Hello, I really do need help with my current labs. I was finally able to get tested for TSH, T4, and T3. Couldn’t get the RT3 (sadly) Turns out my symptoms of fatigue, PEM, no energy, tiredness, etc. weren’t thyroid related at all (as I was suspecting) because these are my results. T3 definitely is in the upper range, who knows what that means, but those symptoms I was posting about before; they could just be Adrenal Fatigue, or something else altogether. But could I be getting more exhaustion from the “too high” T3 now??
My questions are:
What does such High T3 mean, and what about low TSH? My assumption is that it’s over-medication from too much T3, but is that bad that the T3 is so high??
My current dosage is: 100mcg T4, and 40mcg T3. The T4 I’ve been lowering since this test; but should I keep it back to 100mcg, and just steadily lower the T3 to something like 25mcg instead? I’m afraid I have a conversion issue, and some pooling of T4 or something... or that the T3 isn’t absorbed in my cells the to low Cortisol? (Still very much so symptoms of fatigue, limited energy, no stress response, brain fog, etc) Or, what do I do with the dosage really. Keep 100mcg T4, lower both?
Sadly, after a certain shift at work, I crashed for about a week. Was plagued with body aches, migranes, flu-like symptoms, and terrible terrible illness. It was the worst two-ish weeks of my life. I have gotten a bit better, but I have never fully recovered since then. It was a horrible hallmark and the start of every CFS/ME symptom there possibly is. I kept getting worse, and worse, and worse. Any sort of stress, extortion, etc would result in horrible pains all over; and I’d have to sleep. I can’t leave the house now, because I will crash because of the PEM. I must pace, and budget my energy. I’m frequently in pain. Can’t think straight at all, or for much at all because of never-ending Brain Fog and PEM if I get too stressed/anxious. I have since done much research into CFS and started supplementing accordingly, still praying that it’s something else. (Cognitively I was hit the worst. Physically, I lost my job. Lost my life too.) it was so bad I could barely stand at a bus stop, or sit at a doctor’s office. that’s my story. It was “just” ME. It is an EXTREMELY debilitating illness, one that I do not wish upon anyone. I’ve lost lots of freedoms, and anything I do makes me crash, feel horrible, and have to rest up. I will try and keep you updated. I should’ve never pushed my body too much when it was already fragile... Because I pushed it over the edge. Curse CFS/ME, please do pray for me to get some of my life back.