Hi, I am new on here!! But thank you all for you information I have learned a lot.
I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism 7 months ago and put on carbimazole 20mg and propranolol which helped thendropped to 10 mg. 4 months later I got really ill (all thyroid tests were in normal range) unable to work had brain fog, nausea, exhaustion, pounding heart, lump in my throat, anxiety, panic attacks, dry mouth, constantly weeing in the morning I was told I had acute thyroiditis by my endo who then sent me for a ct scan as she didn’t know why I was so ill!! (I fell out with her and have a new one I didn’t have the ct!) . 3 months on I am getting better I’m still not back to work properly and do not feel back to my old laid back chilled driven self. My new endo has diagnosed me with mild auto immune hyperthyroidism as tsh antibodies are 2.2 (ref range 0-0.4) and serum antibodies at 45 ( ref range -34) my tsh is 2.71 (when I have been well before all this my bloods said tsh 1.16) ft4 now is 18 and ft3 is 5
I am now suffering with nausea and stomach upsets sometimes blurred vision and a little dizziness when in the car (I have never suffered from travel sickness) and generally feeling unwell and not myself. I find I am worse just after taking carbimazole until about 4 hours after. Am I on a too higher dose of carbimazole? Has anyone else been unwell whilst on carbimazole I feel like my symptoms change every week!! I have been taking regular accupuncture and on a gluten free diet which seems to help! I just want my old life back!