Looking for some advice or at least find out if it’s just me. I’ve been hypo for just over 6 years, the last few months I’ve had awful symptoms of anxiousness, mood swings, can’t sleep but waking up ever so tired and so many more. It has affected my relationship to the stage we have almost broken up, my family don’t like being around me and I’m snapping at everyone at work. After calling the doctors and explaining my symptoms of depression but not actually depressed and all the above I get “okay, so what do you want me to do about it” - finally got another appointment and all my bloods done, I am now hyper. I know this explains the above, at least my doctor thinks as much but how long will it take for me to feel “normal” again. I’ve been told 3 months. Have others felt like this and if so how did they over come it and not let it affect their relationship and life. The way I feel, I would never wish on my worst enemy. The constant mood swing and crying all the time is physically and emotionally draining me. Thanks in advance.
P.s - if anyone thinks I am depressed, I know it’s not depression as I have struggled in the past and this is completely different. It’s like I can’t control these moods swings, which can be over 5/6 times a day.