HI there! New here and getting frustrated with all the med switches to find optimal stabilization of thyroid symptoms. Ive been on brand name Synthroid for over 10 years and have been wanting to try an NDT approach because my Hashi symptoms were terrible and never changed. I do crossfit 5 days a week and eat pretty good (not optimal) but continue to gain and cannot shed a pound. Not to mention the hair thinning, extreme cold intolerence, and puffy face. I found an awesome GP who was willing to try NDT with me about 8 weeks ago. I came in on 112 mg/Synthroid. So she started me on 48.75 Nature thyroid and cut the Synthroid dose in half for 4 weeks. At the 1st blood test my antibodies were greater than 2200! I started feeling better and lost 3 pds and then when she decided to take me off Synthroid and up Naturethroid to 75 mcg NONE of the pharmacies in the area have it. All backorder everywhere Ive been told. OF course!! So instead I was given NP thyroid by Acella. I am on day 8 of 75 mg of NP and I am having extreme mood swings and am easily angered and weepy. My hands and feet are like ice and my neck is thyroid feels scratchy and sore. Im so freakin bummed. Does anyone know where I should go from here? Should I even do NDT for Hashi's? Is there a reason my antibodies are off the chart?? Thank you for any advice you have! God Bless you all. -Holly
NDT for extremely high antibodies? (Hashi's) - Thyroid UK
NDT for extremely high antibodies? (Hashi's)

Essential to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12. Always get actual results and ranges. Post results when you have them, members can advise
Hashimoto's affects the gut and leads to low stomach acid and then low vitamin levels. Low vitamin levels affect Thyroid hormone working
Poor gut function can lead leaky gut (literally holes in gut wall) this can cause food intolerances. Most common by far is gluten. (Dairy is second most common.)
According to Izabella Wentz the Thyroid Pharmacist approx 5% with Hashimoto's are coeliac, but over 80% find gluten free diet helps significantly. Either due to direct gluten intolerance (no test available) or due to leaky gut and gluten causing molecular mimicry (see Amy Myers link)
Changing to a strictly gluten free diet may help reduce symptoms, help gut heal and slowly lower TPO antibodies
Ideally ask GP for coeliac blood test first
Whichever thyroid replacement hormone you take it needs to be enough to bring TSH down to around or under one, FT4 towards top of range and FT3 at least half way in range. On NDT it's common to have lower FT4, but FT3 must be adequate
Agree with slow dragon. Gluten free made an amazing difference to me.
Definitely need to get all your vits tested and resolved too so start with the basics and post your results here
I actually do have some of that information I just thought my post was getting too long. All my Vit and cortisol levels checked and good. I take Omega-3, Vit D 2000 mg, Magnesium 200 mg. I did have food allergy testing and am allergic to cows milk and sensitive to gluten. (not celiac) I am at work but do have blood results that I will post. Thank you guys!
Have you gone 100% completely gluten free including cross contamination and may contains. Unfortunately it has to be 100% or will often make little difference. It was proven in my case that small amounts directly effect my thyroid results for three months after a gluten trial so even little crumbs can keep you reacting to it
I have not yet made the 100% change to gluten free but that is my goal and asap. However in the meantime I didnt want to make things worse by going the wrong route with NDT. As hard as I work out gaining weight or being thrown into a depression would just be terrible right now.
Since its only Day 8 of NDT, I have to make the decision to perservere and possibly get worse or quit and not know if it would have worked. Such a guessing game.
Come back with your results for a clearer idea. If your having mood swings, you might want to check your cortisol levels too
Remember you need enough calories to be able to exercise, low calories can make people, especially those with thyroid problems put on weight rather than lose - and cause cortisol issues
To be honest, I lost huge amounts of water weight when I went gluten free that I never knew i had as always had non ankles. I now have a shiny new pair until I accidentally get glutened and then I swell up like a pig. You'd be surprised how much the other stuff can help in this matter
Antibodies are usually at their highest just after an immune system attack - they come in to clean up the debris. Then, they usually calm down again.
NDT doesn't suit all Hashi's people, and in some can trigger attacks. I don't know if there's a connection between the two, but there is always that possibility.
May want to stick it out. My antibodies increased when I started NDT, but as I’ve increased my dosage they’ve come down substantially.