After years of chronic fatigue and blood tests that seem to indicate thyroid as normal, I am at the end of my tether. I've tried all sorts of supplements (Ashwarganda, high iodine such as Kelp) which helped a bit bu the slumps into fatigue, brain fog, muscle pain. legs burning in the morning always return.
I'm now at the point where I've nowhere to turn as my doctors can't do anything. The only thing I haven't tried is thyroxin but as many others on this site have experienced, my doctor won't prescribe it.
Where to turn next? Should I try to obtain Thyroxin privately? Ib that case how do you ascertain the quality? At what level should I take it? 25mg, 50 mg?
At least I would be able to rule out thyroid issues if i too Thyroxin for a month and there was no change. I now there are some small risks doing this (increased heart rate etc) but after 18 years of M.E with limited improvement I need to try.
Any advice gratefully received!