Hi, I'm new to this site, but just needed some advice etc regarding taking levothyroxine. Been on thyroxine since 1994 and used to get prescriptions for branded Eltroxin which helped my under active thyroid and made me better. Since having to take levothyroxine over the last 10 years or so, I have had a dreadful itchy cough. I'm told my chest is clear but I continue to cough, this cough only goes away when I stop taking levo for a day and returns as soon as I start taking it again!
New to site: Hi, I'm new to this site, but just... - Thyroid UK
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What make Levothyroxine are you currently taking?
Eltroxin and Mercury Pharma are the same product. The only difference is that they are packaged differently. amcolimited.com/media/21282...
If you felt better on Eltroxin ask your pharmacist to dispense Mercury Pharma when you take your next prescription form in.
And Actavis and Almus are the same too ( Linthyro said both had been prescribed).
Hi, the pharmacy have given me Actavis, Almus and Mercury Pharma as I take 3 different doses, but I just want one brand and didn't realize that levo was just generic and not branded. I will try to get a branded thyroxine.
There is no branded Levothyroxine available in the UK, only generics.
Not sure why your pharmacy has to dispense 3 different brands.
Mercury Pharma makes 25mcg, 50mcg and 100mcg.
Actavis is also known as Almus and NorthStarr and is available in 50mcg and 100mcg.
Wockhardt has less excipients and fillers than the other brands but is only available in 25mcg.
Teva is lactose-free and comes in 12.5mcg, 25mcg, 50mcg, 75mcg & 100mcg.
Why are there no branded levo in the UK? They are branded elsewhere, is it to do with the EU??? I will ask for Wockhardt and see if that takes the cough away, many thanks for your help and advice.
I've no idea why there's no longer branded Levothyroxine in the UK.
Maybe because its cheaper??
Not necessarily. Branded medicines are price capped but generics aren't and it's left to competition to keep the price of generics low. That only works when there is competition. A monopoly supplier 'debranded' Liothyronine 4-5 years ago and redesignated it as a generic and started increasing the price. Over 5 years the price has increased by 6,000%. CMA have provisionally found the company abused it's dominant position and ripped off the NHS. Waiting to see whether the provisional finding is upheld and whether they company is fined.
Oh, I don't know, I think these chemical companies have a dreadful monopoly over health and who gets what medicines really. There are a lot of people with under active thyroids BECAUSE of these chemical companies and their effect on the environment!!! A and E Dept's are full to the brim with sick people taking chemicals only to find they need more chemical medicine to make them better!!!.........
I’ve just replied on your other post.