Has anyone experience of using Progesterone cream and as a consequence found they need to reduce their thyroid meds , or even give up altogether, as the Progesterone appears to sort things out ? I’d love to hear from anyone with details of your experience. THANKYOU.
Progesterone and its effect on Hashimotos. - Thyroid UK
Progesterone and its effect on Hashimotos.

Hope you receive replies, I'd also like to know.
Me too 🙂
Hi AnnaSo
Would you briefly tell me where you are up to in the thyroid / progesterone world ? ! And reason why you too are ME TOO !
Simply because each and every time tested my progesterone is low and even though my oestrogen is within norm this makes me oestrogen dominant. I’d like to raise it, tried vitex but not much effect. I think unless my thyroid is sorted female hormones will be all over the shop. The same for adrenals. It’s ok linked.
Thanks G2G2...if relevant, can you tell me briefly your experience to date..? And thus reason why you too !
I'm not using progesterone, but have talked to my doctor about it.
Tell me what’s goingnon with you
Are you hypo?
On thyroxine ?
On hrt ?
On NDT ?
I have Hashimoto's, take NDT & T3. Not on HRT yet.
NATURAL PROGESTERONE BY ANNA RUSHTON AND DR SHIRLEY BOND...it’s very easy to scan through to the relevant bits...very interesting...out of date in that at time of writing there was no natural progesterone available without a prescription ..that is no longer the case...and an easy and food one to get is Serenity from Wellsprings...it lasts ages...you may want to get the 20-1 from them instead...but not overly critical what you start with...if you on a high is dose of hrt the recommendation is to try and cut it down..but I’m on 37.5 patch and can’t cut down as it create too many problems.
So dr Bond said to me it sounds as if you do need some estrogen.
That helped..it IS ok to be on some estrogen..the smallest dose you need ..and progesterone at the same time,.
You have to trial and error your way to working out amounts of this and that..but there are good guidelines on makers website AND in the book on how to use it. Don’t hesitate to embark on it if your are still not really well despite your current meds. This was my issue...in everything possible...the besr supps too and a good, healthy lifestyle. Just couldn’t get well aThen as I read study I gradually suspected esteogen dominance. The funny thing is..on the estrogen dom8nance checklist..I only had one of the symptom !!! So take heart,,see some light at the end of the tunnel..but the book...and PROBABLY BUY THE CREAM !
All the best.
Hi Jollypolly!
Sorry I can’t give you any answers to your question but I too am interested. Mainly because, in addition to hypothyroid/CFS symptoms, I have irregular periods (which never used to be the case) and although I realise this could be due to an under-medicated thyroid issue I was wondering if it might be due to a different kind of hormone issue.
What has led you to ask about progesterone?
Hope someone can help you with some real life experience of it!🤞
Our situations are too difficult to compare..but thanks for the input !
Because of that..it’s too complicated to explain..so forgive me if I don’t..no offence meant ..all the best to you .
Actually,on reflection I’d strongly advise buying book...very cheap indeed..
THERE S An awful lot in there relevant to you..and we may not be so far apart as I thought, if both our problems are actually to do with low or no progesterone. I would urge you to but the book,..extremely easy to scan and read...not all the chapters are relevant to you. So ignore....go through relevant chapters with a red pen and highlighter...
It’s out of date now in that at time of writing there was no progesterone available without prescription...now there is and a good one is SERENITY CREAM BY WELLSPRINGS.
Hello Jollypolly,
Yes I use natural progestrone and it is absolutely wonderful, it brought me back to life, of course getting the balance right is key, having too much is hell but I soon got to work it out. I had a really bad case of Estrogen Dominance, and my Progestone levels were so low that the receptors had switched off.
This is why it was so benefical to me
Best wishes
Are you on NDT too...and what difference has the prog made to that ?
Not on NDT, taking very small amount of liquid levo. Its natural progesterone, not what the docs prescibe - I just need to be clear on that.
It has made a massive difference to me, hard to believe but true, if you want evidence of what I am saying then I recommend the Dr John Lee book - what your doctor may Not tell you about menopause - you can get it for 0.01p plus delivery.
Its such a wonderful book, things start falling into place as you read 😀
It is important to recognise the symptoms of taking too much progesterone (as that is hell) in the book he tells u symptoms of too much.
Best wishes
Hi Debs
Thanks for this this IS encouragement to me ... yes I’m talking about NATURAL PROGESTERONE AS IN Serenitycream
Thanks again Our situ Is outwardly rather different but probably fundamentally similar !🍷
Can I just check how did you find out about your progesterone levels and is a doc overseeing this? I have Hashimotos and have always wondered if I have low progesterone. I have all the symptoms of oestrogen dominance too. Struggling to know how to test and then treat this. Thanks in advance!
Hi Debs, once again ,
Been on Serenity Prog cream some time now..this last week moved over to 20-1 the prog cream with tiny part biodentical Estrogen.
Because of continuing vaginal dryness etc.
Been using twice daily...1/8 teaspoon x two daily as recommended.
Last couple of days the amazing energy has started dwindling and feeling so tired and depressed a little with it.
I suspect I’m having too much,,.have you any suggestions, as you obviously been here and done that ?
Best wishes,
Hello Marion,
Mood change/Depression could certainly be a sign of too much, please be very careful - as too much can be really terrible, It is about balance and personly the 20-1 cream doesn't sound like a good idea - how are you going to get the ratio right? I do agree with John Lee on that. I would proceed with caution if things are going wrong, certainly could be too much.
For Vaginal dryness I used a hormone free Gel called Sylk - the natural intimate moisturiser - I found it really helpful
Best wishes
Ok Debs, thanks for this....I thought I was doing the obviously right thing,but ok.,I’ll go back to the Serenity and perhaps cut dose down a fraction ...
Thanks again.
I’ve just been prescribed progesterone cream but not started using yet. I have absent periods. Only 31.
Hypo symptoms and health has been hell since I had my daughter, now 4.
Hello Dee,
Yes I had awful fatigue to the extent of being nearly housebound. I am not recommending Synthetic Progesterone - which Is what the doctors prescribe. It must be natural , so it is bio-identical to what the body produces.
My periods stopped altogether when I was late 20's, it was then finally confirmed (after lots of requests) that I was in full blown menopause - most likely caused by my undiagnosed thyroid - which never got picked up til late 20's.
I really must make the point that the progesterone needs to be natural
Hope this helps