So last night I found a lump in my right Breast, got a doctors appointment today and doctor said it’s a Fibrocystic lump but have referred me to the hospital to put my mind at ease. I go to the hospital in 2week,my doctor confirmed with me today that it was definitely fibrocystic as the lump moved round,she assured me it wasn’t cancerous. Could she know that for sure though with only having a feel? just wondering if anyone has been through this and if this sounds right?
Lump in right breast : So last night I found a... - Thyroid UK
Lump in right breast

I have been through this many times. Started off with one lump which was checked out at a rapid access clinic (2 weeks wait). I think I may have had about 13 lumps aspirated at hospital altogether and investigated, all just cysts, and an ultrasound at one point confirmed 24 cysts at that time between both breasts. I had a private ultrasound a couple of years ago and still have 10 cysts in one breast (only one checked) which the radiologist said was unusual due to my age (very, very post menopause!).
It's easy to say but try not to worry. There is every chance that your GP is correct, and in 2 weeks' time I am sure that at your hospital appointment you will have that confirmed.
Thank you for replying back to me. Oh wow that’s a lot,have they just left your cysts or where they able to drain them? I think my doctor probably is right it’s just before she examined me,I explained I found the lump last night and she said ‘your 21 I doubt you have found a lump’ it just annoyed me because it doesn’t matter what age you are you can get lumps or anything. After examining me she said most hospitals won’t see me because am to young but then she found a clinic in hospital that will see me, I’m trying to stay calm
The ones years ago were all drained. More recently the private ultrasound which found the 10 cysts I have just left. None of them were big enough to feel apart from 1. I went to my GP with "discomfort" and was dismissed with "non-specific breast pain" despite mentioning my past history. I was very upset about being dismissed, and after a couple of weeks I discovered a lump. I decided not to bother seeing the GP again and self referred to a specialist privately, he then referred me for the private ultrasound. It just so happened the consultant radiologist was the one who I saw many years ago so he had my history there. I took the specialist's letter confirming the findings to my GP and asked for it to be put in my records, he didn't even look at it or ask about it, just said to hand it in at reception and they will deal with it. Rather typical of the attitude of the doctors at my surgery I'm afraid, they don't give a rat's **** about their patients.
It doesn't matter how old/young you are, you have right to have things checked out. Keep calm, you will be fine
It’s disgusting the way GP’S treat patients. At least you went private and managed to see the consultant who you seen last time. It should of been on your notes since day one, bet the doctor was shocked that you brought in the specialist letter. That’s what I told her age doesn’t matter, Aww thank you.
bet the doctor was shocked that you brought in the specialist letter
No, totally disinterested, couldn't give a toss! I now never expect anything from the doctors at my surgery and I'm never disappointed!
That’s terrible, they shouldn’t work there if they can’t be bothered to listen to there paitients
This particular one is leaving later in the year, retiring. I think I will be sending him a leaving card and I will write inside it
"You're leaving? Thank G**. Best news ever! Good riddance!"
Anonymously of course
I'd sign it- probably with an extra thick pen nib and a LARGE signature!!!
Hi Sarah. I'm sorry you have to go through this and also have insult added to injury. I would bet the ranch that if it were her 21 y.o. daughter, she would be seen-and quickly! Take care. xx
BBD - Benign Breast Disease - is common with Thyroid conditions - especially Hashimotos I have read. It happened to me - had surgery and all was well 😊
Only think good things if possible 😊
Yes my sister has benign,is that the same as fibro or different? Aw I’ll try my best to stay positive
Possibly - am not an expert. I will go and find the book where I read about it. Do you have Hashi's ? How are your VitD levels ?
Aw thank you I appreciate that, I don’t have Hashi’s, I don’t know what my vitD levels are,alls I know is my iron levels are always low and I have low B12, I have injections for it 4 times a year
I would have VitD checked ... it's important. Are you taking a GOOD B Complex to keep all the B Vits in balance.
Hope for Hashimotos by Dr Alexander Haskell covered BBD well.
I’ll ask them to check it, an not nope, I haven’t a clue when it comes too all of them
Hi there, I found a lump a month ago, went to gp who referred me to rapid access clinic, was sick with worry as my was hard and immobile. Had a mammogram and ultrasound, didn’t need a biopsy. It turned out to be a lymph node. I think I read 8 out of 10 lumps are benign. Try to stay positive. I have Graves’ disease and had a TT in January and am sure it’s related to that! All the best, I’m sure it will be fine.
Hello, yeah I think it’s just the thought of going and getting a mammogram and ultrasound and then getting the results,do you have to wait 2 weeks for the results ? Aww glad your all sorted now and Aww thank you
I had mammogram first followed by an ultrasound which was done by a radiologist and was told there and then which was great. I think they try and let you know on the day if possible. It was a fantastic service actually x
Hypos are particularly prone to cysts. I have many - including one in my brain!
Oh god I hope your okay
Yes, perfectly alright. It doesn't affect me in anyway. Goodness how long it's been there, but it was found 18 years ago, during a scan.
GG, were you given a specific name for the cyst, a cause, or a location in the brain?
An MRI I had c. 1992 revealed a very large cavum vergae in the corpus collosum. It's a developmental abnormality, thought to be caused by foetal exposure to alcohol, but very little still is known about it.
No, I wasn't give a name or cause, it was just a remark in passing, but I believe that it's at the back of the brain, near the spinal cord, I believe. But, it was a long time ago. I've forgotten so much since then!
Caffeine has been found to contribute to breast lumpiness. If you have been consuming caffeine & stop you may not feel a lump at all in two weeks time.
I do drink a lot of tea and fizzy drinks,I’ll have to try and stop and see how I go
I read decades ago (so don't know if disproven) that drinking a lot of tea can remove vitamins like B from your system. You may have decreased your vitamin levels drinking tea to excess. Your menstral cycle may also be affecting the lumpiness of your breasts. Cysts may "wax & wane" over your cycle, unless perhaps if they are on the old side.
As someone who has gone through breast cancer I think the best thing is we are checked routinely to be absolutely sure on a diagnosis and I know the waiting can seem like an eternity. But I agree with what the others are saying and you will be fine.
Years ago had fibrocystic disease and, yes, movable lumps are much more likely to be benign. I chose to have a reduction mammoplasty (for cosmetic reasons) and that seem to also help the cysts (less tissue ). At the time, the surgeon suggested I take Vit E as it would help lessen cyst formation. I have been on it ever since-even when I was taking anticoagulants. Some docs say don't take E with anticoagulants but I did my own INR testing and just let the Vit E be factored in. Since following the surgeon's advice from years ago I have had no more cysts. Not a scientific piece of research but certainly relieves my anxiety.
Hi Sarah, for many years I too have had hard immovable lumps called fibroadenomas. It’s natural to worry, who doesn’t? But trust your doctor. They are seeing lumps and bumps all the time and they do know the difference. If your doctor would have been concerned you would have been sent immediately to a. specialist clinic. My specialist told me, these types of lumps/ cysts will not turn cancerous, they are more of a nuisance.
I was also told to take Evening Primrose Oil capsules as they help to reduce the inflammation in the cyst and subsequently the size. Good luck, stay strong, I’m sure it will be fine. X