So following a Regenerous saliva cortisol test which indicated my cortisol and DHEA were very very low I had a test done at the GP results are satisfactory no further action necessary? So I am definitely thinking I need to help my adrenals but wondering what I should take?
Cortisol levels: So following a Regenerous saliva... - Thyroid UK
Cortisol levels

Hi Claire - I will tag Marz because she recently recommended that I try lots of vitamin C in case my adrenals weren’t functioning well. Have you read Dr Rangan Chatterjee’s ‘The Four Pillar Plan’? It’s great lifestyle medicine advice all about sleep, movement, food etc. My nutritionist told me to lie down like a starfish for ten minutes every day. So relaxing! Although my cortisol levels weren’t as low as yours possibly are, she was very keen for me to stop rushing around and not feel guilty about spending time outside every day just watching the trees. Sorry that these are perhaps all slightly airy fairy recommendations but lowering stress levels and not feeling guilty about taking it a bit easier definitely helped me in some way. X
Thanks Kipsy not airy fairy at all as a therapist myself I'm a great believer in mindfulness and to be honest my stress levels are very low although i used to do everything at 100mph my thyroid but paid to that, I work from home to I am just waiting for a new delivery of Vit C so will definitely up my dosage on that I'm looking into DHEA and HRT to? And my eating had got a bit lapse so I'm going to clean that right up again! I suspected the Doc would say everything is fine and that I would have to sort this myself, I will look at the book you recommend too, thank you x

What are your "satisfactory" results with your GP test? What test was it? Did you do a Short Synacthen Test? I don't know much about that but an early morning test, I think, should show a pretty high level. If it was low then I think you should have further testing.
Looking at your Regenerus results in your other post, they really are so very low that I don't think this is a DIY job.
Mine were worse than yours, but mine were the result of taking adaptogens to lower high cortisol but I didn't retest and took them for 2 years, then I retested and realised the adaptogens didn't "balance" my levels as I believed they would do, but the cortisol lowering herbs did a pretty good job! I should have kept an eye on my levels. So I wasn't dealing with low cortisol/DHEA to begin with.
Hi SeasideSusie thanks for getting back to me GP blood test results were 489nmol blood was drawn at 8.40 am I forgot to ask for the range I'm sure I read on here that if they are below 300nmol they do the synacthen test as mine are over this GP has said no further action required. Like you I had been taking ashwaghanda for over a year so don't know what my levels were when I started? I've stopped that since you last responded to me. I'm thinking of trying DHEA cream to help with my DHEA levels? And maybe HRT?
I can't help with the DHEA, I think it's something that has to be used with caution.
As for HRT, that's something I did not, and would not, have taken so testing would be necessary and I would suggest bio-identical HRT if you absolutely must.
489nmol/ls is a great levels at 8.40 - the reference range for cortisol is 200-600 usually but cortisol varies at different times of the day but yours are normal. A SST test would only be done if they were under 300nmol/ls. If I knew how to attach a photo I could post a graph of what cortisol levels are during the day!

Thanks PaulineS the blood test at the GP was due to having a Regenerous saliva test done if you click on my profile you will see the results of that were very low? I'm a bit confused now the Regenerous test also suggested a supplement of DHEA might be useful??
Saliva testing for low cortisol is not very accurate as low cortisol is not easily detected at lower levels which is why a blood test around 9am is more accurate. Had tit been under 300nmol/ls then you would have been referred to an Endo for a synacthen test to find out why. My cortisol levels at 9am is just 90nmol/ls which is why I am on replacement hydrocortisone. Your levels are spot on! A lot of GP's don't know about DHEA as it isn't a prescribed drug in this country, however you can buy it online from BIOVEA which is imported from the US.

Thank you PaulineS! And you're right GP didn't know what DHEA was lol I have looked at the DHEA cream on biovea and I will continue to look into things x
Claire, have you considered that the ashwaganda had the same lowering effect for you that seaside Susie had? It could be that as you've stopped it your levels are improving? No idea how long it takes to leave the system, just a thought. Possibly do another Regenerous test? (They do one with cortisol and sex hormones too HOR01).
Im sure you will anyway but do read up on bioidentical hormones and pathways before taking them, probably as well to have them tested too. I gather DHEA is powerful stuff.

Hi Solstice thanks for replying and yes that thought had crossed my mind? The doctor said he would discuss HRT with me and there is a place locally that test and prescribe bioidentical hormones but they are 2-600 pound for consultation then paying for the creams on top of that!! I have been told by GP that I am post menopause at 45 feels to young? I do get hot flushes no labido it's so hard to know what's thyroid and what's adrenal and what's menopause?
Ooh pricey. You have probably read already but steer clear of synthetic HRTs which are usually given by GPs.
In your shoes right now I would put this on hold and wait a while, up your vit C and get back on track with food and relaxation - as Kipsy suggests. It's so easy to let all the good work you do at the start slide once feeling better.
Best of luck x

You're spot on Solstice that's what I'm going to do!! X
Have not been able to read through your previous posts - sorry. How are your FT3 levels ? Paul Robinson discusses the link with adrenals. His website/books ....
Thanks for posting this Marz - I've seen his name mentioned a lot but not really looked much further - wrongly kind of assumed that as I'm not .....this is where I falter and say .....yet, on T3 only, I didn't take notice, but I can see very clear relevance now. TY x

You may pick up a few pointers even if you are not T3 only. ....
Hi Claire I’m on ashwaganda and maca tablets for low corstisol and also vitamin c mine was 140