Done by NHS
DHEA 2.3 (2.7 - 7.5)
Is this bad? Does it mean Addison's? I had private adrenal tests done twice, 1 showing low cortisol, another showing high cortisol so seemingly recovered. I don't know where my body is right now. Thank you
Done by NHS
DHEA 2.3 (2.7 - 7.5)
Is this bad? Does it mean Addison's? I had private adrenal tests done twice, 1 showing low cortisol, another showing high cortisol so seemingly recovered. I don't know where my body is right now. Thank you
"Done by NHS
DHEA 2.3 (2.7 - 7.5)
Is this bad? Does it mean Addison's? "
What does your doctor say? It's below range, you need some sort of explanation from your doctor. Make an appointment to discuss it.
Thank you, it was done by the endo. I queried him about it since it was flagged up with a red exclamation mark. He said not to worry about it
Faye, I had not read your reply to Susie before I replied myself to her post!... Well that is always the case... No matter how often blood results are indicated as being "above or below range" by the lab, it's always the same sad stoty with GPs and consultants alike. They are totally useless and being overpaid for being so! It saves the government lots of money by encouraging the doctors to ignore patients' problems...
I never saw it that way about them being overpaid but now I see! I really think I should get my baseline cortisol checked again as it was not done correctly...I feel very fobbed off by this consultant.
Please do, it's YOUR life not theirs put at risk. They would not hesitate to have all sorts of investigations if it was them or their families. Indeed they are overpaid and incompetent because they have a cushy job for life with an excellent pension when working for the NHS!!! Sad state of affairs, am afraid.
I would not be surprised if GP said there is absolutely nothing to worry about... it's ok! The usual nonsense!!!
I know! And I thought if he offered to test me for it he must know what he's talking about if it comes back wrong I was
I despair of the incompetence of the medical profession in this country... we're supposed to be living in one of the richest and most developed country in the world! Not so.... when it comes to healthcare.
I do hope you will challenge the endo and GP... It's only when the patients will have the courage to challenge them that the system might change... Patients must show these ignorant and arrogant people that we are not accepting their on-going misdiagnoses and their lack of care.
Well, I have asked to be referred for a second opinion before my life ends up down the toilet. I can't continue like this. Thanks
And yes, I consider the endo I see as very arrogant, the way he sits there with his Dictaphone looking very pleased with himself.
Indeed they think they are extraordinary being!!! Ahah! what a very sad joke... Don't be intimidated. Make some notes and take the notes out during consultation, a biro in the other end to show him you mean business! I always do... it scares them... mice!
Thanks, I plan to do this at the next endo appointment, whenever that will be. I asked for a second opinion by my GP about...2 weeks ago? Not sure what will happen. I found myself very on edge with that endo and there was something about him I didn't like. I can't put my finger on it.
Well, trust YOUR guts feelings... you are probably right about endo. As for appointment just keep on phoning surgery to see if appointment has been made yet and don't forget to ask for a copy of GP's referral letter to be left at reception for you to collect so that you know what has been said about you in the first place. You can't trust any of them.
Email Thyroid UK for list of recommended thyroid specialists
I did that but in my case it was not really helpful and the consultation was rather expensive... so much for that then. He was the only consultant recommended in my area.
Perhaps I should see someone else in a different area... so if you have had the chance to see a "good thyroid-friendly endo"... please PM me with his/her name.
Endos in general are a nightmare.
You really need a saliva cortisol and dhea test. That way you have four cortisol results over the day / night which may vary considerably- mine certainly do.
One is insufficient. Dhea will not be given out on the nhs. The preferred Med is pregnenelone and you can buy that from America ( far cheaper).
To be fair your result is only a little low so if it was me I’d proceed cautiously maybe 5mgs.( dhea are tablets pregnenelone capsules so less easy to take but you could open one and split it up. )
If you read wwwsarah Myhill. Com you can see under adrenal gland the gear box good advice.
I agree that diet thyroid function and vitamins play a v important role too.
Genova do private tests - it’s only my opinion but I’d save on an endo visit and to your own.
Good luck