GP's reaction to private blood test results - Thyroid UK

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GP's reaction to private blood test results

jib70 profile image
8 Replies

I posted last week about doing this, anticipating the worst. Just want to report GP was great and so helpful and I feel I'm getting somewhere. If anyone else in doubt doing this take my advice and go for it.

SlowDragon suggested I should concentrate on my low Vit levels first, important to get them sorted. GP went through the results with me explaining them but told me she can't diagnose or treat from private tests so I'm booked in for repeat NHS ones Tues. She is really concerned about the low B12 and Vit D and suggested a coeliac test too as likely my results are due to malabsorption problems.

I think I should pop over to the PA board now, but just wanted to put my thanks to SlowDragon and everyone here for their help and guidance. I feel I have begun the journey of improved health, slowly one step at a time. j x

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jib70 profile image
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8 Replies
shaws profile image

It is a pity we have to revert to having our own tests first before doctors listen.

I wish you well on your journey to good health.

SlowDragon profile image

Great to hear ........brilliant 😀

Fruitandnutcase profile image

That’s really good news. Even if she can’t use your private tests at least she didn’t bite your head off and is going to repeat them. Well done.

jib70 profile image
jib70 in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Yes it is encouraging isn't it. The way I feel nowadays with so many problems I expected to be dismissed as a hypochondriac again (sure that sounds familiar to lots of us).

Only a first step as still got my all my thyroid problems to get sorted but an ultrasound on that this week. It was all you caring people here who encouraged me to get private bloods and then to see GP so I am immensely grateful.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to jib70

After my own experiences I always think that if you feel like a hypochondriac then it’s time your GP checked out your thyroid. Shortly before I was found to have Graves I was told by one doctor who sat back I;her seat and looked at me like I was a total hypochondriac that ‘I was needing my holiday! ‘ I came out of that consultation almost crying with rage - I knew I was really ill.

Fortunately by the time I crumbled i got a decent doctor who recognised the problem right away but the one who prescribed a holiday really ought to have realised I wasn’t well.

lily82 profile image

My GP refused to take notice of my private thyroid test results. But I went to see an endocrinologist privately (also works on the NHS) and he said the tests were relevant, and is re-testing me on the NHS, including other ones such as growth hormone. It sucks that I had to go privately to see the endo, but he did at least take the private tests seriously.

It's always worth trying, IMO.

Nanaedake profile image

Very pleased to hear the GP is taking notice of the low B12 and other vitamins levels and doing something about it. Annoying that you had to get private tests done first before you got any action though.

She could treat on private blood tests, but doesn't want to take responsibility. Let's hope the NHS ones get you treatment - but what a waste of taxpayers' money.

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