Pains with tiromel: I've been on 6.25mcg t3 with... - Thyroid UK

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Pains with tiromel

Maya_83 profile image
11 Replies

I've been on 6.25mcg t3 with 50mcg Levo for 5 days now and last night work up with bad pains (achey muscles)on my neck , thighs and back.

Does this mean I'm not suiting the t3? Never had this problem with Levo. I'm I taking too much?

Will it pass or should I stop?

Thank you in advance x

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Maya_83 profile image
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11 Replies
Beachytoes2u profile image

I'm not as informed as many on this site, but don't stop taking anything. How did u feel this am? Do some other research. Maybe your body is getting used to it? Be patient, drink a lot of water give meds time.

ShootingStars profile image

Hi Maya_83. That doesn’t sound fun at all. 50 levo is the starter dose. How long have you been on that before adding T3? It’s hard to know the cause of these pains, if it’s from some T3, T4, some filler in the meds, or from something completely different. What were your FT3, FT4 and TSH levels when you started meds? Have you been tested for both Hashimoto’s antibodies, TPO/ab and TG/ab?

The reason I ask about Hashimoto’s is that those symptoms can be autoimmune symptoms and be a response to something that triggers your immune system to attack your thyroid. Like a filler in meds, a food, a virus, bacteria, something else. Or, your symptoms could be caused by so many other things.

Maya_83 profile image
Maya_83 in reply to ShootingStars

Hi shooting star. I was on 50mcg Levo for 6years then as of 3months ago upped to 75mcg. Past 5 days with t3 as (I have so many symptoms ) so desperate to feel well.

Pains mild the day before yesterday but last night quite bad.

My recent blood test are on my previous post,Will you be able to find it?.


ShootingStars profile image
ShootingStars in reply to Maya_83

Hi! I’m not in my office, so I am reading this on my phone. I quickly looked at your results. Oh heavens. Why did your doctor increase your T4 to 75 if it was as already getting too high and is now dangerously high?

You have Hashimoto’s. That’s what your high antibodies mean. (Someone on here has probably already told you that There are a lot of people very astute people on this site.).

Erm, your FT4 was way too high and was over range! Someone probably already pointed that out yet? This is very bad. Any time T4 creeps up over 3/4 range, all kinds of symptoms increase. Just like if it was under 1/2, there would be more symptoms.

Having too high thyroid hormones like T4 can lead to heart attack or stroke. I’m not sure if I’m confusing your symptoms with someone else, but I thought I read that one of your symptoms is sweating? This is a hyper symptom, meaning you’re over medicated. In this case, T4 is way too high. Your T3 is a bit too low.

What were your levels before you increased your T3 from 50 to 75?

Everyone has their sweet spot with their frees levels. Your current levels are obviously not right for you. In comparison, I personally would feel really ill if my FT4 was much more that half way between 1/2 and 3/4. I had heart palpitations when it got above that point. That was scary because I’ve never had that before quite like that. Mine is best above 1/2, plus a bit more. My FT3 is always right below 3/4. Only once was it twice was it a little above that point. Both times I sweated too much and had a different type of muscle pain than when my levels were too low.

What are your current symptoms and what were they before moving to 75? We’re you on the T3 before, or is this just 5 days new?

Maya_83 profile image
Maya_83 in reply to ShootingStars

ShootingStar.. I've just added my most recent results... this was after I upped it to 75mcg of Levo only..

I was advised by members here to increase dose to 75mcg so the above results reflect that.

I was having a lot of symptoms , headaches, dizziness, ringing in the ear, sleepy, exhaustion, snappy , yelling. ( no sweating)I still have all those symptoms despite being on 75mcg Levo for 3months now.

So added t3 as of 5 days ago.. is that more clearer?


ShootingStars profile image
ShootingStars in reply to Maya_83

Hi Maya_a83. Thanks. Oh. Can you post your previous labs from before you increased to 75 mcg?

According to your latest bloods, the reason for all of your pains and symptoms isn't because of Tiromel. On these latest bloods, you are over medicated with T4. Your FT4 is much too high and is over range. See how it has a red * next to it? That means it's flagged. In this case it's flagged because it's much too high and is over range. Your TSH is also very low. This wouldn't be a problem if your FT4 was in a good range, but it's not. FT4 over 3/4 range usually causes symptoms for people, and certainly will if it's anything beyond that. On these latest bloods, your FT3 is just a little under 3/4 range (5.875 is 3/4 range). Adding FT3 might be ok, but you don't want your FT3 much over 3/4 range either because that is also where most people have symptoms.

Now, it is possible that adding Tiromel made your T3 go too high, too. If that is the case, then you will have more symptoms the more over the 3/4 point of range your FT3 currently is.

The other main thing on your bloods is that you have Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroid disease. That is what your high TG antibodies mean. Your thyroid is being attacked by your body's antibodies, and this is why you are hypo. If you are eating inflammatory foods like gluten, soy and dairy, they are likely increasing your symptoms. It's recommended that people with Hashi's follow an AIP (autoimmune protocol) diet, which is gluten, soy and dairy free. With Hashi's, you want to keep inflammation to a minimum. What types of foods do you eat on a regular basis?

ShootingStars profile image
ShootingStars in reply to Maya_83

Hi Maya_83. I just found your post from three months ago that was from when you were on 50 mcg T4. I noticed the test was dated almost a full year (March 2017) before you increased to 75 mcg (February 2018). The March 2017 labs showed borderline T4 over medication.

Your FT4 was much too high in range on your March 2017 bloods. It was over 3/4 range and was 23.2 back then, so you would not have wanted to increase your T4 up to 75, but would have wanted to lower it. Head aches, head pressure, fatigue can be a sign of too high FT4. FT3 was not tested at the time, so it's not known if low FT3 combined with too high FT4 was the cause of your symptoms.

In another recent post when you were thinking about adding T3, greygoose pointed out that your FT4 was over range and recommended lowering T4. I agree with greygoose. You need to lower your T4, at least slowly back to 50, possibly less.

Maya_83 profile image
Maya_83 in reply to ShootingStars

So I could have all these symptoms above because my t4 was too high? Over range?

I've lowered t4 since Greygoose advised, to 50mcg daily along with 6.25mcg of t3.

Would you say, take 3/4 of 50mcg Levo daily and see how I feel?

I didnt take t3 last night and mybody aches are much better this morning...

Or would it work with the combo of 25mcg of Levo and 6.25mcg of t3??

I was on 50mcg Levo for the past 5 years still had all.the symptoms , been.a really struggle just to do daily tasks but from.last year even worse.

Feeling confused😢

I really appreciate your in depth replies.. thank you so much 😊

ShootingStars profile image
ShootingStars in reply to Maya_83

Hi Maya_83. Absolutely! Your FT4 is dangerously high. It should never be too high in the range, nor over range, or too low either. Neither should FT3 be.

Sorry. The details are all over the place and hard to follow. :-( Your opening post says 50 T4 mcg and 5 mcg T3 for 5 days. Then half way through this post you said you increased it to 75 mcg and just posted your most recent results, which were after you'd increased to 75 mcg.

"Hi shooting star. I was on 50mcg Levo for 6years then as of 3months ago upped to 75mcg. Past 5 days with t3 as (I have so many symptoms ) so desperate to feel well."

----------I'm not quite following how can you be on 50 mcg for 6 years, if you've increased to 75 mcg along the way, and then at some point went back down to 50 mcg?-------

"ShootingStar.. I've just added my most recent results... this was after I upped it to 75mcg of Levo only..

I was advised by members here to increase dose to 75mcg so the above results reflect that.

I was having a lot of symptoms , headaches, dizziness, ringing in the ear, sleepy, exhaustion, snappy , yelling. ( no sweating)I still have all those symptoms despite being on 75mcg Levo for 3months now.

So added t3 as of 5 days ago.. is that more clearer?"

So, you've been on 75 for 3 months now?

Sorry, but this is really confusing. Since the correlating time lines, lab work results, lab dates, dosage increase or decrease dates are all unclear, it's hard to say. I cannot tell if you had blood results right before whatever your last change of meds was, how long you've been on that dose, or if you've had new blood results since then. If you can clarify all that into this post, that would be very helpful.

Hashimoto's, inflammation, autoimmune reaction increase due to if eating the wrong dietary choices for Hashimoto's. Are you on an autoimmune diet? Life style choices come greatly into play with an autoimmune disease. Do you smoke, drink alcohol, exercise, etc? If you are not addressing and treating your Hashimoto's this will make you have autoimmune responses.

Another piece are your iron panel results, Vitamin D levels, B12, folate, rbc magnesium, etc. What are your levels?

If the time lines are explained and more details included, this would be greatly helpful.


Maya_83 profile image
Maya_83 in reply to ShootingStars

Oh gosh i know what you mean..

Ok Il start again. The results on this post are after I increased my dose of levo to 75mcg 3 months ago. But only started t3 5 days ago ( not done blood test yet for t3 results)

I've been on Levo 50mcg past 5 years. Only from last 3 months increased to 75mcg.

I found out few weeks ago I have Hashimoto's, after Ramadan (which is in two weeks) I'm going gluten free... (is Dairy free as important?)

These test below was dine at the time time as the results on this post

Vit D 182

Ferritin 77 (13-150)

Folate 19.4 (3.8-9999)

B12 1310 (197-771)

Heamaglobin 122 (120-150)

Thanks again for all you're help 😊

ShootingStars profile image
ShootingStars in reply to Maya_83

Hi Maya_83. Thank you for clarifying. That all makes sense. :-) I'm not sure if you can go back and edit your original post, but any additional post you make on any thread can be edited at the bottom of the post. Maybe if you edit the one at the very top and add this information, then anyone else reading this will have more, information too.

Thyroid disease is very complicated, and is even more so when it's Hashimoto's or Graves.

Yes, your bloods in the top picture of your post show that your FT4 is much, much too high, and will cause many symptoms. Even if FT4 is over 3/4 range, many people will have symptoms. I could never allow mine to go that high because I'd be very ill. I just went back and looked at my labs from this spring when mine was too high and I had heart pains: in early February my FT4 was over 3/4 and in late march my FT4 was just at 3/4 and I had heart pain. This was the first time ever that my FT4 got that high and this was also the first time ever I've had heart pains. Thankfully, I had no other symptoms, not even hypo. However, 6 weeks later my frees suddenly dropped too low because my antibodies increased, so I increased my medication just a tiny bit. Good thing is, the heart pain stopped. This is how it can go with Hashimoto's. One thing goes up and another goes down. Depending on where they all land, you will have certain symptoms. The goal is to keep everything stable and in the right range. Then you will have little to no symptoms. My levels have been stable for years and I've had practically no symptoms. The reason my antibodies increased was because I'd gotten sick a few too many times with colds and flu's and then I was exposed to something that caused an allergic reaction.

Gluten free is most important. Dairy may or may not be important for you. Do you eat a lot of it all of the time? Do you have any joint pain, stiffness, muscle pain, edema in joints, hands, your neck or face? Do you have any stomach problems in general, or any related to eating dairy? I love dairy, but when I was diagnosed, two days later I went completely gluten, dairy, and soy free. That lasted for over one and a half years, and until my antibodies decreased by 3/4 of what they originally were. At that point, I added in some dairy. At first I thought I was ok with it, so I started eating it regularly. Well, I eventually realized it was causing water retention and inflammation, so I cut it out again. Now, years later, I occasionally eat some every few weeks. It really depends upon you and your body. You might need to experiment.

Do you know the top range on your Vitamin D? Do you supplement D or go in the sun?

Your folate is low. If you are taking folic acid, this is a synthetic form of folate and some people cannot absorb it, so it makes them toxic. Methylfolate is the good form to take.

Your B12 is over range, but if you are supplementing B12, this is probably why and this is ok. If you're not supplementing B12, do you eat a lot of processed and fortified foods?

Iron? Your haemoglobin is low in range. This could be caused by iron deficiency or other conditions, and could be the source of some of your symptoms. Have you had a complete iron panel or even just one part of the panel called ferritin?

Are there any other blood results from previous office visits, like previous nutrient labs, or any other labs, even if it was from the last few months, or even last year?

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