Daughters results - : Hi, I am wondering if... - Thyroid UK

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Daughters results -

sharonlow profile image
7 Replies

Hi, I am wondering if anyone can see anything that my 24 year old daughter should do.

Shes been back and forward to the DR's, tired, dizzy, lack of concentration, she has a slightly puffy face, and hair falling out.

All I think I can see is her ferrtin is low, but within range. Thyroid antibodies non existent.

Any advice gratefully received.


Jul 18 21 (11-336)

aug 17 13 (11-336)

Sept 14 10 (11-336)


jul 201818 1.15 (0.34-5.6)

Aug 2017 1.68 (0.34-5.6)

sept 2014 1.23 (0.34-5.6)

Free T4

Jul 2018 11.90 (7.5-21.1)

Aug 2017 11.60 (7.5-21.1)

Sep 2014 12.10 (7.5-21.1)


Jul 2018 339 (187-883)

aug 2017 350 (187-883)

sep 2014 249 (180-914)

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sharonlow profile image
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7 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image



Jul 18 21 (11-336)

This is currently very low and it has been for many years apparently. Has her GP never done anything about it? She was below range in September 2014 and should have been tested for iron deficiency anaemia. In fact that would be a good idea now - suggest she asks for a full blood count and iron panel.

In any event, for thyroid hormone to work, that is our own as well replacement hormone, ferritin needs to be 70, and it's recommended for it to be half way through it's range.

See article about low ferritin here restartmed.com/low-ferritin/


Jul 2018 339 (187-883)

This is also low and was even lower in September 2014. Does she have signs of B12 deficiency - check here b12deficiency.info/signs-an... If she does she should list them then she needs to ask her GP for investigations into B12 deficiency/pernicious anaemia

I have read (but not researched so don't have links) that BCSH, UKNEQAS and NICE guidelines recommend:

"In the presence of discordance between test results and strong clinical features of deficiency, treatment should not be delayed to avoid neurological impairment."

And an extract from the book, "Could it be B12?" by Sally M. Pacholok:

"We believe that the 'normal' serum B12 threshold needs to be raised from 200 pg/ml to at least 450 pg/ml because deficiencies begin to appear in the cerebrospinal fluid below 550".

"For brain and nervous system health and prevention of disease in older adults, serum B12 levels should be maintained near or above 1000 pg/ml."

TSH and FT4 results have been fairly consistent and are considered normal, although the FT4 is a little low, one would expect to maybe see that around half way in a fit and healthy person.

I would suggest that she gets Folate tested as that works alongside B12. Also Vit D and if she can't get that done at the surgery there's a home fingerprick bloodspot test she can do for £29 here - City Assays vitamindtest.org.uk/

sharonlow profile image
sharonlow in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you SeasideSusie

she had serum folate 5.5 (3.1-19.9)

and full blood count from 31 Jul 2018

haemoglobin Estimate 138 g/L

115 - 165

total white cell 7.0 10*9/L (4-11)

RBC 4.5 10*12/L (3.8-5.8)

Haemotocrit 0.4 (.37-.47)

MCV 88.7 (80-90)

red blood cell didtibut 13.2% (11.-15)

MCH 30.7 (27-33)

MCHC 346 (315-359)

Platelet count 230 10*9/L (140-400)

Do you think that she should supplement until she gets a gp appt?

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to sharonlow


Well, her FBC doesn't indicate iron deficiency anaemia. I don't know if her GP will do anything about her low ferritin, it is in range and that often is all they look at, but it's worth a discussion, pointing out how low it has always been over the years and the fact that it was under range back in 2014. If she is prescribed iron tablets then each one should be taken with 1000mg Vit C to aid absorption and help prevent constipation, and iron should be taken at least 2 hours away from any other supplements and medication as it affects their absorption.

She can help raise her level by eating liver regularly, maximum 200g per week due to it's high Vit A content, and including lots of iron rich foods in her diet such as black pudding and liver pate if she doesn't like liver, or check out the list here apjcn.nhri.org.tw/server/in...

folate 5.5 (3.1-19.9)

This is very low. Folate should be at least half way through range. As it's in range, GP may not be willing to prescribe folic acid, so she should supplement with a good B Complex such as Thorne Basic B or Igennus Super B, they contain 400mcg methyfolate at the recommended dose (1 x Thorne capsule or 2 x Igennus tablets) and contain the bioavailable form of the vitamins. However, if there is to be further investigation into her B12 and further testing, she should hold off the folic acid or B Complex until after further testing and B12 injections/supplementation started as folic acid masks B12 deficiency.

In the meantime, I would get the Vit D test done.

sharonlow profile image
sharonlow in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you so much for the advice

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to sharonlow

You're welcome :)

I hope your daughter gets some answers. Pop back and update us.

sharonlow profile image
sharonlow in reply to SeasideSusie

Update on gp appt....

Dr has sent her for a celiac test, and I have ordered the full thyroid test as she has been told she will not have any thyroid issues....not sure I agree. I think all dr has done is make her cry.

Will update with both results when we get them.

Deniseelk profile image

Hi, I’m in similar situation with my 16 year old! Has been very tired, pale, dizziness, migraine type headaches, nauseous ( when does eat has few mouthfuls then feels full), she had a seizure 7 years ago and has been very tired since with headaches. Eventually diagnosed with Epilepsy in December. Tolerating Epilepsy drugs well but still got all these problems. Back at GP’s ( again) with loads more bloods / urine / ECG which detected minor irregular heart beat ( told not significant enough to cause these symptoms). Strangely she has some slightly better days. I always notice that when she has a very minor cold she falls far more poorly afterwards... more tired, furry tongue ( often big ridge out of it), as though her immune system can’t cope. She’s been on multivitamins , 1000mg vit c and high magnesium citrate for quite some time. Gp ran the basic TSH check ( just within range) but as NHS no other thyroid testing. He did not see any reason I should get her to undergo private thorough testing. Does any of these ailments sound similar to your daughter? Mine has always had irregular, heavy, long and painful periods too.... any insight as we don’t know where to turn. I have requested her neurologist re-look at previous ECG’s to consider the heart issue (awaiting reply).

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