I got diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism half a year ago. TSH slightly elevated and low normal FT4 and FT3. Been taking 75mcg T4 and increased that to 100mcg few weeks ago because of still 3+ TSH. Will get latest blood results soon but it won't show any new things. FT3 has always been low for me also after starting to take T4, so maybe a conversion problem. Ferritin was at 50 (30-500 range). Ft4 now at 12 (9-17 range) and FT3 at 2.0 ,sometimes 2.1-2.3, highest was 2.4 (2.0-4.2 range). Still feeling cold extremely fast which is annoying. Thinking about ordering some T3 online if my doc won't prescribe it to me.
How much should I start with ? Any good source for T3 online ?