(Graphic pictures) Does anyone know what this m... - Thyroid UK

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(Graphic pictures) Does anyone know what this might be?

butterflyz01 profile image
27 Replies

My throat doesn’t feel sore I can just kind of “feel” it there

It’s on the top right corner there’s a white spot

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butterflyz01 profile image
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27 Replies
butterflyz01 profile image

I don’t smoke by the way!

appjg profile image
appjg in reply to butterflyz01

Hi, sry I feel you as I have had similar problem a white spot on center of right side tonsil, had a culture test reveal infection treated with antibiotics no problem.

EffieGee profile image

Not sure but when I was little I had septic tonsils and these pus type spots were very evident. I'd go ask a doc! Be on the safe side, aren't the tonsils one of the body's filters for infections?

butterflyz01 profile image
butterflyz01 in reply to EffieGee

I’m not sure! I’ve never had tonsillitis before, I shall go see a doctor on Monday but was feeling a little worried

butterflyz01 profile image
butterflyz01 in reply to EffieGee

It looks like a spot and it makes me want to pop it!

Cooper27 profile image

Could it be a mouth ulcer? It looks like one of those before it's popped.

butterflyz01 profile image
butterflyz01 in reply to Cooper27

Not sure I did wake up with like 3 ulcers because I’m super stressed but never had one there before. Searched it up and it said nothing but cancer! I will see a doctor as soon as I can make an appointment but was just feeling a bit worried

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27 in reply to butterflyz01

Give it a day or 2, see if it goes down.

I'm not sure if a dentist is the better person to see - they tend to deal with mouth stuff, and you could probably get an appointment sooner!

I get an ulcer near there quite often, but it's never stuck around long.

Clarrisa profile image

A canker sore(?). Have you tried upping your fluids & vitamin C intake? If your doctor cannot call it try a ENT (Ears, Nose, & Throat) doctor.

humanbean profile image

I think it is a mouth ulcer. They can appear almost anywhere in the mouth and throat, although some places are more common than others (in my experience).

I suspect one of two things will happen...

1) It will get bigger and develop a crater-like appearance, then the crater gets shallower, the tissue heals and the ulcer disappears.

2) It won't get any bigger and will just fade away.

If it becomes painful :

1) Clean your teeth before bed, then gargle, swish round and spit with a warm strong salt water rinse.

2) If the pain becomes bad you could buy something called Ultra Chloraseptic for pain relief. It's easy to apply and convenient to use. I buy it and it helps me. The flavours are nothing to write home about but the cherry flavour is acceptable, and is far better than the mint flavour. I buy it from Tesco on the open shelves.


Low iron and low B vitamins make my ulcers worse, but I get them a LOT no matter what I do.

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to humanbean

Oh I forgot...

Some people find gargling/swishing with a soluble aspirin in a small amount of water helps reduce the pain. You can swallow or spit it out, whichever you like.

butterflyz01 profile image
butterflyz01 in reply to humanbean

Thank you so so much you’re so helpful! I get them mainly when I’m stressed, I think it runs in the family! I know I’ve got a lot to do next week and it’s my birthday on Monday and with days like these I always pray I feel 100% so I can complete my tasks and have a good day and this usually happens...

ShootingStars profile image
ShootingStars in reply to butterflyz01

This sounds and looks like it could be a stress triggered virus, such as a cold sore. Colds sores are a virus called herpes zoster. They can be triggered by stress, illness or sun exposure. Cold sores can break out on the lips, anywhere inside the mouth, above or below the lips, in the nose, or on any part of the face. It would be worth going to a doctor to find out what this is. If it a virus, you can take daily anti viral medication to keep this at bay. If it's something else, you can get appropriate treatment.

I had a sore spot like this a few weeks ago and did some research which said if it's gone in a few days it is just a sore resulting from stress. It went in a matter of three days and no harm done. I'm sure it won't be anything serious, but definitely see your doctor if you're worried or it doesn't clear up within a few days.

Boohbette17 profile image

Hi butterflyz01 , to me it looks like a small tonsil stone trying to pop out. Way back before being diagnosed w Hashinotos, I noticed one & one day it finally expelled , then a day or two passed and another. I had an appt as it was with my primary care doctor & she disnissed it as "something we all get from time to time " & implicating more oral care needed & I insisted as I was feeling like death coming , I think I have an infection sonewhere . At my nagging, she allowed some tests -wouldn't you believe my white blood cells & CRP were not high enough to constitute an infection or inflammation of some kind . I focused on gargalimg w lemon water & limping along 2 more MONTHS needing 12-16 hrs sleep to get by FINALLY one day I demanding an endo appt & he ordered TPO antibody - sure enough , 888.6!!!

If you havent been checked for antibodies, I highly recommend it . As well as if you do come back positive ,great reduction (preferably elimination) of gluten and dairy .

here is a link for you to see where you will see some really graphic stuff. BTW personally having lived it , I find it beyond disgusting for anyone to have anything beyond one little stone ... how can that person swallow and smell that stench & not go seek help ( in other words I am aghast at the ability to have a condition to this point and have video of it ! ) Sorry for rant.

everyone else's suggestions are also good but that's my two cents.



ShootingStars profile image
ShootingStars in reply to Boohbette17

Hi Boohbette17. I like your name! :-) If we're looking at the same thing, the white spot is on the soft palete, not the tonsils. The tonsils are almost hidden behind the tongue to the left and the right of uvula and can barely be seen.

Boohbette17 profile image
Boohbette17 in reply to ShootingStars

Hi theres ShootingStars! Neat name 👌 Im looking to the right top very edge of the "arch" ( its reddened ) & looks like a tiny bump on it. Hope whatever butterflys01 feels... it gets better!!

ShootingStars profile image
ShootingStars in reply to Boohbette17

Hey Boohbette17. Why, thank you. :-) Me too for the white spot on the soft palate. Follow that edge or line of the palate to the right about 3/4 of the way to the edge of the photo. Right there and below that line, you can just see a little bit of the tonsils. On the other side of the mouth, you can just see a small part of the other tonsil.


Me too! I hope butterflyz01 feels better soon, too! The fact that this is triggered by stress narrows down what this could be.

Boohbette17 profile image
Boohbette17 in reply to ShootingStars

Indeed! I see 😳

041051 profile image

Hi there, if you feel reasonably o.k. I wouldn't worry too much. If you have a temperature or feel unwell I would speak to a doctor. I had quinsy a few years ago and I didn't have a sore throat, I just felt really ill. I went to see my g.p. a few days later and he told me what it was and put me on antibiotics. He also told me that he should send me to the hospital but he knew I wouldn't go.

Toptomato profile image

If it was sore and there was swelling in the neck, I would say it was a peri tonsillar abscess, but you would feel quite poorly with that. As one of the earlier replies, I used to get quite a lot of small painless pockets of pus collecting prior to having my tonsils out years ago (yuk!), but then post all of that, developed a quinsy years later which was very painful. Hope it resolves soon. x

Rmichelle profile image

I would not worry-it looksclike one of 2 things and my daughter has had both-canker sore and tonsilitus, canker sore usually takes around 1 week to die down and the dentist recommended plain old salt water, my daughter is 13 and gets them when really tired or has been poorly, tonsillitus she had a very poorly throat with hers and could not swallow-was given antibiotics. My guess would be canker sore if not accompanied with a very bad throat.😊😊 take care and rest. See gp.

Annkapp profile image

A remote possibility is an allergy to something you are ingesting.

I recently started having problems where I could feel my throat but it was not sore. It did get worse over time where it started to become harder to swallow. It turned out I was allergic to an ingredient in a new supplement I was taking. Is there anything new you have started eating or taking in the last few months?

blondpalomino profile image

Hi Butterflyz01,

It looks like a mouth ulcer to me.I get them from time to time, and swear by Corsydil mouthwash (not the daily one), which usually clears it up quickly and is medicated.

Nana401 profile image

it is a tonsil stone, look it up, nothing to worry about just sometimes they will come out on there own, if you get to many of them , you may have bad breath, they do stink, you can get them out yourself. look up tonsil stones.

ShootingStars profile image
ShootingStars in reply to Nana401

That's the soft palette, not the tonsils. A small part of the tonsils can just barely be seen to the right and the left of the uvula.

butterflyz01 profile image

Thank you everyone for replying and not being grossed out by my pictures! It definitely feels like an ulcer and most probably triggered by stress as I have a driving test tomorrow! Wish me luck and thanks all again xxxx

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