On way to A&E need advise ASAP: I'm on my way to... - Thyroid UK

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On way to A&E need advise ASAP

Paula101 profile image
51 Replies

I'm on my way to A&E.

Huge red burning rash all over face has just appeared. Trying to stay calm.

Reaction to Vit & mins perhaps (been on them for months though) or is thyroid doing this to me.

Been feeling off for a few days with nausea.

Taking my Vits & mins with me.

Anything I should ask the Drs?

Thank you everyone.

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Paula101 profile image
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51 Replies
shaws profile image

First of all I am very sorry you have to go to A&E. Of course this is the best place to go as it seems to me your condition will be very painful.

It could be an allergy to something you've used on your face. Re medications - it could be due to something new you've swallowed and I am sorry I cannot be of further help.

Have you begun a new thyroid hormone? If so it could be due to the fillers/binders. I think the A&E may give you an anti-histamine.

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to shaws

Thank you so much for replying. I'm waiting to see the Dr. I feel so silly as the rash has all but disappeared but I have a photo, which shocked the nurse.

And as you predicted, I have just been give an anti-histamine.

I've not taken any new thyroid hormone.

But I had a bowl of organic cornflakes so it could be the barley. Haven't had cornflakes for an age.

Thank you so much for helping me out on my hour of need 👍🏻😊

Hashi-Monster profile image

Have you been tested for Lupus? The blood test is ANA.

I only mention it as I see you have Hashi and lupus is another autoimmune condition

One lupus symptom is red burning rash on face

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to Hashi-Monster

Thank you so very much for replying. I'll talk to the Dr about the Lupus blood test. My husband is googling Lupus as we speak.

I can't thank you enough for your help.

As I said to Shaws I feel silly now as the rash has gone but I have a ghastly photo which stunned the nurse.

Thank you so much.

Valarian profile image

Hi Paula, you poor thing !

Try to stay calm - I know this won’t be easy, but hypo or hyper, getting over-stressed doesn’t do us any good.

If it is an allergy, taking your supplements along could be useful. Also, don’t forget to tell the docs etc about all the prescribed meds you are taking.

Is there anything else you’ve changed- shower soap, shampoo, makeup....? Were you out gardening yesterday, could it be due to contact with some plant ?

By the way, have you had chickenpox ?

Take care - the rash itself will be making you feel ghastly, but at least you are heading to the right place to get it sorted. Good luck !

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to Valarian

Thank you so much for getting back to me.

I've not long taken an anti-histamine & waiting to see the Dr.

I've got supplements.

Expecting rolling eyes, sighs & all things patronising!

Thank you again & again.

Valarian profile image
Valarian in reply to Paula101

Ignore them if they really are patronising - a burning rash is very uncomfortable, and in the face especially, likely to cause concern.

It isn’t your fault that your GP probably couldn’t give you an appointment until next month !

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to Valarian

I will do & I am keeping calm as you advised 👍🏻It's helping.

Must admit I didn't bother with GP as it was so immediate & scarey watching it creep over my face before my eyes. Thankfully it's gone down & I look more normal 🙂

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to Valarian

I have to say the Dr was very nice! My husband said to me you might be surprised & hey presto & thankfully he remembered not to mention he'd been 'googling'. Drs just love that as we all know 😉

Sewnsew profile image

Good to hear the rash is settling and hope you get to the bottom of it. I do wonder though if A&E is the correct place to go with a rash? Perhaps you had other symptoms as well. Maybe the pharmacist could have given appropriate advice and treatment.

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to Sewnsew

With the benefit of hindsight, I should have gone to the GP & not wasted A&E's time.

I'm not one to panic & always the calm one in an emergency.

It was so unexpected, watching this bright red rash creep over my face, and was finding my throat getting a tighter.

I don't do allergies, always a first time though.

Sewnsew profile image
Sewnsew in reply to Paula101

I thought you must have other symptoms. Throat tightening/swelling is a medical emergency!

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to Sewnsew

Thank you for your reply, everyone has been very kind. Thanks again 👍🏻😊

Valarian profile image
Valarian in reply to Paula101

Hindsight is a wonderful thing Paula. If only we had the benefit of it in advance !

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to Valarian

Your not wrong there!

in reply to Paula101

I'm glad you went to A&E. A sudden face rash is close to your throat and respiratory system. Best not to waste time with other possible explanations when breathing problems are a possiblility. Hopefully they helped you find a cause. I believe sometimes we need a caregiver who can look at lesser obvious possibilities and handle it on the spot. And hope you are feeling better. A quick anecdote. Years ago I had a sudden unexplained facial rash. After treatment I began investigating the cause and tripped over it by accident. Sometimes when I was in class I would prop my head up by resting it on my hand with my fingers curled inward. Turns out had used a new nail polish and after sitting for an hour or so with nails against face, developed a rash. By chance used the brand of polish several weeks later and the same thing happened. Sometimes it takes a bit of 'digging' on our part to find causes. Hope rash is gone and you are having no more pain. Take care. irina

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to

Thanks Irina! I had an amiable chat with the Dr. She got a quick lesson in Hashimoto's & being hypo, I got an anti-histamine & a recommendation to speak to GP.

I am feeling much better thank you, less itchy & throat isn't feeling tight thank goodness. Your story was very interesting.

There are so many toxins out there.

When I think of nail polish, I think formaldehyde! I don't even want to be coated in it when I'm a 'stiff'😉

Cooper27 profile image

Are you taking any B vitamins? I sometimes get something called Niacin flush, which is brought on by too much vitamin B3. It covers my face, arms and chest, it's bright red, bumpy, hot and itchy, then disappears after an hour. Anti-histamine won't help, just need to reduce b vitamins.

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to Cooper27

Thank you so much for replying. Yes, I do take B Vitamins & I've heard of niacin flush. I take 2 out of the 3 recommended dose. I'll reduce back to one. In fact I'm thinking of coming off everything after this mornings experience, plus, I'm due to arrange blood tests for thyroid etc anyway.

A huge huge thank you to you 👍🏻

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27 in reply to Paula101

Definitely sounds like niacin flush - happens really easily! It started with me when I upped from 1 tablet to 2 as well. Really unpleasant!

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to Cooper27

Okey dokey 👍🏻 I've been on 2 for a couple of weeks, it could be a delayed reaction I suppose.

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27 in reply to Paula101

Possibly. Did I see you say you had cornflakes for the first time in a while? They're fortified with B3 as well, so it probably took you over the edge.

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to Cooper27

Yes, I bought organic cornflakes. For the kids really. All my gluten free breakfast options had run out, so had these instead.

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to Paula101

I was thinking niacin too when reading your post Paula101, usually in a multivitamin they use niacinamide, (non flush) not niacin (flushing) because too many people complained of feeling unwell after taking the vitamins. I recently bought some more multi B complex pills from my same supplier and got caught out, in these new vitamins they had added niacin (flush type B3) instead of the usual Niacinamide (non flush B3) Both Hubby and I had reactions in the middle of the day we wern't expecting.

humanbean profile image

Scarlet fever? I've read on news sites that the number of cases has been rocketing in recent months.

Sewnsew profile image
Sewnsew in reply to humanbean

Scarlet fever is a really rough rash, likened to feeling like sandpaper, though I’ve never seen of felt it. Apparently it is on the increase but the thing to remember is that it’s a bacterial infection that needs treating with antibiotics.

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Sewnsew

I didn't know that. Thanks for the info. :)

in reply to humanbean

Thanks, Sewnsew. This kind of info is good for us patients to be aware of so we can ask the doc'Could it be Scarlet Fever?' We may get funny looks but I'll bet it's not something the doctor would think of!

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to Sewnsew

Thank you too 🙂

Ellie-Louise profile image
Ellie-Louise in reply to Sewnsew

I remember when I was small my younger brother got scarlet fever and the doctor coming to the prefab., it was the very early 50’s and my brother was bright red all over.

Gosh that’s taken me back.

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to Ellie-Louise

👋 when something like that happens you never forget do you?🙂

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to humanbean

Thank you so much for getting back to me. Never thought of that, I thought it was something you got as kid, I'll have a read up now you've mentioned it.

Dr thought it was an allergy, & to take anti histamine for next 48 hours & see GP.

The only thing I could think of was that I'd used a new orange scented soap. Only used it for 2days. It's a natural one I buy from my herbarium but even nature can bite back hey 😉

Thank you again.

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to Paula101

Scarlet fever is the only, previously common, childhood disease I haven't had. So it stuck in my memory when I read about it! :D

I hope you find the cause of your rash.

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to humanbean

I remember having mumps & chicken pox. My youngest just can't seem to catch chicken pox even when fellow pupils have had it! Thank you HB 😀

in reply to Paula101

Hopefully she has some kind of immunity and a strong immune system. Maybe it will save her from ever being a Shingles victim down the road. I would hope a doctor somewhere would see this fact as an interesting subject for research!.

in reply to humanbean

Interesting! Did the article say why? Seems like quite a few 'old diseases are becoming 'new' again.

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to

I remember an old acquaintance telling me she found out she is immune to chicken pox. Never heard of that before.

in reply to Paula101

Me neither. Bears research!

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to

There have been lots of articles on the subject in the last year or so. This is just the first one I came to.


I don't know why it's happening now. I don't know a single person in my extended family who has had scarlet fever in recent decades. The last person I know to catch it was in the 1950s (before I was born!)

in reply to humanbean

Thanks. Will check out website and do research. This was one illness I thought was pretty much gone from US. Thanks. irina

in reply to humanbean

Just read telegraph article. Very useful info. Makes me wonder with so much influenza popping up this year could some cases have been scarlet fever?

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to

I've never seen a rash develop with influenza.

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to humanbean

I've seen a little rash as a result of a bad cold my little one had. Dr said it was viral. Glory be, how many times have I heard that word along with normal, in range nothing to worry about & all the rest of them!

in reply to humanbean

Hi. You're right and I thought about that after pushing send. I caught Influenza A in January and I recall in the ER there were so many patients with flu sx that I basically had no physical 'going over' by a doc- just his order for blood tests which came back Inf. A. and I was hustled off to an isolation room asap as they needed the ER bed. Perhaps I should have said 'scarlet fever' in conjunction with influenza. One thing I've noticed in recent years is doctors don't do as much physical examination of a problem. If there are lab tests, CT scans, MRI's and the like, these are ordered and the doc sometimes sticks his head in the door, tells you what's wrong and leaves it at that. More of a monologue than a dialogue. Time is money!. Thanks for listening to my rant. Take care. irina

moomoo17 profile image

These sorts of things kept happening to me, rashes, allergy looking rashes in addition to increase in joint pains, headaches, exhaustion, itching, erethema nodosum, and most importantly sun sensitivity, i.e. Rash from sunlight or bright light. It took some time because they kept just saying oh it's your thyroid, etc but i ended up in a and e, eyesight blurry, pain everywhere, rashes, exhaustion, a and e dr wrote to my gp saying although they couldn't test for it they suspect lupus. So I got referred to a Rheumatologist, who diagnosed a mixed connective tissue disease, it's a mix of sjogrens, lupus and antiphospholipid. I'm not saying that's what you have but is worth looking into autoimmune conditions and ask to see a rheumatologist. Hope it was a one off.

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to moomoo17

Your a right, these other conditions are certainly worth looking into. Missimal also mentioned Lupus & an ANA blood test that's available. And I know if you have autoimmune illness it's very possible to have another. Blood tests here we come 🙂

moomoo17 profile image
moomoo17 in reply to Paula101

It's worth noting about the ana it's often positive but not always, I personally had. A negative test and for years gp only tested that, but the specialist said it's not the only or best test they have, I have the butterfly rash, but no positive ana. Other antibodies however were positive. It's worth seeing a good rheumatologist.

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to moomoo17

The Dr did mention perhaps seeing a rhuematologist. Thank you that info........if only I could find a bubble to live in!

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to Paula101

I forgot to say I hope you have managed to get on top of your autoimmune conditions.

Doesn't it feel like we are tested! All the best to you 🙂

moomoo17 profile image
moomoo17 in reply to Paula101

Im glad it was some use. Sadly no I'm no where near on top, I'm almost drowning in autoimmunity, but I m determined to get a grip with it and get myself and my life back. I'd like a bubble, a warm bubble with a bed so I can sleep and be warm lol. Hope you find out what's going on.

Paula101 profile image
Paula101 in reply to moomoo17

Bless you, it seems very hard for us both at the moment, since I've taken a dip over Easter & can't seem to get out of it. I echo your determination 🙂Bit of sun would help too! Thank you For your help.

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