have to choose, as if you are doing well on an anti-thyroid medication, you can safely stay on it for as long as you continue to find it works well for you. Do not be bullied into choosing either, as both are fraught with problems and I deeply regret allowing mine to be removed.
Thank you for your reply. I am now convinced by the responses I have received that my hesitation was a good thing. My appointment is next week so now feel I have the confidence to put the brakes on if feeling under pressure again. I was just told that I couldn’t be on the medication for much longer as it would not be good for me. Was this just to worry me into making a decision which was what the consultant wanted at once ? When it was clear I could not give an answer then, she said she would see me in three months and I could give her my answer then. This will be next week’s appointment. The answer needs to be “NO” I think. I now feel more able to state my case after yours and Heloise’s replies. Thank you both so much.
Hi Debussey, tell him "not now" and walk out that door. He may enjoy his profession and eager to perform but you will have to face a lifetime without your thyroid. Tell us more about why you are at this point.
Many have gone into remission. My own son did. Sometimes it takes two years. How long have you been on carbimazole? Doctors aren't good when it comes to thyroid/adrenal. They can't be when their solution is to remove an organ. This doctor understands.
Hi. Thanks for helping me decide what to tell her next week. The consultant sprung the choice of radio therapy or surgery on me at my last appointment and wanted a decision there and then. She was pushing me towards surgery and sounded as though she was losing her patience as I could not give her an answer there and then. I told her I was not ready and needed time to think about it. I don’t think she was very happy and then said she wanted to get me on the “list.” They haven’t even explained all about technical terms for levels from my blood tests. I just do not have a clue about what I should be doing. I gather from other posts that supplements are what’s needed. I do know I have a calcium deficiency and have been taking Adcal twice a day. Not osteoporosis yet according to bone x Ray, but very thinning bones. I have been on Carbimazole for roughly 18 months.
Do you have any results you can post, and how much carbimazole are you on currently ?
Interesting that she is pushing you towards surgery - have you had any eye symptoms ?
You should probably be taking selenium and zinc for one thing. Vitamin D3 and K2 actually help other hormones work correctly . Did she give you a real diagnosis? With Hashimoto's, your thyroid is being attacked (believe it or not your thyroid looks like gluten) and as it it being destroyed by your immune cells thinking it is gluten tissue you appear hyper only because so much tissue may be being destroyed. After that your thyroid doesn't work as well and then you appear hypo. This can go on for quite a while so knowing your test results from time to time is crucial. And to remove your thyroid is disgraceful for something like this. If you could go gluten free for a couple of weeks to see if it makess a difference. I believe in digestive enzymes with meals. Maybe you don't need HCL if you have plenty of acid to break down your amino acids and minerals. This is why selenium is important. Here's more reading.