So I started on thiroyd NDT on the 25th of May. For the first two weeks i took one grain and 50mcg levo.
Then I switched to two grains - one in the morning and one in the afternoon and stopped the levo entirely.
Around the beginning of June I had a terrible cold (probably unrelated) and then on the 13th of June I noticed i had very dry hands - this just lasted a few days.
On the 16th of June, due to signs of being under-medicated, I added 25mcg of levo back into the mix. Then on advice of people on here. i stopped that after a week and instead went up to 2.5 grains of NDT all in one go, in the morning.
The verdict - WOW! My head is clearer, my thinking sharper, my periods have gone back to be more like they were historically before my Total thyroidectomy (for papilliary thyroid cancer) 4 years ago. Since that operation, they have been *really* heavy and occurred every 25-27 days! Now they are back to 29 days and average flow!
But one of the most important changes for me i that I have got back the ability to have a lie-in!! I don't know why or what that was about, but for much of the last few years I have awoken, with a bit of a 'start', accompanied by a small wave of anxiety. This only really lasted about 10 or so seconds and I got used to it, but it always got me up and out of bed!
I have my first blood test this friday and I am really looking forward to what the results say!
Would I be right in thinking that I should not take my NDT dose that morning until after the blood test?
I have another question abotu the Thyroglobulin test but will post that separately as I've already waffled on enough!