OK update following my previous post:
The blood test I was meant to have Tuesday had to be delayed as she couldn't get any blood and is rebooked for tomorrow. I was going to wait until then and see what this result was like, but was kept up last night until about 3am with palpitations. I also woke this morning and my shaking was the worst it's been - felt dizzy and light-headed, so made an emergency appt.
I decided to write everything down including what I thought was going on. And took evidence! Was v nervous about how she would respond but she was amazing! She seemed to know about hashis flares, that you can have hashis without antibodies and agreed with everything I thought could be happening (ie hashis flare or hahitoxicosis). And no need for evidence! She also said that it could be thyroiditis or, much less likely, graves.
She has added some more tests to my bloods tomorrow (retesting my antibodies) and said I will need a referral to an endo if thyroid hormones are still high. She said endo can order a scan to check for hashis if still no antibodies. Apparently my referral will be fast-tracked due to my raised thyroid hormones and symptoms. She has prescribed beta-blockers in the meantime and am already feeling a bit better.
Will update again when I know more.