Hi please help im past myself with worry ..i've recently choked on a meal and then coughed it back up which i was told caused my sore throat .. 2 to 3 days after it happened i was still in pain so i went to my doctors & told them i felt a sharp pain in my throat they asked me to go straight to A&E so i did they popped a scope camera up my nose into my throat & said they couldn't see anything sinister as far as the voice box ...which id great news but doesn't answer why im still in pain 4 weeks on .. ive asked to be referred back again to the ENT department simply because im struggling to live with this pain & discomfort ... i feel as if my food sticking during a meal ..my throat sometimes feels on fire ...it feels like a sharp lump ..bit of ear ache ..anxiety levels are going crazy im having panic attacks ..shortness of breath .. feeling dizzy & faint ..and my eyesight's not the same which i notice straight away because i'm a photographer .. my hubbies not very sympathetic because he said the doctor couldn't see anything so there's nothing there ..i had previous reflux problems and my GP / hospital decided to pop me on Esomeprazole & take me off my lansoprazole which i'd been on for 12 years ..im on 40 mg of esomeprazole now & gaviscon advance ..since i've started with gluten intolerance this year & Lactose i havent had no reflux what so ever which i know is down to my sensible eating now ..so this throat lumps not reflux i know it isnt .. i'm not sleeping i'm frightened i'll choke on what ever it is in my throat .. it feels like somethings lodged .. at my witts end x
Lump feeling in throat : Hi please help im past... - Thyroid UK
Lump feeling in throat

Sometimes you just have to keep going back to the doctors. If it's worrying you need to go back and ask them to work out what's going on. Just because the doctor couldn't see anything doesn't mean there is not something wrong. It may be that some structure in the throat isn't responding properly or it could be a side effect of medicines you're taking.
If you're having panic attacks, your thyroid hormones might be out of balance. Are you taking thyroid hormone? Have you had blood tests recently?
Welcome to our forum. There's no thyroid history in your Profile so have you been diagnosed with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
I do note your doctor has prescribed "Esomeprazole & take me off my lansoprazole which i'd been on for 12 years ..im on 40 mg of esomeprazole now & gaviscon advance" so that suggests that you may hypothyroid. People who have hypo usually have stomach issues due to the low acid we have in our stomachs and most of us have to add a digestive enzyme which adds acid to our stomach in order to dissolve food.
Because most doctors assume that if we have stomach problems that it is due to 'high acid' they prescribe meds to reduce it, which is the opposite that we need if hypo.
Lump sensation in throat is not uncommon if hypo and sometimes we can damage vocal chords slightly that we have the sensation of lump which isn't pleasant. So it could have been due to you choking. I'd ask your GP to refer you to the Speech Therapy Dept who may be able to help you as they give you exercises for throat/mouth and most of the people I saw there complained of 'lump in throat'.I also had the 'all clear' from ENT. Never mind what your husband says and if the 'boot goes onto his other foot' you can say the same to him i.e. 'but the doctor said so'.
Breathless is a clinical symptom of hypo as well which would make me think you are on an insufficient dose, if you are prescribed anything at all i.e. levothyroxine.
If you are hypo all blood tests should be at the very earliest, fasting (you can drink water) and allow a gap of 24 hours between your last dose of levothyroxine and the test and take afterwards. This gives you a better result and stops doctor adjusting dose unnecessarily.
Hi Shaws
i haven't been diagnosed with anything to do with my throat the eNT gp popped a scope in and said he couldn't see anything ..I'll fast from tonight & go have my bloods took ASAP in the morning see if i can get to the bottom of whats causing this terrible sensation ... today ive felt dizzy / anxious / short of breath ...x
Ask your GP whether the endoscopy would have shown the thyroid gland. If not, ask GP to palpate your throat and neck and if any lumps or swelling are felt to refer you for an ultrasound scan of the thyroid. I had a large thyroid nodule which compressed my trachea and made swallowing and breathing difficult. If the nodule is pressing on a nerve it can cause ear pain. Ask your GP to check thyroid levels too and ferritin/iron. Underactive and overactive thyroid can cause vision changes, breathlessness and panic attacks. Low ferritin/iron can cause breathlessness.
Hello i would just like to say that before my thyroid problem (hyper,hashis ) was diagnosed i had very similar problems and i too visited ENT twice and all clear and too had another endoscopy as i had one previous to that for a hiatul hernia but was told a endoscopy would not see the thyroid but even that was clear, then sent for a barium swallow meal xray and again clear, i was having short sharp pains in the thyroid area and food was getting stuck in my throat and even found food bit like biscuit in my nose and at one stage choking on water and when it came to gargling after brushing my teeth i just couldnt do it as the water would just come spraying out everywhere- sorry tmi!! But i too started to think all sorts and doctors but it down to acid reflux and then throat infection and then 2 viruses.
I started then with other symptons of breathlessness and anxiety and lots of panic attacks, trembling and inner shaking, palps. So at this point i started my own research and went back to docs and got full thyroid panel done- i was hyperthyroid and hashis but i started carbimazole a couple of weeks later and very sliwly symptons did improve but did take around 8 weeks to see a improvement, i still get the odd sharp pain in my neck but this is due to probably the thyroid nodules i have and the hashis. Like others have said you need to get a full thyroid panel done ( forget to say gp even thought i had a blood clot on the lung aswell but all down to the thyroid). Just like to say this site is a godsend and many people here including shaws and clutter and nanaedake have got me through horrible horrible days. Good luck.😊😊
Hi Rmichelle
you sound as if you too have had a really bad time im past myself & so unhappy
i just want to feel well again
im my husbands carer i cant afford to be poorly like this ...i wish i could wake up & its gone ... thank you for this reply its given me hope & strength .. had such a bad year this year with one thing and another ..just got put right and this starts ! <3 thanks x
Hi there i think everyone here wants to wake up a feel great again, i know i did and still do but until my meds are sorted with the right dose ive good to enjoy the so called better days and cope with the bad but there is light at the end of the tunnel we just have to get to the light! Must be hard when you are a carer but is there anyone else who could perhaps help you out.just a thought.😊
Would be nice wouldn't it too wake up happy & its gone lol .. just so relieved i've found people who are going through the same as me ... yes i have a large family helps always there ..suppose you just get used to doing things your own way when you're a carer ..fingers and toe's crossed i get some answers tomorrow ...my trouble is i care for everyone else wonderfully & forget about myself
Maybe i should be number one for once hope you get sorted too
lovely talking x
Forgot to say i too had the burning in my throat area the only way i could describe it was like i had been running a marathon on a very cold day and you get that hot feeling on your chest, not like the hotness you get wirh heartburn. X
Dear BevsieB,
Poor you, this all sounds worrying for you. I’m just wondering if it could be a problem with your oeasophagus and perhaps an endoscope of that area would be helpful.?
If you are having problems swallowing then that should alert doctors to investigate promptly, I guess like most issues on this forum there is a real need to push the GP/ hospital to action.
Wishing you all the best DP.
Sounds like they need to go down your throat to find out properly what is there.
I had what felt like a lump and that felt like I was swallowing myself! First told it was all in my mind. I insisted they take a look. So they put me under and did a proper exploratory. Found a fish bone lodged into the side of my throat causing a scar tissue lump! Surgeon cleaned up the scar. Problem over.
Also now eating only whole plant based diet no meat milk eggs cheese or butter.
Taking B12, Vit D3,
Best choice I ever made. Read “How not to Die” by Michael Greger. Check out
I had the same treated for reflux then I was given a mri on neck with contrast to find I have nodules on my thyroid.