For a few months I've had issue with swallowing food. It's feels like food is not going down properly. The main culprits are things like fine noodles, salad, apple skin. It feels like they are sticking to the back of my throat. I end up trying to clear it by almost gagging /bring up flegm to get the bits back in my mouth to either spit them out or try again. It seems much worse this week. Can you eat apples, salad and chicken without issues. Spike to GP who said it was likely to be thyroid related. I have an enlarged thyroid, hashimoto's and recently feel like I have a virus (husband had it too), she said viruses can mess thyroid around. I have a endo appt mid April. Has anyone else had similar? Could it be candida or shrogen? Syndrome? Thanks
Food catching in throat. : For a few months I've... - Thyroid UK
Food catching in throat.

I'd ask GP to refer you to an appropriate doctor (ENT) as it is very unsettling for someone who develops that kind of problem. You will worry every time you eat.
What Does My Larynx Do?
It helps you talk, breathe, and swallow. It’s at the back of your throat and at the top of your windpipe, or trachea. It houses your vocal chords, which vibrate to make sounds as you speak.
When doctors need to look into your larynx and other nearby parts of your throat or put a tube into your windpipe to help you breathe, they use a small hand tool called a laryngoscope.
Modern versions of the tool often include a small video camera.
I've had investigation and was told there's no problem. I have to take water with me wherever I go as throat dries quickly. I am also being referred to someone else.
Thank you. Yes I am starting to worry. I can't seem to eat stuff I normally could. Couldn't eat an apple today without getting skin stuck..
Yes, I've had that for years, and it's much more annoying than it sounds! I have Sjogrens and Hashis, but I've never had an enlarged thyroid, (thyroid has no output), and I swear with me it's because of my perpetual sinus infection. Drives me crazy ~ causes me to have throat abscesses, by way of post nasal drip, and bits of rice, apple, small tablets,etc., all getting STUCK! Tablets are the worst, because they burn whilst dissolving in places they shouldn't be 😳 ~ I would get it checked out though. My GP did send me to ENT, years ago, (+tinnitus) but it's just become yet another thing I have to live with.😢 I use Sterimar spray for sinuses, and salt gargles etc., but only keeps infections at bay, doesn't solve the problem. If you find the cause/solution PLEASE let me know! Good luck 🍀 x
Have you tried a Net ipot?
Will do!! Do you /can you get a swollen tongue with thyroid issues? I wonder if it related to that at all!
Yes and that would add to the overall problem ~ does yours feel swollen? Btw, I had endoscopy (and colonoscopy) for separate issue but nothing found. It's always worth checking these things out though to put your mind at rest. So many weird symptoms with thyroid disorders 😕 x
The most scary for me was when I came out of a shop and opened a pack of crisps. Suddenly I was unable to swallow and they stuck part way down my throat, I had no water - wasn't near any shops - your throat automatically keeps trying to swallow but it couldn't and I had to keep relaxed and it was about ten minutes till I got home. I wouldn't have been able to speak to anyone if they asked a question. There was no moisture at all in my mouth/throat. Horrible. That's why I always have water with me since then.
Nasty! I frequently have a tickly coughing fit for no reason. Water a good idea... Must carry some myself.
Hi BBBOA. I have difficulties like those described in this thread tho mine originated in 1984 after radiation to my larynx after surgery for larynx cancer. As I have gotten older my vocal cords are weaker , my larynx doesn't function as it should. Often swallowing is difficult, esp pills. Re always having water with me, I always do but wanted to find a way to carry water without the big bottles, without them leaking (an empty bottle is no value,) and without having to buy disposable bottles. I found that for me what works are well-made "sippy cups"like toddlers use. They are small enough not to be cumbersome to tote around. The ones with the screw on tops don't leak, they are inexpensive enough to have one for every purse. I don't go anywhere without my water source; never know when coughing hits, and I would never try to eat food without water available. So..... I LOVE SIPPY-CUPS! Hope this helps. Take care. irina1975

Great tip. Thank you! Sorry to hear about your issues. Frightening the number of people who do!
Hi Shaw’s! I have the same problem with swallowing but it is due to Sjogrens. I’m sure you know all about that, too. Have to carry water everywhere I go. Gets frustrating but the only solution for my swallowing problems.
Thankfully I don't have Sjogrens or I should say I haven't been tested for that but I have been referred to someone and appointment will probably be some months away but now I've got over the 'effect' I am managing well. Also it doesn't happen every time I swallow but when you are least expecting it. It is scary initially.
I am sorry you have Sjogrens but it is said if we have one autoimmune we have more and I have three diagnosed at present.
I am glad it doesn’t happen all the time like it does with me! You are doing the right thing by taking water with you now. It is very scary!!
I hope you find a solution as it seems chronic for you. Have you seen a specialist about it.
No haven’t seen a specialist, but finally got in to see an endocrinologist last Friday. He found nodules that I couldn’t feel, and did an ultrasound. He thinks that could be part of the problem. Waiting for results. Then we will go from there. Also took me off Armour and put me on Tirosint. I had subclinical HYPERthyroidism. Went in with results from regular GP in hand. He said that my GP was going to kill me eventually on Armour. THS was low. I have gotten my results on antibodies...Negative.
Sorry I should have started a new post but once I started the words just kept flowing. Ha!
Thanks, Shaws!
I’ve been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s too, and I went through a stage of feeling like food was stuck in my throat (think I posted the question on here).
I had to keep clearing my throat or drinking water and it didn’t help, my throat felt swollen as well.
I did notice a connected, when I had anything dairy, milk etc I had this issue, I continually was swallowing but, that didn’t help either.
I cut out all dairy and it stopped, I’ve since had food allergy testing with my nutritionist and this has come back I’m intolerant.
I also experienced muscle pain in my fingers and hands when I had dairy as well. I’m also gluten free which helped my tummy issues.
Best wishes
Thank you for that info Peanut31👍 ~ I still have dairy, one of my few remaining pleasures, lol! I did wonder about it though, so it looks like I'll have to abstain for a while, and see if helps. It would be worth it. It was next on the list anyway. I agree about the gluten, giving that up really helps. Do you have a good substitute for milk/cream, or are you not bothered? I haven't liked anything I've tried so far. I suppose you get used to it in time.x
Hi Mamapea1
I’m not a fan of cream, cheeses etc anyway, but, milk in my cups of tea and cereal yes.
I tried all sorts of milk substitute, almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk. Didn’t like them at all, and some in my tea curdled.
Anyway the one I now use in tea and coffee and cereal is called Oat-ly, it’s lovely.
Lots of supermarkets sell it, either in the fridge section or with the long life milks, it’s in a carton, light blue colour.
Make sure every time you use it, you give it a shake. It will make your tea and coffee darker than normal, but it’s the only thing in my opinion that taste close to a good cup of tea.
If I go out anywhere, I pop some in a small container in my bag, or I tend to have fruit teas or black coffee as most places only have soya milk as a substitute which I can’t have either.
I know there are lactose free milks and they sell cream and cheese etc, but, I can’t have them either.
I know what you mean about giving up all the things you love, I felt the same, but if it makes a difference then it’s worth it.
I’m not a big chocolate eater, but for Mother’s Day my son brought me some gluten, dairy free chocolate called moo free, they sell them in small chocolate bars or bigger ones, they were delicious. He brought them from a garden centre farm shop.
If you like crisps, Pom bears will be ok for you, as gluten free and dairy free.
Seabrook crisps are also gluten free, but some contain milk, think plain ones ok and lamb and mint and salt and vinegar (don’t quote me on that one, check first)
Best wishes and good luck
Thank you for your reply Peanut31 ~ I have also found the oat ly milk the best of a bad lot lol! I am an absolute fiend for cream and cheese, Brie, etc., and although I get organic, I have often wondered if one sad day it would all have to go! There is little else left to blame!😕.
I eat well, veg, etc., but I can't eat much ~ very small meal once a day. If I have porridge or anything for breakfast, I'm not hungry until the next day. I can only have baby sized portions if I eat more than once, then it's a struggle. I think that's how I got on to the milky diet. Perhaps if I give it all up it will improve my appetite, which can only be a good thing. I'm like a 60 year old baby being weaned! 😊.
Two of my daughters are vegan, and one of them lives at home, so the house is always full of alternative dairy stuff. I do like the moo free chocs ~ yum! crisps I'm not bothered about ~ my youngest granddaughter has the odd bag of Pom bear here and I sometimes have a few.
I think my problem started when I was hospitalised in my 'ME' diagnosis days, after collapsing when no food or drink would go in, and nothing would come out.😨. I spent quite a while on a drip, as my metabolism had slowed down so much I couldn't eat without passing out (never been the fainting type before) but sadly, despite all the hospital tests, and apparently "the highest antibody result they'd ever seen" ~ no one joined the dots and found the obvious hypothyroidism. 😢.
Perhaps I'll improve when I start the T3, I've been getting vits/minerals optimal first, as I couldn't bear the disappointment of anything preventing it's effectiveness! Thank you for your input Peanut, I will have to give it a go ~ nothing ventured, nothing gained...... x
It might be no harm to go and see a gastroenterologist as it is the gastrointestinal tract - an endoscope will rule out more serious issues.
Best wishes,
Sounds like my problems BBBOA , and I have a sliding hiatus hernia.
I’ve spent the last 2 years trying to get help with my swallowing. Technically they’ve called it Dysphagia.
When I’ve had ultrasounds they’ve said I had thyroiditis. But as I’ve got my blood levels optimal I can still get it. My rhuemy referred me to the dental specialist who are testing for Sjögrens. It’s taken about 6 months to get an appt. I saw them 2 weeks ago. They ran some tests and booked me in for another ultrasound of my throat mainly to check my thyroid and glands.
My swelling comes and goes. Sometimes for a few hours sometimes days. Usually always when I’m feeling poorly anyway. The dental specialist also referred me to a gastroenterologist not sure why.
I’ve had a barium swallow arranged by my Endo and had the camera down and been to A&A&E several times struggling swallowing with them saying my airway isn’t compromised.
It’s a terrible feeling like being choked with pressure on my neck. But push for help and tests and you will get there. It takes time especially getting referrals and tests but research Dysphagia and I think it will help you understand what’s happening to then ask your consultant if you have one or your GP for help 😊
I've just lost along reply.. Darn! Thanks MissFG. Do you have a swollen tongue?
No I think that is a symptom of Sjögrens! Sounds like that’s what it could be. You don’t need a positive antibody either for Sjögrens. The specialist told me it’s a combination of symptoms and tests to get a positive diagnosis
For people going dairy free try A2 milk. I am dairy intolerant, but my allergy specialist says this is fine. You can get it in most supermarkets and it tastes just like milk, I can’t tell the difference!
I have had thyroid issues most of my life, I had radio iodine when I was 4 which is unusually young and I have been under active most of my life, I do have other health issues including having esophageal cancer at the age of 32 and that was why I suggested the endoscope as I has issues with food sticking, I am sure that it will be nothing for the original poster but it is an easy test to eliminate something far worse, sorry for not clarifying sooner.
I have been having trouble with my swallowing and it occurred about the same time I was diagnosed with hypothyroid. The worst foods for me are chicken and things that need a lot of chewing.
Ive had my thyroid removed for the very reasons the original poster describes (enlarged thyroid with potential to block airways). As others have suggested an Endocrinologist will know what to do, and unfortunately may need a tissue sample (this is not pleasant).
21 MAR 2018
(Edit: ENT = Endocrinologist)
I think I really need to push the GP then. I really don't want my thyroid removed though as I can't tolerate levothyroxine. Presumably they can do partial thyroidectomy if required?
In my case, my thyroid was overdosed on radiation, and completely fell apart at surgery, so a total removal was required.
If you do have something wrong (large nodules for instance), chances are that only those parts will be removed. But I don't think the process will start until a sample is taken.
Of course you will still have the option to refuse a thyroidectomy even after sampling and confirmation of nodules, so balancing the risks will be up to you.
I do regret having it taken and starting this terrible synthetic thyroid journey, but my case is extreme. You might be OK (but don't quote me on that!)
It sounds to me like Sjogrens syndrome. I first choked on my Christmas Dinner 2017. Went for routine blood tests for hyperthyroidism and casually mentioned it to the GP. This was confirmed in a blood test. GP said I did not make enough saliva - found this hard to believe as I have plenty of saliva when sleeping - she said this was a sign of Sjogrens. 18 months later when seeing the rheumatologist he asked if Sjogrens had been explained to me - i.e. dry mouth, choking on foods, dry eyes/wet eyes etc. I said no ! Told to always carry a bottle of water with me, use eye drops 4 times a day. I have systemic lupus, overactive thyroid and coeliac, all auto immune diseases. There's no particular food that makes me choke - and it doesn't happen all the time when eating. You can get artifical saliva lozenges or mouth spray. neither of which I've found helpful as they only last a few minutes. GP suggested sugar free gum but obviously not when you are eating.
Update. Have been referred to have Endoscopy. Is that ENT? Or Gastrology?
Hope to get a better picture of causes soon. Thanks for the responses everyone. Really helpful and informative.
I really do wish you all the best - am really glad that you are getting that done. It is gastroenterology
Best wishes to you,
I have sjogrens and one of the most noticeable symptoms is a lack of saliva. My mouth is extremely dry it can feel as if you have burnt your tongue, the mouth becomes very acidic due to a lack of saliva. I have extremely dry eyes which feel gritty and look blood shot. I also have recurring subconjunctival hemorrhages. The next time you visit the opticians ask them to test the fluid in your eyes the test is really quick and simple, the results can indicate possible sjogrens. Hope you find an answer soon good luck 😜
I had that with my hyper/graves.